T, MS | Weather
I love SUN
Astro, NC | Weather
Dust Devil are like tornados but they are smaller, come from the ground and then they go up, and Dust Devils used from sand usually. Dust Devils usually occur in Texas. The most Dust Devils occur in Texas.
Astro, NC | Weather
People can go in hurricanes but they can only be in their helicopter, jet, airplane, etc.
jordan, CA | Weather
I love the CALIFORNIA sunshine!!!!!!!
Riya, NJ | Weather
Hey guys i am doing my project about u know this kina thin' so can u just tell me what do u call u know when wheather people send something into the sky and it sends signals I don't know what that things name is so can u tell me?
nicole, AB | Weather
where does rain come from
Nick, VA | Weather
I love weather. I would love to be a storm chaser from the N.S.S.L. Is there anyone else who would love this scary adventure!!!
Lynn, BC | Weather
Did you know that if it`s snowing and it's cold the ice crystals in the snowflakes are tiny?
grace, MT | Weather
I have been to Roger's Pass and it was really cold.
anonymous#2, MN | Weather
meisha- in many places, weather comes mainly from the west. this is because of low and high-pressure systems, and because most prevailing winds are form the west. for example, if you watch coulds in the sky, they usually will be going west to east. so the weather is just being blown with the wind.
tristen, AL | Weather
can some people like fly in a hurricane...
Anymous, | Weather
I love weather! If I were to choose my top three jobs, this is what it would be: 1. Astronomer 2. Metorologist 3. Author I think weather is really intresting. Do you?
ayanna, FL | Weather
where does rain come from
abby, OH | Weather
In school they told my class that it had to be 32 degrees to snow. Is that true?
abby, OH | Weather
weather is great! My favorite kind of weather is warm and sunny, but at my house it is c cold,snowy and rainy.
Laura, NY | Weather
Tornados are cool!
Caroline, CA | Weather
I love a light rain! It's so refreshing!
Adeline, MI | Weather
We are studying weather in science right now. Did you now that the sun's rays just don't absorb into the earth and the things on it, but they also reflect off things like snow, and when they reflect off the snow skiers can get sunburns.
Mike, CA | Weather
if u see a thunderstorm, watch out there just might be a tornado coming.
stevie, CA | Weather
hey emily in MN,ithink i have an answer to your question. the way a thunder storm is caused is the positives and negatives in the air separate and then hit each other causing a roll of thunder. nice question, stevie
LILY, OH | Weather
marissa, MN | Weather
i think tornadoes are creepy but cool at the same time
shayne, OH | Weather
dear dragon fly tv I have a research plan to find out what types of sun rays do frogs and salamanders and reptile and anphibians suck up I will video it and send it
Maximaxie, IN | Weather
Did u hear about the flood in Australia where 5 people died? That would've been terrifying!
Lindsey, MN | Weather
Why does the sky turn orange or green right before a tornado strikes?
Carl, IA | Weather
Who here thinks that glolbal-warming is man-made?