Alex, IN | Brain
you know, your brain does alot of job`s like thinking,brething or moving. which are you doing right now?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Leslie, CA | Brain
Is it possible to read someone's mind without technology, or a really smart brain?
Noah, PA | Brain
To Brian: Brain freeze is caused by nerves at the top of your mouth. They are very senetive. Once they feel the tempature drop, they send a warning to the other cells, wich then causes the cells to warn the brain. Then the brain freezes.
bryce, MH | Brain
annie, NY | Brain
If you are left handed could you be any hand?
Cuke Grower X1, CA | Brain
Well, uh, HOWDY! It's me, ol' Cuke Grower X1! And the only reason I'm talking like this is that I'm moving to the WEST! Well, does California count? Okay, this first one goes to Danielle of British Colombia. It all depends on the side that is dominant to the brain. But there IS a twist! The right brain controls the left body, and vice versa! Next one goes to Chloe of Illinois. Yes, Chloe, all about the computer is true! But, even though, there IS something quite similar to a brain- called a CPU. It's the main area for sending and storing information. Next to Deedy of Louisiana. Yes, indeed smell and taste ARE linked. Note that when we are sick, we can't really taste much. When your nose is clogged, then certainly your taste buds should clog up too? Next one to Christi of Alaska. I see you are a very smart girl. It is true about having NO brain. But, there are a few execptions. Plants don't have brains, and ameobas, or tiny creatures in the water, don't either. Now to Shelby of Mexico. The size of your brain doesn't matter. But, you'd still be smart, even with a brain 1 inch long. Now this last one is to Rebecca of Oklahoma. It is true all about this. Milk DOES have calcium, an essential vitamin for happy and healthy bones! Well, that's all, bye for now :)
terace, OK | Brain
i love human brain because that is how we think and learn???
rebecca, OK | Brain
that if you drink milk that you will have really strong bones
cierra, DC | Brain
Iam so smart i have state aaaaaaaaaa on my report on brains
Shelby, MX | Brain
I have a big brain, so I'm smart! SUPER, SUPER SMART!
Goanar, UT | Brain
Did you know that a volcano can expolde the highest with baking soda and vinger
Christi, AK | Brain
Well my brain is big. I'm smarter than my teacher and I have a big imagination. With out a brain, you'd be dead!
Anna, MN | Brain
Did you know that you use your whole brain?
deedy, LA | Brain
can smell miss up the way of taste
Chloe, IL | Brain
A computer doesn't have a brain, just something that acts like a brain!
daniellee, BC | Brain
What causes some people to be left handed?
Alexis, KS | Brain
I did the rainbow cardboard do it and I saw a whitish color. most people saw a reddish colour. What did you see? Our brains seem to act diffrently.
Jake, MN | Brain
The stomache, heart, and intestine mucels are exambles. I'm not sure aboute the brain.
jeanine, NY | Brain
between a girl and a boy who has better memory?
rov, ME | Brain
what is basball
Natalie, | Brain
can you have sports that is good for your brain on this website?
shekz, FL | Brain
what is one type of involuntary actoin?????
afriasia, YT | Brain
i like the games.
Caroline, CA | Brain
This is really wierd! While you are sitting, lift your right leg off the ground make clockwise circles in the air with it. Now draw a '6' in the air with your right hand. Your leg will automatically switch directions! It's preprogrammed in your brain somewhere!
johnsonjunior, AL | Brain
Hi all. Your site /pbskids2008/ is very suitable. I think I've found my constant comunication place :) Sorry if wrong branch
Sophie, MO | Brain
Does a computer really have a brain or just something that works like a brain?
Savannah, ON | Brain
What is a spinal Cord?
Ellie, BC | Brain
Why do we get memory lose?
teddy d., WA | Brain
My BRAIN is working on this puzzle!!!
sydney, MI | Brain
did you know about the cerebellem and cerebrum
Candy, IL | Brain
Does anyone one know about the stroop effect?
ocha, NM | Brain
what ia a brain
Jamsona, AL | Brain
Hello friends! i new on your forum! see ya:))
kaylee, OH | Brain
why dose the brain function the way it dose?and why are there diffrent parts to a brain like the sight is in the back insted of in the front?
Sarah, UT | Brain
What does the brain do?
how does your brain work?
Marsha, WA | Brain
Are there,any jobs perhaps falling in the brain group as in a brain doctor or anything like that?
kashira, AR | Brain
you are right some baby brains are bigger then adults
michaela, BC | Brain
i know that u are righit that brains can do so much stuff for u
Tiffany, OH | Brain
what is memory?
mario, NH | Brain
I wonder what causes brain freeze?If you know can you tell me cause i really want to know.