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maria, TX | Rock
rock what rocks about rocks? everything

Madison, WV | Rock
One time I was at a park and I found a blue and white granite marble rock!

stevie, CA | Rock
just to prove my point about being a serious rock collecter, i have more than 300 rocks.(that includes fossils and minnerals.)

sydney, MI | Rock
in reply to Wafaa, OH: Igneous rocks are rocks made out of lava, or other volcanic activity. practically all rocks found in Hawaii would be igneous for example because of the volcanoes there. I hope this helped!

Lynda, TX | Rock
Stevie, I found a orange rock . It has something marble like every little bit in it and a few little holes scattered and on one side it looks like orange red like glass looking place. and some blisters on it and looks like it s been cut in places. who can I take it too . I've had it for years. I pick up rocks every time I find a special rock. we moved to Florida. in 1994 and I love rocks. I have some I'd love to show.to see what they are. especially this one. I'm move my rocks with me. Back home in the middle of Texas. I had a yard full and could only bring the special one.

cameron , MO | Rock
Is IGNEOUS spelt right? please write back please PLEASE Okay your friend, cameron

Mike, CA | Rock
to kaylynn-Most fossils are found in sedimentary rocks.

stevie, CA | Rock
you can identify a rock by hardness or streak. the softest rock in the world is talc which is used to make talcum powder. and the hardest is a diamond which is used for jewelry, well i think you knew that! a kid geologist, stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
hey if any one wants to learn a few cool facts weekly, ask me something here please call me stevie. i'll write to you a.s.a.p. hope your having a scientific day, stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
hey you rock lovers out there ,i need some help. does anyone happen to know the professional name for obsidian? please write back, stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
if ayone has any questions about identifyingrocks you can count on me! i'm really serious about rock collecting. if you give me a discription i'll do my best to help, but no gaurentees! please refer to me as Stevie if you have a question. i'll getback to you as soon as possible. from your friend geoligist, Stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
i got this neat rock called a ammonite, and it's over 300 million years old i was just wondering if any one had any info to share with me?

stevie, CA | Rock
hey does any one want to know a cool store to collect rocks? it's called crystal fantasy the people there are so nice!

stevie, CA | Rock
dear denny , inanswer to your Q, some rocks you can clean with a certaintype of buff but idon't know which kind. hope that helps, stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
dear leighann, A.Z., in answer to your question, no. not all rocks sparkle. all rocks have different descriptions. but granite does sparkle, granite looks gray with white, and silverish sparkles maybe that's what you have? from, stevie

stevie, CA | Rock
actually josh, geoligists just compare them.but i'm not telling you any more that's only one way.

Taylor, PA | Rock
My class took a field trip to a water cave. we saw so many awesome rock formations and different kinds of rock.

Jordyn, OH | Rock
Guess what! I found a crystal in ny yard! It`s a good size !!!

sam, CO | Rock
sand is tiny rock

Tixxy, PR | Rock
Hey guys, I was working in the yard with my family one day when I found a REALLY weird rock. I looked in my rock and fossil books and look a lot like a space rock, it looks like it's wet and a bunch of weird holes. I don't know where to submit it. DragonFly T.V. please help me!!! Ur number 1 fan, Tixxy

Sydney, MN | Rock
in reply to Steph's question, you do not normally find fossils in metamorphic rocks, becasue metamorphic rocs do just that-change, as their name suggests.typically they are changed by extreme heat and or pressure, so anything that might have been there would be gone!

Jonathan, CA | Rock
I was given a fossil by some rich old lady. It's certainly a fish, but don't know any information about it I've been trying to figure out how old it is, it's species, and what it's worth. Can anyone help me figure this out?

jennifer, LA | Rock
i want to be a paleontologist when i grow up. where do i find a good book to read about dinos and fossils?

dennisse, PR | Rock
Why do you think fossils can not be found in an igneous rock?

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