Space Travel
jen, LA | Space Travel
whats the distance from earth to neptune????? HELP
a person, | Space Travel
all i want to know is how long it takes to get to pluto....... dose any one know
serena, WA | Space Travel
you got to be good at school to become something!!!!!!!!!
The.Pro, NV | Space Travel
Not a question ok, Anyways I made a space shuttle right now its in space its fuel is srpaycan. How i made it to space is using a 5ft rc plane making it go high as it can .The in the little spaceshuttle has a cam with high signal to earth I added it took 1 month for it to go to mars. I have no idea where im going in space. I cant tell if im going in cicles but i try to go strait from the sun.
calvin, DE | Space Travel
i love space shuttles.
Laiylaly, CA | Space Travel
To Jessie,TX:The sun is about 5,578 Kelvin,or 5,500 Celcius,or about 9,900 Farenheit,but at the core its about 15 million Celcius,or 27 million Farenheit.
Laiylaly, CA | Space Travel
To Brea,IL and Sally,La and maybe Jean,Tx:It depends how fast is the rocket/shuttle going.If its going at a rate of 17,000 miles an hour,it takes 140 days to get there.
Laiylaly, CA | Space Travel
To Mikayla,Colorado:No,the sun is a medium star.
durshun, TX | Space Travel
i am going to be a astronaut wehn i grow up
Holly, | Space Travel
How long would it take to travel from Earth to Jupiter? PS: I need to know this a.s.p because this is important...
heidi, IA | Space Travel
how long dose it take to get to the moon?
georgie, | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to jupiter from earth?
miky, AK | Space Travel
i cant figer out why theres so meny stars in space.
shay, | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to saturn from earth by space shuttle?
Mikayla, CO | Space Travel
is the sun the the biggest star?
jean, TX | Space Travel
im doing a project does anyone know how long it would take to get from earth to mercury going a regular spaceship speed
Cheyenne, | Space Travel
What is the furthest galaxy away from Earth??????
sally, TX | Space Travel
i need this for my science project fast how long does it take to travel from planet to planet
Jana-Lee, NJ | Space Travel
I'm in the first gade and i want like to know about the sun?
Brianna, | Space Travel
Do you know it would take 2000 light years to get to our closest gallexy, Andromada.
Jake, MN | Space Travel
The surface of the sun is about 1,000 degrees F. The core is around 27 million degrees F.
Jake, MN | Space Travel
Well, I don't know about how long, but I do know light travels at 186,281 mi. per second.
Nicole, CA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from earth to Jupiter in a spaceship?
monique, NT | Space Travel
how long does it take to travel to mercury ???
Grant, TX | Space Travel
How long does it take to go from Erath to Jupiter going the speed of light
Carolyn, PA | Space Travel
Space is awesome! I love it. Our class is doing a unit on how cool it is. I learn so much!!!
nathen, GU | Space Travel
How long would it take to travel to earth from Mercury in earth time?
Sharon, ON | Space Travel
how many light years does it take to get to Saturn from Earth?
bob, PA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from Mercury in space ship?
kk, VA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from Earth to Neptune??????
Josie, GA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to Jupiter?
zarah, BC | Space Travel
How long would it take to travel from Earth to Mercury in a space ship?
cathy, CA | Space Travel
whats the time required to travel to jupiter from earth if the space craft travels at 2000km/hour?
Catty, SK | Space Travel
How long doesw it take to get to pluto from earth?
April, RI | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to saturn from earth????
jesse, TX | Space Travel
how hot is the sun
Heather, BC | Space Travel
I think it takes about eight years to travel to Saturn... I'm not totally sure though...
Karmen, IL | Space Travel
How long would it take to get to Jupiter if you were in a rocket/spaceship?
quinbe, AL | Space Travel
How long does it one of nasa probes to get from earth to Neptune?
Erica And Gabby, NV | Space Travel
Does Saturn really have a diamond core?
mander BC, BC | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to jupitir form eart using a rocklet ship
Maria, VA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to Neptune?!!!!! Help Asap
fathead, | Space Travel
how long does it take you to get to pluto in a spaceship?
Jacie, NJ | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to the Sun from a spaceship?
kaylynn, NY | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from earth to Saturn in a space ship?
Matt, VA | Space Travel
How long would it take to travel by spaceship to the planet Saturn
Megan, AL | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to saturn
rhi, CA | Space Travel
how long wuld it take to get to mars wit the speed of light??
andrea, CA | Space Travel
how long does it take from neptune to earth
bob, AZ | Space Travel
how long will it take to go to jupiter
Paige, AL | Space Travel
how do rockets travel through space?
Tamara, WA | Space Travel
how long to get from earth to neptune?
Meghin, MO | Space Travel
How do you make your own rocket fly in the air?
sabrina, AZ | Space Travel
How long will it take to get from earth to mercury on a jet?
Loz, | Space Travel
How fast do spaceships travel - not at the speed of light, but currently???
dylan, | Space Travel
how long does it take from earth to mercury
Caroline, CA | Space Travel
A spacecraft can go infinate miles in space. For it to reach another galaxy it would take more than a million years. Unless it gets burnt up by a star or gets sucked up into a black hole, it will go forever.
Caroline, CA | Space Travel
I wish Pluto was still a planet. Apart from earth, it was my favorite
Caroline, CA | Space Travel
It takes around 10 years to get to pluto from earth.
nicky, AB | Space Travel
How long will it take to go to saturn?
cait, AL | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to neptune from Ontairio, Canada?
Oliver, | Space Travel
How fast do you go to escape Earths Gravitational Field?
Chloé, NY | Space Travel
How long would it take to get from Earth to Neptune, and what is Neptune comprised of?
Leandra, CA | Space Travel
How long does it take to go to earth to Jupiter?
Cassie, OH | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from earth to Jupiter in a space ship?
jeni, AZ | Space Travel
how fast do spaceships travel?
somewhere over the rainbo, CO | Space Travel
How far would you have to travel from jupiter to earth
Bronwyn, NY | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from earth to Mercury in a spaceship?
Dana and Kendra, BC | Space Travel
how long does it take to travel from earth to Saturn????????
katelynn, WA | Space Travel
i am doing a project and i dont know how much time it takes to get back from the moon.
Maryrose, CA | Space Travel
How long does the space shuttle travel to Saturn?
Bianca, | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to neptune Bianca and Olivia
Olivia, | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to mars
jotham, AS | Space Travel
How long does it take to get to Neptune
curious, | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to saturn???
kim, | Space Travel
how long does it take to get to space
lauryn, SK | Space Travel
how fast can the fastest rocket go and if it has a name what is it ? and the slowest rocket
michela, OH | Space Travel
how many days does it take to get to Mercury from Earth
Reid, HI | Space Travel
How long does it take to go to mars
tabitha, FL | Space Travel
how does a rocket stay up in space
Perry, | Space Travel
How long does it take to get from earth to Saturn by a space ship?
nick, KY | Space Travel
how long would a rocket take to fly from earth to pluto?
nick, KY | Space Travel
how long would a rocket take to fly from earth to pluto?
Sarah, OH | Space Travel
How long does it take for a space shuttle to get back to earth from the moon?
Destiny, ID | Space Travel
My mom and i was argueing over how long it takes to the moon, she said a few monthing and i said a couple minets. Sooo how long does it realy take?
Rick, PA | Space Travel
Well, I know that space shuttles can travel way faster in space than anything can on earth. The reason for this is the fact that in space, there isn't any gravity. So when astronauts are traveling in space, there isn't the force of gravity, and they can travel very fast, without getting sick. I read in a book about space that space shuttles can orbit around the earth in 90 minutes or less. Now that's FAST!
sabrina, PA | Space Travel
how long does it take to get into outter space from planet earth?
hunter, HI | Space Travel
how long is the earth from the sun
Jess, IA | Space Travel
How long does it take to get through the Atmospher????
Deania, FL | Space Travel
How many different theoris have scientists thought of,of how the moon was made and what were they?
jacob, GA | Space Travel
saturn 5 can go to the moon in 3 days