Father's Day Survey
In honor of Father's Day, our latest survey asked ZOOMers about the father figure in their lives. Here's what 5,838 of you told us about Dear Old Dad:
Brady v. Simpson
Of the ZOOMers who compared their dad to a "famous" dad, Homer Simpson was tops with the boys (d'oh!) and Mike Brady was tops with the girls. 30% of the ZOOMers who took our survey decided not to compare dad to Homer, Mike, or anyone else for that matter!
Gifts Made by Daughter and Son Are #1
51% of ZOOMer respondents said that if they were a dad, they'd most like to receive a homemade gift from their kid on Father's Day. A night of peace and quiet got 19% of the ZOOMer vote, and 15% thought a night on the town would be the best way to celebrate the holiday.
Q.T. with Pop
Exactly half (50%) of all kids surveyed said they get to spend just the right amount of quality time with dad. 40% wish they could spend more time with him. 10% felt they had a little too much Q.T. with their father figure.
Blue Hair...You care?
61% of ZOOMer respondents said that if they asked to color their hair blue, dad would say, "Have you gone crazy?!" 19% said the buck would be passed to mom with the familiar phrase "Ask your mother."
Dad, Daddy, Father, Joe
More than 3/4 of all ZOOMers surveyed ( 79%) said they call their father figure "Dad" or "Daddy." 1% said they use "Father," and 3% use dad's first name.
Hey...where's the stuff about Moms? To find out what ZOOMers think about the mother figure in their lives, check out the results of our Mother's Day Survey.