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Have you ever told a lie? Why? What was it?
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Kierra, age 11 of Lebanon, TN
Yes I've told a lie and more then one time I have lied to my sister's if I wanted them to leave me alone but that's about it!!!

Mariah, age 10 of Alton, NY
I have only told a lie to my sister so she wouldnt where my clothes. I told her that my mom said that she would get in trouble if she took anymore of my clothes AND IT WORKED!!!

Alicia, age 13 of New Orleans, LA
Yes, because I thought it was cool, and I thought I would get away and when they found out I was in big trouble. So take my advice and try not to lie.

Elizmar, age 8 of Hialeah, FL
One day I told a lie, but it was a good lie. My lie was to tell my little brother that my mother was not gon so he does not cry.

Jorian, age 12 of Eau Clair, MI
Yes there was one year that I would tell my mom I did my hame work when I diden't. I lied because I was to lazy and did not feel like doing my homework. And because I did not understan how important it was to do my homework.

Jade, age 10 of Nashville, TN
Have you ever told a lie? I did, I couldn't help it. I told a lie about not cleaning my room. I let my sister and my brother cleaned my room. So my mom thought I cleaned it. Uh-oh.

Khadine, age 13 of New York, NY
I have told plenty of lies for the past 5 years. Sometimes I do it to spare peoples feelings. Sometimes I do it for fun.

Eesle, age 10 of Flushing, NY
In my whole entire life I have only lied once!!! My friends and I went on the talent show at our school and I asked my dad if they could come to my house and practice and he said no!! So with nobody seeing, I let my friends come in my room and practice in my room!!!

Mia, age 14 of Honolulu, HI
When my my cousin and I were jumping on my dad's bed after he finished fixing it. And he came in and asked "What are you doing?" I told him I was going to wash his sheets for him, just to find out he already did it.

Danielle, age 11 of Glendside, PA
I told a lie but it wasn't a big one. I said I didn't wear my sister's shoes, but I did. She got mad at me. I think it's bad to tell lies because it's not truthful, and you will get you into trouble. Have you ever told a lie?

Ornina, age 12 of Hamilton
Yes I have told a lie. What I said is I told my mom that I went to my friends but I went to the movies.

Janet, age 13 of New York, NY
Yes everone does, but lying could be a good things sometimes. You could say the food is really good when its not or you could say you look fine when you think they really dont.

Noah, age 8 of Portland, OR
Somtimes I tell funny ones. Like I live in a tree.

Shoniece, age 11 of Greenville, NC
I have once I sneek into the kitchen and got a cookie then I heard footsteps so I ran and knock the lamp over and broke it. So then the next day mom ask did I break the lamp and I said no. And blam it on my sister, later I told mom the truth.

Brianna, age 9 of Hartford, KS
Yes, I told it because I didn't want to make my friends feel bad. It was that I liked the food they were feeding me at my friends house. I really didn't like it at all. When I got home I was so hungry, I ate alot. Have you ever told a lie?

Luis, age 8 of Larado, TX
Once I said to my friend that my mom work at pizza hut but I lied.

Danielle, age 9 of Toledo, OH
One Day I was late for school. I told the teacher I had got in a fight but I asually fell into a puddle.

Jorge, age 13 of New York, NY
Yes, I've told some lies. Ialways feel bad afterwards. I always endup telling the truth anyway. I think lies are only ways of getting you into more trouble. What about you?

Elyssa, age 12 of Centerville, IN
I know I have told a few in my liftime. This one time I spilled my dad's sun tea he was making. He asked me if I did it, and of coarse I said no. He found out anyway, so it is better to tell the truth the first time.

Sondra, age 10 of Tucson, AZ
Yes I have my teacher wanted 10 chapters of our math done. I only did 7 and I went up to my teacher and said I did all of them. I gave her my papers and she didn't even notice.

Jessica, age 10 of Arlington
Yes, once I ate my dad's samwitch and when he got back I told him that my brother did itand he got in huge trouble. Thank you making me confess that i've been holding that for 2 years.

Macie, age 9 of Morganton, NC
Yes I have told lies so many times! But it's really bad! You feel bad after you lie. After you lie you just have to lie again what's the use?

Eloisa, age 10 of Salem, OR
Once I told a lie to my friend I thought that it was very cool but then she found out that I had lied to her and she got sad and mad. But then I thougt to myself that that was not a great idea to lie and to friends or to anybody else. I also learned a very important lesson not to lie.

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