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What's something that almost no one knows about you?
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Nabil, age 9 of Skokie, IL
I am really into ultimate cars like a ferrari enzo.

Heidi, age 15 of Mesa, AZ
I can whistle three ways.

Wendy, age 12 of Charlottletown
That I am an Aunt to Three.

Jack, age 6 of Germantown, TN
Something that almost nobody knows about me is I sleep with a blanket. (I sleep with three of them!) I call them "Bs." One is greenish-blue, one is blue, and one is yellow.

Chelsy, age 13 of Memphis, TN
Well one thing that no one knows about me is why I always smile. I always smile because some people are mad and my smile makes it better. I like to smile because it makes many people happy. That is one thing that people don't know about me.

Melinda, age 10 of Pittsburgh, PA
Something that nobody knows about me is that I love the Civil War. I love going to the war sites and learning everything about them. I have almost a whole library with just civil war books.

Megha, age 10 of Piscataway
Well, something that even my closest friends don't know... is... that... I am into sports and comics! My friends think that these things I enjoy doing are 'boy stuff.' I want you to discuss things that almost NOBODY know about you!

Julissa, age 11 of Brownsville, TX
Nobady Knows that I really don't like pop music. Actually I like Oldies Music. If I told everyone they would think I'm Nuts. Litterally.

Allison, age 12 of Noblesville, IN
Something hardly anyone knows about me is that I am really loud at home when I'm outside, and I talk a lot, too. At school, I'm really quiet, and everyone is always asking me why I am so quiet! Only my friends know how loud I can really be!

Meredith, age 12 of Manchester, CT
I love NASCAR. Most of my friends don't like it, so I don't mention it around them.

Jenal, age 11 of Clive, IA
Something that almost no one knows about me is the food I eat. I'm indian like from India. We eat hot spicy food. Our culture is very different from the Amarican culture. We have dances we know of and our language is different. Awjoe. That means bye in indian.

Gretchen, age 11 of Pittsburgh, PA
The one thing that almost noone knows is that I broke my nose by falling off my cousins shoulders.

Sherrell, age 12 of Newfoundland
Something that almost nobody knows about me is that I'm supposed to be in grade 7 instead of grade 6!! My birthday is in janurary and to start kindergarten u need to be 5 then or in that year!! I didn't turn 5 until the next year the first month!!!

Dana, age 9 of Racine, WI
Something none of my friends know about me is eggs make me sick, I think I'm allergic.

Alexa, age 8 of Allen, TX
I have type 1 Diabetes. Hardly enyone knows that.

Brianna, age 9 of Mt. Olive, NC
The one thing nobody knows about me is that I understand animals clearly.

Erin, age 12 of Calldwell, ID
Im really good at football and Im a girl.

Kirsten, age 11 of Duluth, MN
Nobody knows that I like it when my foot falls asleep.

Lee, age 8 of Ancaster, ON
The only thing my friends don't know is at music lessons I have a perfect pitch. It's an extremely rare talent. Not much people have it but I'm one of the lucky ones.

Thao, age 9 of Dartmouth, NS
No one knows that I am afraid of clowns. Only my sister knows of it. The first time I ever saw a clown was when I was only 5 years old. I've been having nightmares about clowns almost all my life now. Im scared of anything that has to do with clowns.

Brenna of Auckland, New Zealand
Something almosst no-one knows would be that I moved to New Zealand all the way from Arizona. We moved here November 10th and we love it!

Meredith, age 8 of Lexington, KY
Something almost no one Knows about me is why I'm so tall. It's because my dad is 6 foot 5. I am probably a little taller than a very, very short 4th grader and I'm only in 2nd grade!!!

Saul of Tennessee, MD
Something that no one nows about my is that I share my room with my sister.

Felicia, age 14 of Baxter, TN
There's only one thing that no one knows about me and its that I love to write stories. I love It mostly because I can express my fellings in them and things that I've always dreamed of doing but can't.

Jayci, age 11 of Delta, CO
The one thing that almost no one knows about me is that Im not an only child. Just because I don't live with my sissters or my brother dosent mean that Im an only child or that my siblings are out of the house. They just don't live with me.

Heather of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Not many people know that I am from Canada.

Graczzan, age 9 of San Antonio, TX
Everybody at my school thinks I am super active but I really like to read, write storys, watch Zoom, and write poetry. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Ronit, age 11 of Norfolk, VA
Something that no one knows about me is how to pronounce my name the right way. It just gets really annoying. Does anyone mispronounce your name?

Kennedy, age 8 of Miami, FL
That I can't hear but I have something that helps me hear, a cochlear implant.

Krista, age 9 of Lewiston, ME
No one knows that I have been studying the titanic cence I was 3 years old.

Victoria, age 10 of New York, NY
Barely anyone (besides my parents) knows that I went on tour with the 3 broadway musicals when I was 5. I went because by Uncle was the producer of all three shows, and I got a small part in one of them. I was gone for 9 months. I went back and forth between the shows. I got to visit about 25 different states. It was so exciting!!!

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