6:30 AM ET |
Oobi: Valentine |
Oobi and Uma make a valentine for Grampu! They receive a "mystery valentine" from the letter carrier and try to figure out who the mystery valentine is. They follow a trail of hearts to discover their mystery valentine! |

10:00 AM ET |
Jack's Big Music Show: Bug Love |
Mary has a little surprise for us today. She has three cute, colorful, music-making bugs. Oh no! Jack is really scared of the bugs! We have to help Jack see that bugs aren't scary. They're our friends. When Jack, Mary, and Mel make music with the little critters, Jack realizes that bugs rock! Jack learns to give new things a chance. What a day! |

12:00 PM ET |
Franklin: Franklin and the Broken Globe/Franklin’s Valentine |
Franklin and Bear break the classroom globe, but their friend Goose conveniently accepts the blame. The resulting unhappiness that Goose feels begins to trouble Franklin and Bear. It becomes clear that the only way to restore their friend's self-confidence is to admit what really happened to the globe./ During the classroom Valentine's party, Franklin makes the distressing discovery that his handmade cards were lost enroute to school. Franklin is moved by how understanding his classmates are and decides he'll celebrate their friendships in a special way. |

2:00 PM ET |
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Mr. Valentine |
It’s Valentine’s Day – but where are all the cards? It turns out the Mailman is sick. Wubbzy, Widget, and Walden, offer to help. Widget tries to build a perfect mail-delivery machine, and Walden tries to devise the perfect scientific delivery route. In the meantime, Wubbzy just takes up his mailbag and valiantly heads out to deliver the Valentine cards. He winds up delivering cards to everybody except – himself! Wubbzy is crushed, until suddenly all his friends show up with cards, candy, flowers – all for the little guy who saved Valentine’s Day! |

3:00 PM ET |
Miss Spider: Happy Heartwood Day/Groundhouse Rules |
Dragon and Squirt are bickering over Dragon's favorite toy -- when suddenly there's an enormous T-H-U-M-P from outside. The startled bugs venture out to see the wind has taken down a tree! There are cheers all around. "Happy Heartwood Day!" Miss Spider explains to the kids that when a tree falls the bugs spend the day celebrating all living things. It's a day to show how much you care -- followed by a bug boogying, gift-sharing shindig. However, with seven brothers and sisters, Dragon's tired of sharing. He'd rather keep his Heartwood Day cookies and decorations for himself. That is, until he arrives at the party empty-handed. Unable to take part in the celebrations, Dragon realizes what it means to share and gives Squirt the one thing he's brought -- his favorite toy./ When the Cozy Hole gets a little too crowded with rambunctious bugs, Miss Spider and Holley decide their kids need the Sunny Patch equivalent of a treehouse -- a groundhouse! They help the kids dig a burrow at the base of the Hollow Tree. At first it becomes the gathering spot for all the neighborhood kids. But cranky neighbor, Spiderus, gets tired of the racket and convinces Dragon that a club isn't special unless you keep out everybuggy but the best bugs. Dragon takes this bad advice to heart and winds up making so many rules he excludes everybody from the groundhouse but himself. Miss Spider explains that you don't make a club special by who you keep out, but by who you let in. Dragon invites all the kids back. And soon it's kid party-central again, much to Spiderus' chagrin. |

5:00 PM ET |
Little Bear: Valentine's Day |
Little Bear tries to find the secret admirer who sent him an anonymous valentine. After Little Bear has asked all his friends who sent him his valentine, Mother Bear admits she's Little Bear's admirer and Little Bear admits that he's hers too. With Father Bear tow, Little Bear sketches items of nature that remind him of Mother Bear, like beautiful flowers, the warm sunshine (and chocolate cake!). Little Bear and his friends Duck, Cat, Mitzi and No Feet play I Spy in the garden that evening. They discover that in the dark, mushrooms look like small umbrellas and stones look a lot like monstrous spider legs. |

6:30 PM ET |
Max & Ruby: Max’s Valentine/Ruby Flies a Kite/Super Max |
MAX'S VALENTINE: Valentine's Day is a busy time for Ruby and Louise who make special Valentine cards for all their Bunny Scout friends. Max wants to make a Valentine but he's too little to use scissors and glue. Ruby gives Max the important job of taking her Valentines to the mail box and Max ends up making a special Valentine delivery of his own. RUBY FLIES A KITE: Max wants to help Ruby make and fly her kite, and Ruby knows kites are too difficult for little brothers. She tries to keep Max occupied with his own flying toys. But Max comes to the rescue when Ruby's kite gets caught in a tree. SUPER MAX: Ruby is preparing to go for a picnic with Louise and her dolly Sally Swims a Lot, but Max is listening to his favorite radio show, Super Bunny. When Sally suddenly goes missing, it's up to Super Max to come to the rescue. |

7:00 PM ET |
Dora the Explorer: Te Amo |
El Mago, a mean magician, casts a spell on King Popo and Queen Maria, turning them into mountains so they can never be together. Can our heroes break the spell? They'll have to fix a shattered Bridge, and find their way through a maze of Rocks. Then they'll have to climb the mountains and call to each other, "Te Amo!" |

7:30 PM ET |
Go, Diego, Go!: Sammy's Valentine |
It's Valentine's Day and all of the Rainforest animals are trading valentines. But poor Sammy the Sloth is soooo slow. Diego and Sammy race against the setting sun, as they swim 'fast' and 'slow' to get past the caimans. Singing the "más arriba" song, Sammy climbs all the way to the top of the Trumpet Tree and delivers a beautiful bouquet of leaves to his friend Lulu the Sloth! Happy Valentine's Day! |

8:00 PM ET |
The Backyardigans: Special Delivery |
QUEST: TASHA, PABLO, and UNIQUA are tough leather-wearing hog riding bikers who are good to the bone. When a mailman (TYRONE) loses his mailbag, it's a zany chase through the desert as our good-deed bikers try to return the bag, even while the mailman outruns them, thinking they're just trying to make him fail to deliver the mail. MUSIC GENRE: NORTENO |

8:30 PM ET |
Wonder Pets!: Save the Wonder Pets! |
After saving a Baby Blowfish who is stuck inside a sea plant, the Wonder Pets are accidentally swallowed by a Whale! The Blowfish, a Seahorse and a Squid work together to help the Wonder Pets escape from the Whale by tickling the Whale to get him to open his mouth. Once freed, the Wonder Pets are greeted by a chorus of concerned creatures from across the sea, who tell the Wonder Pets that their good deeds are appreciated far and wide. |

9:00 PM ET |
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!: Mr. Valentine |

9:30 PM ET |
Blue's Clues: Love Day |
Today we're celebrating Love Day! A mystery card floats into Joe's hands, and we play Blue's Clues to figure out who it's from. Along the way, we help Paprika realize that her dad can love both her and her brother Cinnamon, and help Shovel realize that Pail still loves him, even though she's mad at him for knocking down their sandcastle. Later, we skidoo into the Book of Love where we meet a Prince and Princess who need help telling their love story. We help Joe remember the story so Blue can write it down, and make predictions about what will happen next. At the end of the day, we figure out Blue's Clues. It's Cinderella who sent Joe the Love Day card! Ding dong -- guess who's here for a Love Day visit? Cinderella! Then, in Blue's Room, a real live Cinderella -- in the form of Mary Stuart Masterson -- comes to visit and talk with us. Blue is so excited we get to ask her all our questions and learn even more about one of our favorite storybook characters. |