These DFTV science resources are guaranteed to put the sizzle in your summer science fun!
Feel the heat! Watch these DragonflyTV Investigations:
- Phoebe and Shannon head to Yellowstone National Park to learn about thermal basins—places where there are lots of geysers or hot springs. That made them curious: Why doesn’t every thermal basin have a geyser?
- On the island of Hawaii, Julia and Briana visit Volcanoes National Park to investigate lava flows. Their question: How do plants return to an area wiped out by a lava flow?
- Some like it hot: Californians Gillian and Rebecca investigate which habitats lizard habitats. Their DFTV query: Why are there so many lizards in certain areas, and not in others?
- Alex and Andrew visit Explora in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where they build their own hot air balloons. Their question: How big does a hot air balloon need to be to lift things off the ground?
- Masha and Patsy devise a similar investigation at a Hot Air Balloon festival in Aspen, Colorado. Their question: How does hot air lift things?
- Meanwhile, Alexandra and Anna use science to help out their favorite canine buddy, Rupert. They live in Arizona, where it gets really hot in the summer. So here's their DFTV challenge: How can we build a doghouse to keep Rupert cool?
- And, in yet another hot engineering story, Californians Isaac and Anjali know that people use the sun to provide energy to businesses and homes. Isaac even has a toy solar car. Their question: How does the sun's position in the sky affect a solar car's performance?
Wanna know more about solar cars? Take a minute to meet Travis Lee, a Real Scientist Solar Vehicle Engineer.
Or test your own navigation skills, flying high in virtual a hot air balloon. Play to win The Great Balloon Race Game.
Too hot to handle? You be the judge! Check out the Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher, Colored Water Convection, and Conduction Countdown super Do Its. Be sure to let us know your results.
Few science experiments can hold a candle to this clever Science Surprise, which dares to ask: To burst or not to burst?
Got other cool ideas for some summer fun? Tell us about them on the summer science fun Message Boards.