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body and brain


andrea, CA | Body
how many BONES WE hAVE in our bodies?

Tommy , MO | Body
How do you not step on your shadow when there is a light source?

Cuke Grower X1, FL | Body
So it turns out I'm not moving to California YET. This first one goes to Annie of New York. You have 3 layers of skin. First one is the epidermis, next the dermis, and finally a layer of FAT. Next one goes to Ally of Pennsylvania. It's completely normal to have one foot bigger than another! Actually, I have that same thing! It's just natural. Now, Brandon of Colorado, yes, you're right! At our age we have about 300 bones in our body. But did you know that a newborn baby has about 650 bones in IT'S body? Next one to Aubrey of California. Aubrey, guess what? I'm moving to California, too! We might accidentally bump into each other at some store! Oh, yeah. I got off track, didn't I? Yeah. So there isn't any contagious cancers discovered yet; but keep a keen eye on the news, and see what they've discovered. That's all!

brianna, AL | Body
i love my body

Aubrey, CA | Body
Are there any contagious or infectious cancers?

Brandon, CO | Body
There are about 300 bones in our body and an adult has 206 bones in its body.

ally, PA | Body
how can your foot be bigger then another

annie, NY | Body
How many layers of skin do you have, What internal organ is on the right side of your body, mostly by your hip.

Cuke Grower X1, FL | Body
Howdy. Here are THE ANSWERS to all your questions. First, Lily, of MI, the green vein is called the LYMPH VESSEL. It's full of cells that make viruses get out of you before you get sick. It helps you VERY nicely. Now, to Robyn. DNA is made of 4 materials; plus sugars. Yes, the same sugars in your candies. The 4 materials are: guanine, actine, thymine, and another I forgot. So that it is! Now, to Ben of Conneticut. The strongest bone in your body is the femur. It'd be pretty sad if you broke it! Now to Jack, of Kansas. The foot is strong from holding your entire weight, which is a LOT, giving the answer! That's it, Cuke Grower X1! :)

Jessamyn, NE | Body
How can you balnce better for ballet and dance when you have to go up on your toes

jack, KS | Body
Is your foot stronger than your hand?

Ben, CT | Body
What is the strongest bone in your body?

jojo, MD | Body
Maybe you could test how much weight goes on when a group of people stand on a seasal:)

Astro, NC | Body
The strongest bone in your body is called the Femur. The Femur is also the strongest and longest bone in yourbody.

Robyn, CA | Body
What is DNA made of?

Laiylaly, CA | Body
ToNefetari, NC:the energy that u get is 4m ur food

Lily, MI | Body
what is the green vein for?

Keerthi, NY | Body
There are 201 bones in the body.

Kayla, BC | Body
I am learning about the human body at school and I was wondering.... how many muscles are there in the human body?

Nefertari, NC | Body
Hello, I would like to know where does the energy to do sports come from?

kaitlyn, PA | Body
my bones are shrong

Philip, NY | Body
I have a question. A really hard one. How does a person's age affect his or her flexibility?

Caroline, NC | Body
How bones are in the body?

Sam, MN | Body
I want to know, why does your foot tingle when it has fallen asleep and starts to wake up?

Sakura, HI | Body
How does TV weaken your brain cells? I really want to know.

nicole, GA | Body
what is the amount of gravity per square inch?

seth, NY | Body
to shannon: yesitdoes

maloree, GA | Body
how does your body work?

amber, OH | Body
dose any one know how many muscles it takes to breahe? im wondering because i hurt my chest some how and i think its my ribs.. but i went to the nurse at school and she said it was muscle spazems.. :/ i dont know what to do.. i dont get it.. i had hurt my chest.. well brest bone while i was putting up my hair the bone made a popong nose like i cracked it.. like nuckle.. and ever since my rib has been hurting when i breathe in and when i sing any thing i do with my right arm. dose any one kno?

devin, | Body
bobby how many germs in human body .

christie, SC | Body
why is it that when you take salt in water then drop an egg in it it flotes and it dosent work with pepper

mia, DC | Body
how many thunmbs do we have?

Shannon, OH | Body
Hi,I was wondering does the brain have bones?

bob, KY | Body
my teacher says that we are natraly bouent.

Russa, WI | Body
How can we improve our flexibility?

Kate, WA | Body
The brain is my favorite part of the human body. It's cool!

bobby, IL | Body
How many germs in human body?

Leah, TX | Body
Our body repels water because we have natural oils! (remember? =D)

Sammy, CA | Body
I wonder why pass 99 of 100 tests!?!?!?!?!?!?

Melinda, OH | Body
Hi.My grandpa died of lung cancer last month.What is lung cancer and how do people get it? Is there a cure for it?I want to learn more to study the lungs and cancer.

Pablo, TX | Body
How many bones do we have in our bodies?

Christopher, GA | Body
I did an experiment on the effect of the drop of a water balloon on the size of its splash. My results were that as the height of the water balloon increased, the size of the splash increased. I need some research information on this topic. Can you help me?

Rachel, NY | Body
Muscles are very cool, they help you to move!!

Michelle, NC | Body
how many muscles does it take to blink an eye?

lala, AL | Body
why does our body repell water

Andrea, WA | Body
Peace out yo!!! I like to study the body!

Bob, BC | Body
how much do you walk in an average day at school?

Ronil, AB | Body
I want to know what are Brains are made of

Andrew, ON | Body
how many blood sell's do we have?

shaniya, FL | Body
i love your show and your net work on comperter and it is on pbs kid

lilac, MX | Body
How many muscles in our legs?

Jacquelyn, MI | Body
How many muscles are in the fingers of one human hand?

mykel, NY | Body
does your body move with your body all the time?explain

Sarah, | Body
Ho many musles do we have in our arms?

samantha, TX | Body
how dose your hart beat.

ashli, PA | Body
how many times do you breathe in a minute

stevie, CA | Body
Did you hear the news about the skeleton scientists found? They took clues and told us that we crawled first,stood up, crawled again, and then here we are standing up again!

Brittany, NF | Body
How often do I need my heapatitis shots each year?

hunter reilly, OR | Body
How many square inches of skin covers our body?

jessica, CA | Body
how many bones are there in a fetal pig?

stevie, CA | Body
did you know that we swallow enough saliva a day to fill 2 galllons? hope you enjoy this, stevie

Kayleigh, CA | Body
How many muscles do we have in our body??

Nina, OH | Body
How dose your body create waste?

sam, CO | Body
did you know you have 27 bones and 37muscles in youer hand

Sarah, YT | Body
how many times does the average human being blink in a year?

Brittany, OH | Body
how hot does your heart beat at a time

Darby, NY | Body
When you sleep,does your brain sleep too?

Ashley, BC | Body
We Have 206 Bones In Our Body.

wendy, KY | Body
does any body know how to explain how the digestive system works?

Hannah, NC | Body
Why do we cry when we are sad or very joyful.

maria, VA | Body
How many bones are inside our bodly plus how do our bones get weak day by day?

cvb, FL | Body
how many days do cells last?

chelsea, ON | Body
i love csi and i will hopefully be one when i grow up

sarha, NY | Body
how many muscles are there in your face

shelly, LA | Body
To:Shannon,OH. Hello Shannon to answer your question about does your brain have bones? No the brain does not have bones insted it is made of a tissue allong with allot of other things.it is extremly complicated to explain what it is made of and how it works thanks and I hope this helps! :) To:Melinda,OH. I amtrully sorry about your grandpa I hope you and your family will be fine, :) Now to answer your question about why your grandapa died. Lung cancer is caused by many things, the most common is tobacko smoking and others are breathing in Radon gas, Asbetos and polluted air and allso secondhand smoke. Again I am sorry about your grandad and I hope this helps! ;)

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