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Summer Science Fun

August, MO | Summer Science Fun
In the summer I went to the pool with my best friend. When I put my beach ball in the water it floats. But when my friend droped his gogles they sank. Why is that?

jack, NY | Summer Science Fun
how to make Geyser with a botal of soda

breeanna, WI | Summer Science Fun
hi i want to know about taste buds can you show me some pictures please?

deanna, PA | Summer Science Fun
are dogs cool

Jeremy, FL | Summer Science Fun
Dear Friends I want to get a Knex Model Building Set.

monica, IN | Summer Science Fun
I went to a lake and collected some water then I waited 3 weeks then it was gone! What happened?

8hnatlie, MO | Summer Science Fun
In 07 I went to White Water.

cutiepi, OK | Summer Science Fun
I went 2 Branson and played in a HUGE water park!

Lauren, ON | Summer Science Fun
On Summer break I went to the beach, and got some sand, a week later i went to California, I decided that I would get some sand from their beaches, when I got home I studied both of the sands, and I came to figure out that sand in Ontario is cleaner than sand in California, but I wondered about that because our sand is darker than California's sand Is it true ??? Lauren,

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Summer Science Fun

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