You can run a ZOOMsci Training Workshop and teach other adults how to lead science activities with kids. This section contains an overview, resources (including a slide show, talking points, and printable handouts), a list of materials to collect, and preparation tips.

Overview: Through two hands-on activities, discussion, and handouts, participants will learn how to lead science activities and where to find activity resources.
Note: This two-hour workshop is designed to be led by experienced trainers. We invite you to make modifications to fit your style and audience. You might also want to work with a partner the first time you lead this training, so that it's easier to prepare, facilitate activities, and evaluate your workshop.
Resources Provided:
Materials to Collect:
- Drops on a Penny activity materials
(per participant)
- copy of Drops on a Penny activity sheet
- cup of water
- eyedropper
- penny
- 3-4 sheets of paper towel
- additional coin (nickel, dime, or quarter)
- Keep-a-Cube activity materials
(per group of 2 to 4)
- copy of the Keep-a-Cube activity sheet
- 2 ice cubes
- medium-size cardboard box (shoe boxes work well)
- wax paper
- masking tape
- tinfoil
- 4 rubber bands
- 1 paper plate
- (optional) VHS videotape of ZOOM episode, VCR, and monitor (see step 6 below)
Review the ZOOMsci Training tutorial to familiarize yourself with ZOOM's approach to leading science activities. Then watch an episode of ZOOM to see the ZOOM cast trying out activities. To find out when ZOOM is on, check your local TV listings at /pbskids2008/zoom/activities/today/ or contact your local PBS station.
Review the Slide Show and Talking Points. Feel free to modify these materials to fit your audience. Note: If you are unable to project the slides on a screen, make copies of the Printable Slide Show (Word doc) for participants.
Plan the logistics of your workshop, including date and location. If your group is part of a larger organization, you may want to contact that organization to ask for meeting space, materials, and publicity for your training.
Plan how to publicize the workshop. To invite participants, customize the ZOOMsci Training Invitation or create your own.
Make a handout packet with copies of the following for each participant: ZOOM 101, Why Lead Science Activities?, Drops on a Penny activity sheet, Doing What Scientists Do, Keep-a-Cube activity sheet, Activity Planner, Tips for Leading Activities, and Workshop Evaluation.
Collect materials for the Drops on a Penny and Keep-a-Cube activities. Try each activity before the training to become familiar with the steps and to determine if you should make modifications.
Rehearse the entire workshop to fine-tune your presentation and ensure that it fits within the allotted time. Approximate times are noted for each slide section in the Talking Points document.
(Optional) Tape an episode of ZOOM to show participants a science activity segment. Cue the tape to the science activity. Note: When taping ZOOM for educational purposes, you may use the tape for one year after broadcast.
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