your results
Sent in by: Aaron of Bozeman, MT
Be part of a live, international science experiment right here. We want to know if an equal number of boys and girls can roll their tongues.
Can you do it?
Choose the button that matches you and click it to add yourself to the tally:
We can see that 42% of boys surveyed can roll their tongues and 85% of girls can roll their tongues.
Of the total, 74% can tongue roll and 26% cannot.
Is there a pattern you can identify? Can you explain the pattern? Now, go count how many of your friends and relatives can roll their tongues. Click once for each person. Tell us whether they're boys or girls (men or women too) and if they can tongue roll. The page will come back with YOUR totals included.

Samantha, age 15 of Sacramento, CA wrote:
I found I can roll my tongue with no problem. My entire family can.
Lizette, age 9 of South Gate, CA wrote:
It was very easy. The first time, I did it completely.
Keiona, age 12 of East Orange, NJ wrote:
the first time I rolled mi tongue was when I was 3. to me rolling my tongue is easy. lots of people think that is hard. I tried and tried and it got fun.
Alexander, age 6 of New York, NY wrote:
it worked. I can do it.
Eden, age 13 of Fort Worth, TX wrote:
it was really easy!!!
Kiara, age 13 of NY wrote:
My little brother and me can both roll our tongues into this weird shape. We laugh when our dad tries to do it.
Lily, age 7 of Mt. Juliet, TN wrote:
i could do it right away.
Shania, age 9 of San Jose, CA wrote:
it was hard.
Bubba, age 11 of IL wrote:
i found out that me and my cousins could do it!!!
Amani, age 7 of Shaker Heights, OH wrote:
I looked silly but I did it and so did my Nana.
Renee of New York, NY wrote:
I did it.
Katherine, age 8 of Lowell, MA wrote:
I rolled my tounge like at least a trillion times since I was like 3 years old or something.
Caitlin, age 10 of Terrell wrote:
it rolled up like a burrito.
Hannah, age 10 of Phoenix, AZ wrote:
it felt wierd!
Kieran, Ruth Ann, and B'Elanna of MN wrote:
22 boys could roll their tongues. 6 boys could not roll their tongues. 17 girls could roll their tongues. 7 girls could not roll their tongues.
Dalton, age 11 of Cleveland, OK wrote:
When I rolled my tongue it wasn't hard, although it did feel weird.
Emily, age 7 of Indian Trail, NC wrote:
It was really easy. I do it all the time.
Jade, age 9 of Lansing, FL wrote:
I was very proud of myself. when I was little I could never and now since im older I can do it.
Allaina, age 12 of Saint Louis, MO wrote:
I can roll my tongue easily.
Marlen, age 9 of Chicago, IL wrote:
it was very very easy and it feels easy because I have done it 5,000 times.
Anthony, age 6 of Chicago, IL wrote:
My tongue really rolled. I practice it almost every day. It is so cool!!!
Jamira, age 11 of FL wrote:
it was very easy.
Amy, age 8 of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
to me it feels normal.
Martin of Los Angeles, CA wrote:
I can roll it up in the middle but I can't pull it back like some people can that I've seen.
Kevin, age 8 of Sharon, MA wrote:
It did not work for me but it can work for some kids I know.
Kierstan, age 13 of Lawrence, KS wrote:
it rolled up perfectly fine.
Theresa of MD wrote:
I can do it, as well as my dad. However, my mom can't.
Trinity, age 9 of Kansas City, MO wrote:
It was a pice of cake.
J, age 11 of Louisville, KY wrote:
The ability to roll your tongue is supposed to run in families. This means that either your entire family can, or the entire family can't. I'm not sure if this is completely true, because my mother can, and I can't.