Activity Sheets /pbskids2008/zoom/printables/activities/ Printable activity directions on a wide range of science topics including fluids, forces and energy, optical illusions, sound, structures, and engineering.
ClubZOOM /pbskids2008/zoom/grownups/clubzoom/ ClubZOOM is a 6 to 8 week after-school program that offers a fun, hands-on way to engage 8 to 10 year olds in science investigation using common household materials.
ClubZOOM Engineering Guide with step-by-step directions for setting up an engineering club and leading 5 engineering activities.
Girl Scouts Interactive games, career descriptions and other resources illustrate how math, science, and technology play an important part in our lives.
Newton's Apple Teacher's guides that include science activity ideas, resources, vocabulary words, and connections to the real world.
Thinking Fountain Theme Clusters Activities arranged by theme, such as the Rainforest and Bubble Geometry. Check out the current theme cluster or search the archives for previous ones.