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What's your favorite smell and why?
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Katelyn, age 12 of Burlington, ON
My favorite smell is the smell of pizza cooking in the oven because of the fresh cheese melting in the air.

Geordan, age 12 of Brandon, MS
Coffe beans ungrounded because I'm so use to it from my dad drinking it so much and also just bcause I like it.

Taylor, age 13 of Miamisburg, OR
I love the smell of cinamon rolls. You can almost taste them when you smell them! The smell of the sweet cinamon and icing. Boy am I hungry now!! That is why I absolutly love the smell of cinamon rolls!

Hailey, age 7 of Anahim, CA
Honey. Because it smells sugerie.

Crystal, age 10 of Silverdale
My favorite smell is nachos.

Brittany, age 11 of Newark, DE
My favorite smell is the baking of Chocolate chip Cookies because of the chocolate chips melting.

Mckenzie, age 10 of Hamlin, NY
My favorite smell is blueberry muffins right out of the oven. I like this smell because it is fresh and fruitie. It wakes me up.

Fatimah, age 15 of Philadelphia, PA
My favorite smell is when you walk into a store and smell all the clothes. It's something about the smell that makes me smile.

Bryna, age 10 of Littleton, CO
My Favorite smell is play doh because I think it smells like vanilla! Whats yours?

Dannie, age 10 of Charlotte, NC
My favorite smell is lysol because it smells fresh just like flowers and it makes other things smell really good!!!

Jessica, age 11 of Mount Vernon, NY
I don't know about you, my favorite smell is when I'm in South Carolina and my uncle or aunt makes breakfast. It's awesome because I go down when it's cold or snowing in my home town. So down there it's maybe sunny and damp. So to wake up, the sun shining in my room and have the sent of eggs, ham, bacon, bagel, muffins, turkey, tea, hot coco and more makes my mouth water. What about you?

Olivia, age 11 of Benson, MN
My favorite smell is my mom's perfume. Because it is a good smell and I always think about how great she is when I smell her.

Kyli, age 13 of Mangham, LA
My favorite smell is coffee before you make it. Not a lot of people around my age drink coffee but I think it smells better than it tastes.

Elyse, age 12 of Phoenix, AZ
Mine is after it rains. It smells so good. It's so good I have candles and air fresheners in my room, so when I walk in, it smells like rain too.

Jennifer, age 10 of Davenport, IA
My favorite smell is when my dog comes home from getting groomed and bathed. He smells all clean and pretty and makes me feel happy.

Clover, age 8 of Urugle, NV
Well I would have to say the smell of my bed, because of the way it smells!

Lynsey, age 11 of Dalton, GA
My favorite smell is the smell of my basement... I know, it's so wierd, but I just LOVE the smell of the saw-dust... What's YOUR favorite smell?

Sara, age 8 of Needham, MA
My favorite smell is the crisp autumn air. Each fall I love to go outside 100 percent. 90 percent of that is because of the air. The other 10 percent is because of the leaves.

Kiana, age 5 of Douglassville, PA
Cookies are my favorite smell and not only do you get to smell them you can eat them too.

Jeannine, age 8 of Watertown, MA
My faverite smell is prfume but not when its strong.

Judy, age 16 of Brownsville, TX
I like the smell of the rain because it's smells so natural. It relaxes me, especially after it rains. I imagine myself in a rainforest.

Alexis, age 9 of Chapleau, ON
My favorite smell is the smell of the landry detergent! I like it because it smells fresh!

Tiera, age 10 of Blackstone, VA
My favorite smell is piz za and cake. The reason is that they are my favorite foods. When my family cooks them I just love the smell.

Kacie, age 10 of York, NM
My favorit smell is when I wake up at my Grandmahs house in the Mourning the sweet sweet smell Of her home made pankacks.

Kaytlin, age 10 of Hammonton, NJ
My faivorit smell would have to be the smell of a fresh hot breakfest when I first get up in the morning.

Hollie, age 16 of Worcester, MA
My favorite smell is leaves in the fall because it means it's almost winter!

Malynne, age 10 of Mesa, AZ
My favorite smells are the inside of a pumpkin, and a chocolate wrapper after you eat the candy, because they make me feel good and they're yummy, yummy, yummy!!!

Karen, age 13 of Tallulah, LA
My favorite smell is the smell of Thanksgiving and the reason is because it smells like good food and reminds me of family!

Kelseyl, age 8 of Rio, IL
My favorite smell is the smell of new books.

Jenna, age 12 of Charlotte, NC
My favorite smell is the smell of the bread isle in the grocrey store! I don't know why but I absolutely LOVE it!

Olivia, age 10 of Jeannette, PA
My favorite smell is the smell of cooking. Why did I choose this? Well, let me ask 1 question: don't we ALL love food? I mean; I sure do! Well anyway, back to the point,(ha ha ha), I like the smell of cooking because it's my favorite thing to do!

Jessica, age 12 of Eagle, ID
My favoret smell would have to be cheese burgers. Why I would pick this is because when I smell my favoret smell I know it is lunch time.

Cassie, age 8 of Stockbridge, MI
My favorite smell is the smell of strawberries because it reminds me of being by myself in a strawberry field just picking strawberries all day and eating them.

Tyler, age 12 of Wiedman, MI
What is your favorite smell? Mine is the smell of pizza when its just tooken out of the oven.

Emilia, age 12 of Seattle, WA
I love the smell of rain. When I awake in the morning it's always nice to step outside and let the refreshing aroma of dew drops brighten my day!

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