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What's your biggest achievement so far?
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Maddie, age 9 of Bellevue, WA
My biggest achievement so far was when I made my first goal ever on a real soccer team, in a real soccer game!

Jasmine, age 10 of Norman's Cove, NF
My biggest achievement so far is when the school was holding a poem contest: whoever wanted to in our school could write a poem. I wrote one and and a few other people did too. The school and other schools across canada sent the poems into the young writers place where they would be judged. One morning I woke up and I got a letter saying my poem is in the finals and would be published in a book called "Treasure Chest." I'm So excited!

Toi, age 10 of Marietta, GA
My big achievement so far was to be patient and wait for a Karoke Machine.

Ashley, age 14 of Portland, OR
I think my biggest achievement so far is my relationship with my dad. My mom left us 4 years ago when I was 10 and it was not easy being a teenage girl growing up w/ a dad and not a mom. It gave me a whole new persective on my life.

Katie, age 12 of York, PA
My biggest achievement would have to be making it thriugh seven years in karate. I am a second degree black belt and I'm only twelve years old! So I think that is a good achevement.

Sedric, age 12 of Tupelo, MS
My biggest achievement is reading over 300 books and I want to go even further than that with 500.

Kelsie, age 13 of Pinesdale, MT
My biggest, or should I say my families biggest achievement is... We worked on a new house for our family. We have never had a house of our own. (only little trailers) Finnaly we are moving in! It's very exciting to know that soon you will have a house forever.

Melissa, age 9 of Telford, PA
My biggest achievement so far is my 1st place ribbon that I got at gymnastic's for tring something new. And I got 1st place because I am new and I tried a very big thing.

Kaleigh, age 9 of Salt Lake, UT
I never thoughtI would ever make a hoop in basketball, and all my other freinds had. Sometimes they would make fun of me. At the last basketball game I made a hoop! My coach said great job!

Amy, age 13 of Denver, CO
i do riverdance and my teacher said im a natraul. and I travle from state to state and preform. and I think thats my greatest achievement.

Naomi, age 8 of Manson, WV
My biggest achievment was during our school play. It was a musiscal version of the Wizard of Oz and I was filling in as the wicked witch when she got sick.

Mariah, age 11 of Indianapolis
Subo fubar, ubit's subavubing muby mubonuby ubup tubo fubortuby dubollubars!!

Tabitha of West Vancouver, BC
My biggest acheivement is winning the National Karate tournament.

Danreb, age 13 of San Jose, CA
My friend started to smoke because he was pressured I really cared for him and I helped him I told him all the consequences about smoking. Days later he was in a counsol and because of my help I help him quit a bad habit.

Dria, age 12 of West Yarmouth, MA
My biggest achievement is that last year in 5th grade I won a contest for the 4th and 5th graders of my old school. The conttest was about saving energy (or watts) We had to write a mini essay about what better ways the family could save energy.(We had a picture showing what ways they were using too much energy) A few weeks later I was sick at home and my friend came over to bring me some work (along with somthing else..) He had told me that I had won Grand Prize in the Energy Star contest!! I couldn't believe it!!

Madeleine, age 11 of Lilburn, GA
I think it was probably the time when, I was in Hawaii as summer vacation and I was really scared to go swimming in the ocean. But when I got in the water I was really good, and I learned to swim real well. That was the first time is swam, and I learned how to in just 10 minutes!

Calli, age 9 of Rogers, AR
My biggest acheviment is when I made the BOYS allstar baseball team [I'm a girl] and played second and shortstop and then got picked for the NATIONAL team.

Elizabeth, age 9 of Highland, MI
My biggest acheivments so far are being an altar server at my church, collecting baby items for pregnant women who can't afford them, and saving my allowance money for college.

Ryan, age 8 of Cincinnati, OH
My biggest acheivment was learning how to play the piano.

Tori, age 11 of Camano Island, WA
My biggest achievment is me getting through my parents divorce. It was really hard because my moms side would talk nice about my dad, but my dads side talked bad about my mom except for my dad. He new it was the right thing because they both were not happy. It was also hard because at school I was being teased so that made me even more stressed. But about a year ago my mom and I started a mother, dauter day and my dad and I stated a father dauter day. That really helped me through the divorce.

Tyrell, age 12 of Columbia, MD
My biggest achievement was passing a really important math test that I needed to pass in order to pass the seventh grade.

Charlotte, age 11 of Ridgeway, SC
My biggest achievement would probably be my horse-riding. Riding dressage isn't easy, and to prove yourself responsible enough to get your own horse isn't easy. I have to work hard, but I like challenges.

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