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grab bag


kelsie, IA | Comments
i can not fined dots macshine

skylar, TN | Comments
I created a new course on nanobots ,and I just LOVE checking my game to see how many people have played it and what they have rated it. If you want to check it out,it is crafty dangerous slide 3. if you can figure out how , please rate it and tell me how you did it ! Thanks!

kimberly, DC | Comments
hey this projects are really cool i want to do this projects so bad.

bryanna, | Comments
my name is Bryanna. I like this place so much

fugeltunpo, | Comments
president didn slow ppm emissions new effects

jocelyn :), TX | Comments
wat a kool show com here every day

Summer, IA | Comments
I would really love if 'Dinosaur Train' came on at a more prime time. My boys are absolutely in love with it and they are in preschool during those hours. Thanks!

muchita, FL | Comments

Ethan, MS | Comments
I want to build robots and space probes.But I don't have the right materials to do that.Do you know the right materials?

VanadiumSteel, TX | Comments
Hey, Dina, I like Nova. It is so awesome because it covers great subjects, and it's very detailed. It also has music that reflects the emotion well. That's all I have to say. I don't mean to offend you, by the way, so don't worry about it.

Dina, IL | Comments
I love Super Why? It is just a great show! And I am 8. Do you? And other shows on there. And I love so much shows on PBS kids. You should look at all there shows. But I do not see the grab bag game so I can not play it. Love DISNEY! Do you? See you yall later. LOL

mobeen400, CA | Comments
i never can do the try this

Teralyn, CA | Comments
To griffin, Texas: There are 500 types of ladybugs in the USa. there are also 5000 worldwide. pretty cool huh? What kind of a garden are you making?

Caleb, FL | Comments
Nanobots is fun. You can make a bot, you can make a course, and it's just fun!

Keith, ON | Comments
I used to LOVE your show when I was 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But now I'm 8, and have more things to do.

griffin, TX | Comments
My family is going to have a garden and we need ladybugs. How many tipes of ladybugs live in the U.S.A.?

enigiah, DC | Comments
what other kind of havegames do you

kayla, BC | Comments
Can you do a episode on oceans?

Evan, PA | Comments
I don't get the games

seoelite, AL | Comments
Thank you. I read herelots of valuable sentences. Greetings from Poland.

Courtney, TN | Comments
I love the games on Dragon fly. Can you put new games.

trudog, AL | Comments
a cool game is ballloncher

Janine, IL | Comments
Hey, PBS kids, just wanted to say I am reviewing your website for a school project, and I really enjoyed it! You get 4 stars from me!

alan, GA | Comments
how did www.dragonfly.com get started

anonymous#2, MN | Comments
TO MICHELLE FROM MINNESOTA- there are many monthly magazines for kids, like Spider, Cicada, Highlights, and another zoo one about animals. i think that is what you meant. -fellow minnesoooootan

Nicki, IN | Comments
You guys give good lessons.

Tyler, MO | Comments
My family wanted to go on a vacation and shoot off fireworks what are some of the chemicals in fireworks?

logan, WA | Comments
my fave game is noobatube i dot, really visit it very much but i still love and like that game bye

bob, AS | Comments
you guys are the best when it come to science

Vanessa, MN | Comments
I love science, especially psychology, biology, and experimental biology. I recently ran an experiment called, Attention, to try to find a relationship between cognitive performance as measured through a Stroop Color-Word test and physical activity. I found a positive relationship between the two. After the physical activity, which was an exercise obstacle course, 68% of the third graders improved their test scores and 76% of the 6th graders improved their test scores. I also discovered two more potential ideas; after physical activity subjects will have faster cognitive performance and eating brekafast improves cognitive performance. I qualified for the MN State Science Fair and I am currently applying for an international competion. I got the idea for my project form PBS Kid's Dragon Fly TV Show!

jANE, CA | Comments

forest, IN | Comments
HI, my name is forest and I love your shows and sience

karmen, CT | Comments
yeah science is cool i luv experimenting

Megan, MI | Comments
I love science but I'm not very good at it.

Jessie, AB | Comments
I saw your show once but then it did not come again on my tv! i am mountin time and i live in edmonton i watched DFTV once and i really liked it so can you help me solve my problem

unica, CA | Comments
Do anyone know how to get on dragonfly tv?

Laura, VA | Comments
you have the best show in the world!p.s science

ashlee, NH | Comments
hi i love the lava lamp thing i make them all the tikme it is a lot of fun

Teneille, GA | Comments
I love DFTV I watch every show never missed one even the same ones LOL YOU ROCK

kyle, TN | Comments
I have been with dragonfly tv for six years.And I still love it

Michelle, MN | Comments
Does anyone know if there is a monthly magazine that can be mailed to child?

shyonia, NC | Comments
my name is shyonia what is yours

julie, CA | Comments
you should make user accounts

Lauren, ON | Comments
Thanks for all that you do DFTV you rock !!! you inspire alot of kids to go out and do somting instead of being a couch potato, I enjoy doing your expirements and ideas, please make more !!! Thanks alot for all that you do! Lauren,

Michael, MI | Comments

Ani, MA | Comments
What is a simple machine?

Kelly, WI | Comments
i think ur show is kewl.[thats how i write cool for a wierd reason] u guys have great things on ur show. ur show is on i can't miss it! see ya!!!:-)

Kelly, WI | Comments
I really think your show is fun, but I think you should includ things for kids my age.

Valerie, AB | Comments
I'm love this great website. Many thanks guy

Ben, IL | Comments
foer some reason i never catch your show on :( i want to watch it but i do not know when it is on lol

Helene, AB | Comments
You guys do a wonderful job! Keep up the good work!!!b

Ana, AB | Comments
Very good web site, great work and thank you for your service.

Chris, AB | Comments
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!0

dean, PA | Comments
i like pbskids.com.

JLG, CA | Comments
Ilike your web site espeshily the games.. do you think thare should be more.

Kirsten, TX | Comments
I Luv ur web site + the games i used to love to watch ur show but know i never wake up in time to see it .Sorry i cant watch it.Thanx and Good Nite

zach, OH | Comments
I did the lava lamp expirement and it was really cool!! :)

zahira, PA | Comments
I hope all you kids out there get a good education just like im going to!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!

Sydney, MN | Comments
DFTV: i love your show, even though i do not get it at my house. i used to, but i wish that i still did. i really lkike that episode about the skijumpers and differant flight styles, becasue i love to skijump. that is all. i would watch you everkyday if it came in here.

Melissa, WI | Comments
I happened to catch a clip of the show today and saw a tidbit of the motorized bird feeder that prevented squirrels from using it. Did they say how to build it or where you can get it at?

Derek, NY | Comments
I'd love to invite you to visit the NY Hall of Science -- they have a great Science Playground and alot of activities!

Jamie, TX | Comments
I like ur web! It rocks! See ya l8er

Amiee, NY | Comments
Hey, My whole family are science freaks exept me! I need any 1s help Should i A) pretend i like science B) tell my family i dont like science or C) dont pretend and dont like but fail on my science fair and anything eles to do with science?? Thanks so much if you help me out th

diego, FL | Comments
how many days does it take to go to mars

jordan, AL | Comments
can ahorse crush your foot by stepping on it???

SJP, OH | Comments
I love this show and so does my mom!Thank you!

Adele, MB | Comments
Hey dFly after wacthing your gps show i decided to study trees this summer so far its is going well that is what i think your next show should be abotu bnot trees but rly cool polants!!!

anabelle, TX | Comments
hey guys! i think you are awesome, your website is also very helpful to me. i'll see ya next time i watch ya!

polarbearluvr, CA | Comments
What happened to the other beliefs board?

autumn, OH | Comments
i watch Dragon Fly TV when i am notdoing experiments.

Jessie, AB | Comments
i olny like 2 of your games weebits and dog breeding you should have more games like the 2 i have told you before. Thanks hope you listen Jessie:)

ellen, NY | Comments
I think you should have a daily qoute and have a contest for the best descriptions of it. The kids can describe it!Kinda like the neopets Caption Contest!

Mella, AB | Comments
I like your site because it's very interesting!

Annbelle, | Comments
I like how you guys do the science project's.

Gemma, AB | Comments
Your website has been very helpfull to me

tatiyona, NJ | Comments
i just wanted to say hi

julia, HI | Comments
did you see the new episode about lava flows in hawaii?

grace, NC | Comments
Dear Dragon fly TV [or something] Ilove science and I have tons of questions sowrite me back Dragon fly's lol'

Shandice, AL | Comments
What is your favorite science page

pATRICK, MI | Comments
i like your show and can you scip your sho tomorow.

stephana, PA | Comments
why does ice cubes sometines stay at the bottom of your cup?

Jesse, CA | Comments
I need to make a car that moves by itself without the use of gravity, electricity, or a person pushing or pulling it. I've tried everything I could think of. Please help!

BEN/DAN, MN | Comments

wolfgirl, AZ | Comments
hey drangon fly guys or somthing this place is awsome! thax 4 inventing it!LOL!!!

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