Show Ideas
U-238, IL | Show Ideas
Please make a show about Nuclear energy
because I love Nuclear Physics .
Reah, GA | Show Ideas
i have an idea about the science fair it is , what type of wraping keeps food preserved the longest
Haley, CA | Show Ideas
I want a show about
Abby, NC | Show Ideas
you could do an expieriment where you put a mento in diet coke and make a gyser.
VanadiumSteel, TX | Show Ideas
How about building a small dynamo? I want to do it, and that would be an interesting "Do it" short.
Carrie, FL | Show Ideas
Science project ideas anyone????
kesha, BC | Show Ideas
I am 5 years old and i want to be on the show american idol becase i can show you my dace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grace, NY | Show Ideas
Hi! I`m back and I have
a question for you why
oh why do scientists
think the sun will expand
so much the we will be
inside the sun?
nia, MD | Show Ideas
i need some ideas about mytv show name
Carly, MA | Show Ideas
this is really cool. if you like stress balls or lost your old one here is a simple way to make one yourself. you will need a balloon, flour or sea salt, and a funnel. its easy fill the balloon with the flour or salt using the funnel. then tie it off. you have your homemade stress ball. these are great things to give to your friends. P.S. before you tie it off make shure there is no air in the ballon cause if there is it will pop.
Keith, ON | Show Ideas
Hi Dragonfly TV, I want to know, if the sun is a never-ending explosion, how does it never touch us? When I was 6, I LOVED your show! But now I'm 8. Anyway, how DOES the sun never touch us? I rely on your show to teach me.
travis, GA | Show Ideas
i think you should make an episode about cells and orginizams.
ac352, CT | Show Ideas
vittorio, CT | Show Ideas
I want a show about how to build a robot
Ashley, HI | Show Ideas
Roxy, AZ | Show Ideas
How can i tell if my blue budgie is a boy or a girl. thanks:)
Sam, KS | Show Ideas
I really like fireworks and think that one of the shows should be about fireworks. Thier is alot of chemistry in fireworks and I am also woundering about what makes the sound produced by fireworks.
save the animals, AB | Show Ideas
save the animals! dont let all of the other animals end up like the dinosaurs and the wooly mamath
Joe, CO | Show Ideas
I think their should be a show on the chemistry of fireworks!
Joe, CO | Show Ideas
I think their should be a show on the chemistry of fireworks!
Asley, TX | Show Ideas
To Dayshia of FL: All you have to do is grab a note book or folder (i like folders better because they r ezr) And get some leaves, paper, card board and stuff you've experamented with and then paste it to some cardboard and put the card board to a note book or folder and there you go! Also you can use leaves and stuff to make your name for your folder! Its SOOOOO much fun! I hope this helped!
cardiz, LA | Show Ideas
hi this is cardiz i want to know how you check your messages
jessica, SC | Show Ideas
put more games on . some hard ones. i am in 3rd grade. i need hard work. please, thanks, by jessica
moo may, WA | Show Ideas
please can people from the uk ( england) take part in the things on dragon fly tv because i have a very very good friend who lives there and she told me that she would love to take part!
moo may, WA | Show Ideas
Please , please can you do a show on endangered animals to make people that if we don 't do something now it will be to late ,and some wounderful, amazing animals will be gone forever!
William, GA | Show Ideas
hey any ideas??
Kieran, TX | Show Ideas
can you give me some info about if color effects a mouse's memory
Steve, OR, | Show Ideas
We need to have a science project for the science fair. An at home project. Looking for ideas for a 5 year old. Thanks! S
Carly, GA | Show Ideas
It'll be nice to see an advice column on all topics DFTV.
phillip, IL | Show Ideas
i use my brain to think and to do science you have to think.
Leilani, CO | Show Ideas
Can you do a show about flying mammals? They are soooooooooooo awesome.
Lauren, ON | Show Ideas
I was wondering if I could be on the DFTV show, I was also wondering if there is an age limit, and if there is how old do you have to be ??? Thanks alot, Lauren ;]
Lauren, ON | Show Ideas
DFTV, I love polar bears, but i think that it is sad that all of the polar bears are dieing because of our polution, I would like it if you should do a show about Global Warming.
sarah, NY | Show Ideas
Can you do a show about Killer Whales.I love them and I want other kids to know that they do not harm people and are cool and fun to learn about
kurk, CO | Show Ideas
Sam and Joe are right we need a show on fireworks!!! That would be coool!!! P.S. DFTV ROCKS!!!
esther, IN | Show Ideas
i think you shoud have a shoe were pepel figer out stuff about froot and nootrishin and if you do pleas have mi name on tv and thank you if you do.by for now
Tamarah, PA | Show Ideas
i have a good invention take a DoubleA battery hook it up to somwhat 3 to 5 wires hook the wires up to a radio and haer ALIEN like voice like we will invade jupiter at 300 galactic years
Ellen, NY | Show Ideas
There are no endings, because nothing ever ends. - Schmendrik (the last unicorn movie) hi everyone. i will stop by on occasions to leave you a qoute. if you describe it well enough, I will mention you as the winner on these boards. I have 2 today so write the qoute over and define it for me. i'll post the next soon. they are really fun once you get into it. my teacher said they help you in language arts class. good luck guys!
Dylan, CO | Show Ideas
your show is cool and keep it cool
Jasmine, NC | Show Ideas
think u for helping me
Lizz, IL | Show Ideas
I have a ton of idea for inviction, but I don't know how to start.
noah, UT | Show Ideas
dear df tv,for last weeks do it, instead of useing food coloring,i used grape juice with salt and pepper and it turned blue.