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Frequently asked questions about: The Cast

May I have a picture of someone from the cast?

There are pictures of the cast all over the Web site, but we don't have photographs of the ZOOMers to send out via mail. Take a peek at the snapshots and coloring pages on the Cast Homepages, and the candid photos in the Snaps area of Behind the Scenes.

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May I have an autographed picture of the ZOOMers?

There are pictures of the cast all over the Web site and you can notarize the ZOOMers' John Hancocks on their home pages, but we don't have photographs of the ZOOMers to send out. While you're visiting those cast home pages, also check out their snapshots, then head on over to the behind-the-scenes photos in the Snaps area of Behind the Scenes.

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Can someone from the cast write to me?

There are only seven ZOOMers and millions of kids who'd like a letter from a ZOOMer. That's 428,571 letters to write for each ZOOMer, or 1,174 letters to write everyday (including weekends). We couldn't figure out how to fit writing over 1,000 letters, plus homework, plus ZOOMing Into Action, plus eating, sleeping and going to school (let alone hanging out with friends and family) into one day. Rather than replying to only a few letters while leaving out the rest, we make it a policy to not reply to any.

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What are the ZOOMers' last names, how old are they and where do they live?

The ZOOMers range in age from 9 - 13 and are all from the Boston area. Even though they're on national television, the ZOOMers still just want to lead regular, private lives like most other kids. So, we don't give out the ZOOMers' last names or any other personal information.

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May I have a ZOOMer's e-mail address?

Even though they're on national television, the ZOOMers still just want to lead regular, private lives like most other kids. There are about three million of you who want to write to the ZOOMers. Can you imagine reading three million letters? If they read all your letters, they wouldn't have time to do anything but. So, we don't give out their snail mail or e-mail addresses.

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Will you ever have a show with all of the ZOOMers?

On a few occasions, ZOOMers from different seasons have joined up for special programs. Since ZOOMers just want to lead regular, private lives like most kids, we don't ask them to do this unless it's for a very special occasion, like pigs flying or Hannah of Sammamish, WA cleaning her room.

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