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The Wide Mouth Frog: A Chin Play

By Emily of NY

Young Wide-mouth Frog
Mother Wide-mouth Frog
Mr. Bear
Mrs. Giraffe
Mr. Elephant
Mr. Alligator
table for the chin play stage; pond background; lily pads; logs; woods background; trees. Costumes: Draw eyes, nose and mouth on chin with face paints; make construction paper costumes to hang off noses.

SETTING: Two Wide-mouth Frogs, mother and son, sit together on a log.

This is the story of the Wide-mouth Frog. Scene One. One day the little Wide-mouth Frog said to his mother:

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Mama, what do Wide-mouth Frogs eat?

Mother Wide-mouth Frog:
Why don't you go ask some of our neighbors?

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Okay! Ribbit!

SETTING: Young Wide-Mouth Frog and Mr. Bear in the woods.

Scene Two. So he went to Mr. Bear and said:

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Mr. Bear, what do your cubs eat?

Mr. Bear:
My cubs eat berries and leaves and such.

Young wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Okay! Ribbit!

SETTING: Young Wide-mouth Frog and Mrs. Giraffe in the woods.

Scene Three. He then went to Mrs. Giraffe and said:

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Mrs. Giraffe, what do your babies eat?

Mrs. Giraffe:
Oh, grass and leaves and such.

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Okay! Ribbit!

SETTING: Young Wide-mouth Frog and Mr. Elephant in the woods.

Scene Four. So then he went to Mr. Elephant and said:

Young Wide-mouthed Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Mr. Elephant, what do your babies eat?

Mr. Elephant:
Well, grass... and they love a good peanut.

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Okay! Ribbit!

SETTING: Young Wide-mouth Frog and Mr. Alligator on a pond.

Scene Five. He then went to Mr. Alligator and said:

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with an exaggerated and extremely loud "wide-mouth.")

Excuse me, Mr. Alligator, what do your babies eat?

Mr. Alligator:
Why, our babies eat Wide-mouth Frogs!

Young Wide-mouth Frog:
(Lines delivered with a tiny squeak and puckered up lips.)

Oh... Okay.

(Mr. Alligator smiles maniacally into the camera.)


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