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earth and space


Macayla, KY | Forests
I love trees and how they give us oxygen to survive, animals a place to have a home, and fish the shade and clean water they need.

shawlenee, MA | Forests
I think we need to take more care of the forest by protecting it.

Samantha, FL | Forests
please don't rainforests down I LOVE THEM

alexa, FL | Forests
birds live in the forest.

sydney, MI | Forests
i love nature

Emily, ON | Forests
I think forests are some of the most beautiful places on earth. Where else can you see sunbeams filtering to the forest canopy, to fall in dappled patterns on the ground below? Or hear the wind in the trees? Forests are home to many wonderful animals. And they are the most beautiful thing I can imagine in the autumn. Red, gold, orange, yellow, brown, umber, all the amazing colours that make the trees look like a blazing sunset. Like the forest's been set on fire. Who could live with themself after cutting down part of such a beautiful thing?

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