another person, UT | Mars
Ok poeples.....Cuke, I agree, they have proven that there are no lifeforms on Mars.
Mars does not have a sun but if you meant moons....there are 2, Phobos and Deimos.
And also, would aliens just look like us???
Kevin, UT | Mars
What do you think what would happen if we put a plant on Mars....would it really change the CO2
in to oxygen???
Cuke Grower X1, FL | Mars
Dear Cole of Wisconsin, NO. The answer is NO. Don't keep your hopes up, the entire planet of Mars has been tracked down by probes and there is no sign of life, until humans colonize it. Sorry! This one goes to Iyana A. of Wisconsin also. Mars has no suns at ALL. There's only one sun in the Solar System. That's THE Sun itself! To Logan of Florida: Mars has no suns!!! Just revolves around THE Sun. Since you both have almost the same postings, Prince of New Jersey and Chalie of New York: Nice ideas, but according to science there are no aliens on Mars in the first place. But, Chalie, there is no proof that aliens wouldn't spy on Earthlings... who knows? They could, Chalie, they could...
Chalie, NY | Mars
Aliens land on Mars to spy on people that live on Earth.
prince, NJ | Mars
aliens don,t wear clothes
hermoine, | Mars
what planet has a satellites
logan, FL | Mars
Does Mars have a sun?
Iyana A., WI | Mars
Kytherine, LA | Mars
mars dosn't have rings. duh. and neither does earth. jeez.
cole, WI | Mars
Do you think that there could be alien life on Mars?
Casandra, MN | Mars
does mercury have rings,water,life, etc.
Abbi, CO | Mars
Uranas is sooooo crazy 'cause it is tillted...Why is it tillted?!
jessica, PQ | Mars
ou ou .. how many moons are on mars
Ching, AL | Mars
How many craters does marss have?
ayay, CA | Mars
does mercury have storms volcanoes water etc if no why?
llie, | Mars
why is mars smaller then earth?????
Katy, TX | Mars
Does Mars have moons and if so how many?
Janelle, FL | Mars
How many rings does mars have?
lol, MD | Mars
I love the earth so much it is the must lovely planet that i love the best not mars not
Heather, MI | Mars
how many satellites does Mars have?
sophia, CA | Mars
hi this may have to do something that needs to get mars a toy
sedney, NJ | Mars
how many rings does mars have?
Lauren , FL | Mars
How many rings does mars have???????? Answer back VERY soon!!!
Anna, SC | Mars
How many rings does the planet mars have?
kimmy, ME | Mars
how did Mar's get it's color?
lacey, CA | Mars
does anybody know how mars gets day and night
taylor, | Mars
does mars have rings
chris, AZ | Mars
mars is one of the smallest planets but not the smallest, mars has a few moons. only a certain amount of years you can actually see mars from earth.:)
jackie, AL | Mars
who has went to mars?
latoya, MI | Mars
what is mars all about
Neji, CA | Mars
Why does Mars have a longer year than Earth?
aliza , PR | Mars
how many satelite in the planet mars. . .
Dan, PA | Mars
Mars is not the only planet with craters. Mercury is full of them. Even Earth has craters. One of the most famous ones is in Arizona and is about 1 mile across. The reason the Jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus) do not have craters is because they are primerally made up of gas and liquid. Try making a crater in water. Also Venus does not have visible craters because the atmosphere is so dense it burns up most objects. Also the highly active surface seems to errode craters away after they form.
LUIS, MX | Mars
How many Earths fit in Mars?
hayley, MX | Mars
i like jupiter because it's big and i like mars because aliens are on it. i also like the cheese i mean the moon.
emily, | Mars
this planet is large, gaseous planet. it is a long way from the sun and it was the first planet to be discovered using a telescope!!! please help and ill help u..i know soo much about the planets and i scored 98 % in our space test!!! its just this question i cant figure out !!! thank!!!
will, SC | Mars
what is mars
Lucinda, AB | Mars
how mmany moons does mars have?
courtney, HI | Mars
Does Mars Have Any Moons?
bob, MI | Mars
how many moons does mars have
mike, MI | Mars
how many rings does mars have
tatiana, FL | Mars
do you know about space?
lulu, | Mars
how long does mars take to spin on its axis?
Chloe G., IL | Mars
Earth rotates on it's axis. Does planet mars rotate on a certain axis also?
Priya, NY | Mars
Why does Mars have more craters than Venus, Earth, and Jupiter?
se, TX | Mars
does mars have 16 satellites and 3 rings i need to now right away
amy, NY | Mars
how long would it take to get to mars in hours
nicole, CO | Mars
how big is mars
mikaela, MO | Mars
How many rings are on mars?
andrea, ON | Mars
how amny craters,moons and rings does mars have?
Saphire, MD | Mars
Mercury has 0 moons and so does Venus, mars has 2 moons, Jupiter has 16 moons.
Victoria, CT | Mars
I love Mars it is a beautiful in books Mars is also none as the red planet........is mars a hot place check it out bye
lizzy, AB | Mars
dose mercury have any moons?
paloma, | Mars
how many moons does mars have?
Chalie, HI | Mars
Nobody ever went on mars.
Kaela, MI | Mars
If mars had gravity and air that humans breath would people move from earth to that planet?
Jordan, VT | Mars
Are there any Rings on the planet Mars?
lucas, MH | Mars
is there water on mars and did they send a dog to mars
juanita, AL | Mars
how many moons does mars have
luis, CA | Mars
is there life up there?
danny, NV | Mars
How many moons do mars have?
Zooooomba, CA | Mars
Does Venus have rings