Lela, MN | Memory
I am doing a project on human memory and it is due tommoro and i need a ton of help
mahira, CA | Memory
i am doing a project about boys vs. girls of who have better memory but so far the girls are doing better than boys
Andrew, GA | Memory
I like your show. I like body .
claudia, MO | Memory
alot of people are doing the same project as me. I NEED INFO WHO HAS A BETTER MEMORY BOYS OR GIRLS
Makala, TX | Memory
Last year my friend did moldy chicken and got 2nd place in the science fair
August, MO | Memory
Some time when I get to sleepy my memory starts to make me nautious.
olly, AK | Memory
i am doing a project on does music affect yourmemory and i need help!!!!!
Nakeyah, NC | Memory
I was at a science fair last year and a girl had a project about a girl can remember more than a boy
anesha , FL | Memory
i have a learing disorder. do i over come it
Kim, MN | Memory
i would like to know if there is a difference between short-term memory in boys or girls.
ANNIE, NY | Memory
celeste, FL | Memory
i am doing a project on who has better memory and i cant find anything!!!!!!!!and its due soon!!!!!! help!!!! VALID INFO CAN REALLY HELP
Bella , MX | Memory
I'm doing a project on who has the best memory in my school 'boys or girls?'
Eliana, MX | Memory
science fair project kids have a waaaaaaaayyyyy better memory than adults
erin, VI | Memory
girls can remember stuff when they were a baby.
Trevor, OR | Memory
Boys have always had been behind the girl's bet boys do some things better
haley, CA | Memory
I dont remember when I was a baby
Kayla, BC | Memory
Do you now any websites with cool memory tests?
liz, MD | Memory
i have a science fair project due soon and i could use a smart persons help!!!(PLEASE)!!!!!!!!!!
kasandra, NY | Memory
has any one tried a world book? it's at your school or local libary.did any one think of that?
ama, VA | Memory
do boys remember more than girls? most reaserch says no. girlshave better memory.others say it depens on wat type of family and education you got.but i am not sure which is the corect info
Kalli, AL | Memory
i am doing a project on memory and need to know whether men or women have the better memory and why. help please project due in 3 days!!!! peace.
dutchess, NY | Memory
what can a brain do to your body if u drink alot
Mystery, | Memory
Hi guys i'm a great science whiz! If you have somthing you need to know i'm here all the time i'm only on RollerCoasters and i know it's weird i'm on memory but.... If you need to ask me somthing ask me kay? Great Bye guys!
mo mo girl, IL | Memory
hey all you science genuses i need your help my science fair project is on boy and girls memory my research says girls but what is right boy or girls?
Michaela, TN | Memory
I am doing a project on eyewitness testimonies, and I'm seeing if women can remember a suspect better than men can remember.
Mason, CA | Memory
i am doing ym science fair project on between adults and childern witch have the better memory i need help
Jacob, GA | Memory
Im in 6th grade and my project is on gender based memory give me some sites other than science buddies.com please help
Jacob, GA | Memory
Hea go to wiki anwsers and they have some good info on gender based memory!!!
Health Teacher, MD | Memory
For those who want to know about who's memory is better, it has always seemed to me that girls have better memories then boys, but there's no real rule. It's based on what parents you got. To learn more I would check out a library book.
alexis, IL | Memory
what are the directions on Which Gender has the Best Memory?
brittney, ND | Memory
i can't find anything on memory and brain and im getting ERKED
Mary and Mackenzie, KY | Memory
Hi! We are working together on a Science fair project. The question is do males or females had better short term memory. Please help us with research!
Suz, | Memory
I need some information on the brain for a project.
Wila, MB | Memory
is it true girl memory is better than a boy
Taylor, NY | Memory
Taylor call me Tatertot, NY I have a question, who has a better memory boys or girls and kids or adults? I just found out that girls and kids do.
Kevin, CA | Memory
why do girls have better memory than boys
Kate, WA | Memory
Why can't you remember when you were one?
Jenny, OH | Memory
I need some background information on my science fair project to. I'm trying to see if male or females remember better and I can't find any research websites for this!!!
Amanda, NY | Memory
i am tring to figer out of who has better memory help!!!!!!!!
Darien, WA | Memory
I would like to know if boys have better memory than girls for a science fair project that is do in a couple weeks? There is a big comotion about boys having better memory than girls!
Mystery, MA | Memory
I want to know the same exact answer do guys or girls have better memory?
paige, NY | Memory
Hey! go to google then enter which gender has better memory
DIANA well call me DEE, NY | Memory
Well Hi peoplez i am doing my science fair project and i nedd help with finding out if males memory is better than female and how it effect your memory so just answer if you can helpppppp
Adrian, | Memory
So im doing a science fair project about iboys or girls have a better memory! ndtus out girls do,but i need to know WHYYY?! any help:[:[ -kthanks:D:D
kaehlin, WA | Memory
I have just cunducted an experiment for a science fair. My experiment was doesage affect peoples memory. Turns out that a middle aged person has a better memory than a old person or a child. The carmichale science fair judges gave me third place.
candace, MX | Memory
i just posted like 2 seconds ago and like i really like can;t find much info so like can this website please give answers to memory differences between guys and girls this project is do soon in like a week!!!!
candace, MX | Memory
k i am doing a science project on who has better memory guys or girls i need some web sites where i can get good info to backgroung my hypothesis the project is do on wednesday next week so i need some help!!
Olivia, LA | Memory
I'm doing a research paper for english on whether boys or girls have better short term memory. All I know is that there isn't much of a difference between boys and girls short term memory. It all depends on the subject.
Katie, OH | Memory
I'm doing a project on Memory (does age affect memory)
amy, UT | Memory
i have a science project due but i dont know what to do for the science fair WHAT SHOULD I DO FOR MY SCIENCE PROJECT????
Catlin, NM | Memory
I really need help finding a good idea for science fair!Any ideas?
Matt, NJ | Memory
Hi, I need to write an article for my school newspaper on memory. I would like to do something on the difference between boys and girls memories
kevin, CA | Memory
i need help on Do girls and boys remember certain kinds of images better than others? its for my science fair project so please help me
gabby, KY | Memory
who really does have better memory i have science fair project do in a week and havent done any of it
andrea, UT | Memory
I'm doing a science fair project on who has better memory‚boys or girls‚ young or old? I'm am also working with a partner and its kinda hard to find info.So‚ if anyone will help out‚ i will appreciate it
sarah, PA | Memory
i have a sience air topic and i cant find any internet recourses!!!!!!!!! my science fair topic is : Who has better memory , female or male???????
danae, WV | Memory
GIrls have better memory its been proven time and time agin
Meagan, TX | Memory
I'm doing an expirement to see if different types of music affects your memory, the types of music are classical rock and country plus silence. its due pretty soon so, any help?
brilen, AB | Memory
we r doing a project on this to! haha what a coinkadink!! lol! what's the answer though? do boys or girls have better memory? thanx for the help bud! ttyl!
Jeremiah, TX | Memory
I need help finding how time effect memory for project.
Kymari, VA | Memory
Science fair and memory is so hard but it is way fuun! Thanks PBS kids GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olive, AS | Memory
Do girls have a better memory when their in 5th or 7th-8th grade
Amber, WI | Memory
Does Gender Really Affect Childrens Memory?????
Amber, WI | Memory
I think that girls have better memory than guys. Because they don't pay enough attention. Not because their memory.
Vrena, FL | Memory
I can't find anything on memory please help me!!!!!!!!!
Shauntel, FL | Memory
Im doing a science fair project on who has better memory,boys or girls, young or old? Im am also working with a partner and its kinda hard to find info.So, if anyone will help out, i will appreciate it. OK thx bye :)
Chelsie, TX | Memory
Girls definitly have a better memory than girls. They also have a better memory then grown men and women.
sarah, MD | Memory
boys have a better memory is what i think
Nicole, OH | Memory
No one knows for sure weather boys or girls have better memory.
Jessica H., KS | Memory
Is there a difference in short-term memory between boys and girls?
rt12343, IL | Memory
i can find nothing on memory help me please
victoria, FL | Memory
science fair research on memory is sssoooo hard, but thanks for the help
monca, IL | Memory
i think girl have better memory than boys?
erin, KY | Memory
Does gender affect childrens' memory?
clara, FL | Memory
how has the best memory girls or boys
steveie, CA | Memory
how come we can remember every close call when some times we cant even remember what we had for breakfast yesterday? i'm fine with just a guess too! thanks, stevie
Kayla, ID | Memory
Did you know that goldfish conly have a three second memory span?!
Michael, | Memory
hi were doing science fair and in my test girls had better memory out of 11-12 year olds but my techer said i need to find out why this happened like whats in the brain to prove this ??? and whats a hypothosis ?
Kylie, IL | Memory
I have a really good memory, and i remember really funny things from wen i was like, 3. its wierd but cool!
libs, IL | Memory
how deos your brain now how to walk and move your hands while trying to write
Riley, DC | Memory
psh whatever i,like, have the worst memory ever.(and i know Riley is a boys AND girls name but just sayin, im a girl)