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maria, MI | Sports
hi doesanyone have any fun cool science projects? i can't find any i like.

Chloe, NC | Sports
I love figure skating! It is so much fun.

tiffany, OH | Sports
sports medicine project ideas?????

Jazmine, PA | Sports
I do acrobatics it is so fun and i am really good at it.

Sydney, MN | Sports
Tess: there are a few reasons why some people are more flexable than others. One of them is gender. Girls are naturally more flexable than boys! It also has to do with the amount of exersice and streaching a person does. If you streach every day, you will be more flexiable than someone who does not.

Tess, MA | Sports
I was wondering why some people have more flexability that others?

taylor, OH | Sports
I love soccer, basketball, swimming.... Pretty much every sport i can learn!!

Mercedes, SD | Sports
Gymnastics is hard too

kayse, OK | Sports
cheerleading is hard and its for boys too you guys should try it and then juge cheerleaders you can even get scholarships with it

bianca, TX | Sports
i'm do swiming and i love it

Mosaab, TX | Sports
I want to know why do every one in the U.S like the 2008 Olympics so much ? Mosaab

Sam, NJ | Sports
my sport is your sport's punishment RUNNINGGGGGGGG

Pumagirl, WI | Sports
I love hocky and I can't ice skate but I can roller skate so I think I would be great at roller hockey!

Cardiz, LA | Sports
i like playing football becausei am someone's son

joshua, MS | Sports
i know karate too but i am only a white belt.

morgan, OH | Sports
i love sports . my favorite sport is... baseball .

Autumn, GA | Sports
Kathrine from TX, your right! Dancing IS a sport! And I love to dance!

Bailey, NY | Sports
I love Football

Kelsey, CA | Sports
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to say that all sports are hard and I am glad everyone loves one, but I have to say figure skating is one of the hardest sports. For instance, I have bruises on both of my knees and the are totally black and blue and they are HUGE. We have to skate in a freezing cold rink everyday and sometimes have to wake up before 5 am. But I know you all must have something to complain about that is part of doing a sport. Even through the pain, everyone has to love their sport. Figure skating is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelsey, CA | Sports
Hey everyone! I know that all sports are really hard so Stacey don't be saying that. But figure skating is the best! I know some of you would say that it isn't really a sport, but it is. It takes hard work. You have to get up on week days at 5 am, you have to take a ton of hard falls, you have to get injuries way more than any more sports, and have you ever seen skaters trying to make triples look easy, well they aren't,

Amelia, MI | Sports
in reply to Tess, MA: people's flexability varies for many differant reasons. One factor that greatly effects how flexiable you are is how much a person stretches. However, girls are also naturally more flexiable than boys. There are many reasons why flexability varies between people, but these are some of the biggest. hope I helped you!

Person, MI | Sports
I know most of you have been talking about the more well known sports such as football and gymnastics, but I prefer to focus on the more obscure sports. My favorite sport is ski jumping because it is super fun and I love the feeling of being able to fly! I'd love to hear from anybody who participates in one of the more unheard of sports!

ryan, NC | Sports
I love football it is coolest

Randy, MN | Sports
I want to know how do football players make the best spirals?

Seth, AZ | Sports
Swimming is a walk in the park. Baseball takes more skill so does hockey, Patricia.

Seth, AZ | Sports
Hockey is awesome. Dance is boring but okay I guess. I'm best at baseball I guess but I have to say cheerleading is even easier than swimming Jessica from Washington.

Leslie, OH | Sports
I like to do Cross Country to have excersise and just for the fun of running. You should try it.

dkfkjd9, MD | Sports
Heyya! I am ok. i luv sports i like runninnnng the best

grace, CA | Sports
I play soccer, football, and hockey. I snowboard, ski, rock climb, mountain bike, run, and swim. I have a third dan black belt in krav maga. I do archery and horseback riding. I go canoeing and dog sledding. I love all sports. They help you stay in shape.

Leila, PR | Sports
I LOVE baseball!!! It is THE coolest sport EVER!!!!! Anyway, why is it that my dad and I CANNOT hit a still ball with a bat, like teeball, but we CAN hit a fast ball thrown to us, well. I wonder, what part of the brain does that affect, and is it necessarily genetic?

Magoo02, IN | Sports
I hate sports! I'd prefer to do school work. But if I had to choose my fave sport I would choose dancing. It's fun and is a good work out! :)OOO:) (Marge Simpson)

madison, AL | Sports
My faveorite sport is basketball. it is fun and i am good at it.

Eva, TX | Sports
Has anyone heard what # Dale Jr is going to be using this upcoming season in NASCAR. Dale is my favorite driver

Emily, IA | Sports
In England they call socer football .Try it!

Kelsey, IL | Sports
I love Softball:-) My team on 6-13-07 beat Galatia by 12 runs!:-) We stopped in the 5th inning.

sports, BC | Sports
ilove hockey

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