Great Games
Ruby, OH | Great Games
I LOVE Weebits
niemah, AK | Great Games
you guys i lovvvvvvvvvvvvvve doooogggg bbrreeddiinngg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
claire, VA | Great Games
i like the game nanobots, but it keeps getting broken on the animated part. if you have help WRITE BACK NOW!!!!!!!
Alex, GA | Great Games
So Many Parts Is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bill, ME | Great Games
i like the nan0boats
alfredo, BC | Great Games
i like the dog breedig
olivia, HI | Great Games
hey you guys. I hate most of the games but i lllooovvveee the dog breeding. The game is explicit yet interesting, loving and care free, caring and touching, cool an brainy, like me. i love it extra lot. I couldn't live with out it!!!
Mia, OR | Great Games
i liked dog breeding, but it's kinda hard.P.S.,julia,i'm in second grade too!!!!!!
Anna, CA | Great Games
I love the dog breeding and machines and I love the weebits.
batman, BC | Great Games
my class calld me a firefrigter but i was not i was a hero
Eddie, AL | Great Games
I LOVE weebis and nanobots !!!!!!!!!!
Timmy, NJ | Great Games
I like weebits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew, CA | Great Games
I'm good at planary r-
escuy squad.
dancer forever, CA | Great Games
I love weebits! they're my favorite game and that's all there is to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ezra, TN | Great Games
i love dog hard yet fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
priit, AZ | Great Games
i want more gams
jess, BC | Great Games
I'm good at the fish game on here.
hieshy, AL | Great Games
I'm New Just thought i should say hello! I really like being here hope to see more within the up coming days!
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Betty, PA | Great Games
I Hate Dog Breeding!
VanadiumSteel, TX | Great Games
My favorite game is Weebits (even though I'm not very good at it).
caleb, AR | Great Games
i'm good and i'm bad at weebis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Benjamin, OH | Great Games
I don't know about you but i like this as much as yoville!!!
boy teder, ID | Great Games
i love mechanal madness
morgyn send me your score please.
simon, MS | Great Games
nanobots is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AJ, PA | Great Games
i realy liked weebits
Lucas, | Great Games
right weebits are fun
:} i love that game
Morgyn , OH | Great Games
I like mechanical madness
ian, IL | Great Games
i am the winner of gold pin ball4.
Dragonflytvlover, NC | Great Games
I LOVE THE GAMES, AND THE SHOWS ARE AMAZING. I LEARNED A LOT OF THING FROM THE SHOWS AND KNOW THING THAT MY TEACHERS AND MY CLASSMATES DID'T EVEN KNOW. THANKS DRAGONFLYTV FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julia, OR | Great Games
HI. I was thinking that great games was real games. My name is Julia I am going into 2 grade. What grade are you going into? It will be fun. It is my first time writing. bye I am sorry if I am not doing the right thing.
Sally, MD | Great Games
Dog Breeding is fun but it's really hard. I can only come till level 5. I think Dragonfly games teach you something. I never watch dragonfly TV by the way.
dog295, OH | Great Games
i like sailing tv cup mechanical madness and nanobots
clay, MN | Great Games
i like mechanical madnes
Barbara, OH | Great Games
I think the racing games and weebits are f-u-n.
Josiah, IL | Great Games
I love nanobots. It's especially fun to build a course and then see how high a rating the course gets from other players.
Carissa, AZ | Great Games
I never watch Dragonfly TV, but the games are pretty awesome, except for the Sailing TV cup. YO!
dog158, KY | Great Games
i like webits and mechanical madness
alex, RI | Great Games
I like games.
alex, | Great Games
I play bassball
michelle, LA | Great Games
I love your dog breeds game
funfun, ID | Great Games
good games, i like the dog breeding game
sarah90210, TX | Great Games
hi,molly.sarah,tx i think this is cool everyone
makayla S.H., GA | Great Games
i like weebit world
Candybinky, WA | Great Games
I really loove your show I couldn't survive without your show and my mom is a science teacher so I am such a big fan!!!!
Aaron, UT | Great Games
I llllllllllllloovvveeeee the weebits there so cute and fun i can play weebits
Amy, MD | Great Games
Planetary Rescue Squad is really challenging and fun. Love it, guys!!:-)
Makayla, GA | Great Games
I like the Weebits game. How do you come up with the names of the plants in the game?
Devyn, WV | Great Games
I have one word that can describe ALL of your games AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
joseph, MA | Great Games
You got to do Nanobots. It rocks! :)
jesse, NV | Great Games
i love your show.i like the neyon things
Acia, AZ | Great Games
Hey wats up
Hatie, NC | Great Games
i really like ur games, they r fun yet they teach us
santeris, | Great Games
fun games n make more
hugergo, MI | Great Games
I like Nanobots and Mechanichal madness
Torrie, LA | Great Games
Hi I want a story and a game dose one do best???
Christina, LA | Great Games
The greatest and definitely one of the most chalenging games on this site is the Dog Breading Game.
Heather, PA | Great Games
Hello my name is Heather n im in the 3rd grade.
sassy, KY | Great Games
Amy, MA | Great Games
I love the dog breeding game! It features my favorite animal, after all. But there just aren't enough levels, and its so easy. But I DO also like the Weebits game. It's really fun and challenging. Thene again, aren't ALL these games?
chanell, MI | Great Games
hi this is chanell and i love this show and you should watch it .It teaches you all kind of thinds today i learned about nanobouts thanks!!!!!!
heather, GA | Great Games
I love to read I am so smart I am in first grade.
Moore, MA | Great Games
I love your show Sincerely, Moore
Erin, AL | Great Games
I love Weebits!! Such an awesome game; I've got 44 weebits as my record. Has anybody beat that?
jada, LA | Great Games
what is your name
LEO, CA | Great Games
It seems nobody posts about games any more!!
crystal, OR | Great Games
why don't you let me play????????
Aqumaire, FL | Great Games
are you going to go to the movies? I am going to Disneyworld over the summer! I miss you! Hopefully I get to see you soon! Love Aquamairen!
Benjamin, TN | Great Games
I love all of your games! Especially all the space games!
jake, NH | Great Games
Me and even my parents LOVE your games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marielle, | Great Games
i really want to know who invented games
Zachary, GA | Great Games
I am glad that I was wathing your tv show because it is so awesome!
Hellow, HI | Great Games
I'm from Hawaii. Does any no how to get to eco creature
ethan, CT | Great Games
i love machnical madness the most so i play it again and again.
ryan, CT | Great Games
i love mechanical madness the most.
BAM, TX | Great Games
hey, this is me,boyd,and i like all of the games, but only 1 game is my favorate, which is planetary rescue sqad!
Dog, CO | Great Games
i think NANOBOTS is fun.right?anyONE!
Kara, SC | Great Games
What up people i love Sc
Clare, OH | Great Games
I love The games on the DRAGONFLY TV website,because they're fun and educational. When I play these games I learn more about how the world around me works!
lilian, NC | Great Games
i love your games
Kyleigh, IN | Great Games
My Favorite game by far Is the Dog breeding game.If you Have A what`s Your favorite game poll, I Will vote!!!!!
Robin, AL | Great Games
Hi! my Name is Robin what is your Name!
molly, WI | Great Games
i also like ur games they are really fun and spellbinding.
sydney, CA | Great Games
how do people make people.
Destiney, OH | Great Games
I like your games because they are challenging. Some of them I can not figure out. They are really fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ally, HI | Great Games
i liked the games i got to play tham along time ago but i cant play tham any more butt thanks for leting every body get to right about our favert game
lila, TN | Great Games
why can't I get on games
Zandrea, HI | Great Games
Your show is grate!
ENIGIAH, | Great Games
Jasmine, NC | Great Games
the games hot air ballon race cheats your kids because if they get to high they lose and if they get to low they lose. How are they going to know when they ae just right. When they get to low and they try to go up it dosen't let them because it takes a while just to get the fire going up in the ballon so that it can go up. When you get to high it dosen't let you ga down because the wind won't let the ballon go down because you're already up to high.
Hannah, NC | Great Games
My favorite game has got to be weebits!
chase, MD | Great Games
I LOVE BALLOON RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kala, GU | Great Games
Weebit World sort of reminds me of life in Guam!
Taylor,13, OH | Great Games
Hey Guys! I love your show SO much, a have a poster of you guys in my room! Hey, i have two lizards, and i wanted to know if they can use communitcation? I am like your biggest fan! Bye!
simone, NJ | Great Games
i want to be on the show ok
Denon, CO | Great Games
I like your games because they are so fun to me and they are so fun and I can figure them out by my self and I don't need help at all and my homewoke.
Kwaun, GA | Great Games
hey, i like the show in it is funny.
cassie, CA | Great Games
i liked the old dragon game
christopher, CA | Great Games
i like your weebits game those plants.........those
Morgan, PA | Great Games
My fav is ALL of them.
Samara, MD | Great Games
You help me learn and dragonfly TV is a great game and helps everybody learn so every time I want to come to www./pbskids2008/ I will come straight to dragonfly TV.I will come here every time.YOU ARE GREAT! From:Samara
marty, RI | Great Games
hey this the same its marty my techer is coming bye bye
erica, MI | Great Games
I like you games cause they are fun and challenging and some games i just can't figure them out.
hary, DC | Great Games
i like how the nanobots game is customizable
david, TX | Great Games
I can not play a game
belinda, | Great Games
hope, ON | Great Games
hi,I have never seen your show before but my sister has told me about it anyway good luck on your show. from,hope
max, NM | Great Games
I totly love your website!.it rox but on your website you shood put it on kids space by max jon murphy
kelle, FL | Great Games
I loooooooove dog breeder! I've always wondered about genes, and you've hep me learn about them in a fun way!
delila, LA | Great Games
your games are cool
odis, | Great Games
what is a charge for nanobots.
Josh, ON | Great Games
I like Nanobots because it's a fun game
julia, KY | Great Games
I love geat games!!!
lilie, NC | Great Games
my fav game is weebits. 'cause its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun!
Janine, CT | Great Games
Luv ur breeding game
Sophia, MA | Great Games
I love dog breeding! It is so great! It's challenging and fun.
ashley, AB | Great Games
i like dog breeding please make more levels
Alex, TX | Great Games
i love weebits and mechanical madness
kevin, CA | Great Games
I love your games!
hayden, NJ | Great Games
nanobots is so awsome! you can make your own nanobot and nanobot tracks ! so you sould play the game nanobots now! from hayden to dftv
tristenne, CO | Great Games
i like your riddles tthey are so much fun if you make more it will knock my brains out.
tristenne, CO | Great Games
on your games i want to play them every day but i cant because i am level 29 on world of warcraft your games will make it more fun if you invent more they are so callenging i cant even get to be a webit pro or master yet
Kylie, MA | Great Games
I L-O-V-E the Planatarium Rescue Game. I have played it before and I did all TEN planets in about......... 244 tries. It took a while,but I still had lot of fun.
sade, | Great Games
i like this and games and you
sarah, AZ | Great Games
conor, IL | Great Games
I can not figure it out
consuela lambert, AR | Great Games
i like to play ya'll games a lot on /pbskids2008/ and i've been playing them for a long time and i am 14 years old but i don't let my age bother me of playing these kinds of games.
gracie, VA | Great Games
hi i wanted to know if you had more games on /pbskids2008/
Michelle, LA | Great Games
I loooove your dog breeding game. do more dog shows.
Alishah, TX | Great Games
Hi my name is alishah.i am in 3rd grade. I am your big fan because i always come on your website and play your fantastic,awsome,and fun games.And this website has gave me ideas on what to do on summer.THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!
Grrace, NC | Great Games
I love your shows!
LAURA, ME | Great Games