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Contacting Us

How can I write to Between the Lions?
You can email us from Contact Us, or send us snail mail at:

    Between the Lions Web Site
    WGBH Interactive
    One Guest Street
    Boston, MA 02135

Please note that we cannot return any items sent to us, but we will pass them on to the lions and their friends.

I'm interested in working, writing, puppeteering, or interning for Between the Lions. How can I go about doing that?
You can find out about available jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities at Between the Lions and other WGBH projects on the WGBH Web site.

Where does the show tape, when does it tape, and are there studio tours or a studio audience?
The program is recorded in Jackson, Mississippi, but the lions get nervous if too many people are around, so there are no studio tours and no in-studio audience.

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