JACK, TX | Birds
Rhyanna, NY | Birds
Reply to:Emily, ON:
Birds are amazing, and I am considering being an ornithologist when I grow up, They are beautiful, and it's so amazing to watch them fly, they look like they could skim the clouds. I especially love hawks, red-winged blackbirds, chickadees, owls, and sparrows. It's sad how people keep them locked up in cages though, and won't let them fly.
You're right, Emily. I have always wondered what it would be like up there, wind in my hair, clouds above my head. I wish people could fly like birds could. Not super-powers exactly, but that grace that birds in flight have, with wings and that eyesight. It's absolutely amazing.
And Emily, have you ever read Rice Moon? It's a story about a bird that is cooped up and it is passed along from person to person, until finally someone lets it go. It's two or three pages in pretty big print, but I think you would like it. I'm just glad that the bird got free in the end.
I love those birds-- I don't know what type they are (sparrows mabye?)-- that dot the sky like blueberries in a blueberry muffin. That's really what they remind me of. And I happen to particularly enjoy blueberry muffins. Or watching birds in flight. I am either buy a marimba or binoculars. One is for the band I am in, the other is for birdwatching. I think right now I am going to go with the marimba. I need to practice Olympia. I am playing the bell part, and to tell the truth, the whole song sounds a bit like the Star Wars opening.
That's all for now. May we stay green!!!!!
koby, | Birds
hey! koby! what do you want for crasmas?
Kelly, NY | Birds
A bird crashed into my window and died (so sad) I'm going to bury it, but how do I kinow if it's a girl or a boy?
Kimberly, NY | Birds
I love birds becaz thay sing soins And thay nice. And thats why I love birds. And I bilt a bird house. And I bilt it my self. Also my a name is Kimberly.
kristie, NE | Birds
I like parakets be cause I have2.
Aubrey, OH | Birds
Stephanie,I am very sorry about Frosty.I had a fish named Sam but he died.He died a week and a couple days ago.It is sad when pets die. *****************,AUBREY
Jenika, OR | Birds
Hi, my name is Jenika. I'm almost 12 years old and still watch OPB and PBS when I get home from school. I love OBP and when I was little it was the only thing I could watch.Now I like to watch the science and history shows. I love watching Antequie Road Show. Thanks for a great channel for kids and young adalts. Sincerely,Jenika
Chloe, IL | Birds
My favorite bird is the toucan their so bright and colorfull! some people even have them as pets! i saw it on a website! it was so awesome! when i,m older i,m going to buy a pet toucan, and a gorilla, and a elephant!
HI i got a new gray bird i will take care of her 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% becuse gray birds are vary vary Rare FROSTY WAS VARY RARE THANK YOU ALOT i relly hope you relly like it PLEASE READ IT OK IM AT THE END OF THIS REPORT NOW SO I HOPE TO HEAR BACK VARY VARY SOON FROM YOU OK AND REPORT OF WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS OK IM LEVEING NOW BY!
stephanie, WI | Birds
i got a nother bird it is a tercoise coler so i named her tercoise please report back soon THANK YOU
stephanie, WI | Birds
i love birds i have 16 of them do you have aney ther names are breez noae jerry cristil sunshine dimend halk butterfly emerald frosty snowflak stormy jaden thoes are the names i hope you like my report
karina, AB | Birds
birds are my FAVORITE thing in the world!! the little cute thing spoils the bad day to begin a great day! when i get a budgie i will get a blue budgie and name it Majestic, let it look at its self in the mirror on my purse ( because birds think there is another bird when they look in the mirror.) and i will take 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% care of him/her.!
Clare, CA | Birds
Dear Kristen from PA, A white duck is a girl.
jessica, WV | Birds
how do you tell a male from a female pelican?
Kristen, PA | Birds
How do you know if a white duck is a boy or girl?
cynthia, MD | Birds
I just brought a Cockatiel bird. I want to know if it is a boy or a girl.
morgan, TX | Birds
in got a parrekeet today! I want to know if ti is a girl or boy?
Taylor, PA | Birds
Have you ever seen a puffin before? They are very cool animal. I went to the Baltimore Aquarium and found out so many interesting facts about them and I even got a penny with a puffin on it!!
Clare, CA | Birds
I love birds. I love all animals. I have 19 PETS! I have, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 fish, 1 tortoise, 2 birds, 4 chickens, 1 roster, 4 ducks and 3 turkeys!! That`s a lot! I take very good care of them. -Clare
Lady, MO | Birds
My user name is Lady I picked that name Because I like that name that I picked
Tina, MO | Birds
Birds are all difrit colors and also they're red and blue.
Roxiey, AL | Birds
Hi how can you tell if a sun conure is a boy or girl. if you know i will really like to know. Thanks
Preston, TX | Birds
I have 3 keets and they all seem to get along pretty well I think its ok if you get another one.
stevie, CA | Birds
Why do some people think it's gross to eat the yolk of an egg?
Unknown, UT | Birds
Golden eagles are thought to live 15-20 years in the wild and have been known to live 40-45 years in captive. I am doing a report on them and they are very interesting.
jacob, WI | Birds
revi, NT | Birds
i love are there penguins they are so cut or shod i say they are the most buteful thing in the world
Meg-anne, NY | Birds
im thinking about getting another budgie but fear they may fight help plzxxx
mina, ID | Birds
i want animals photos
alex, MO | Birds
which came first the chicken or the egg?
rita, | Birds
how do i stop my bird pull out his f help
Niki, AL | Birds
My grandfarther has bought 2 birds. A girl who laided eggs before he had her and her husband. I have only seen them once.
sydney, HI | Birds
i love bids
selene, | Birds
If you have a cocataiel how can you tell if it a boy or a girl?
tiffane, SC | Birds
ilove birds
stevie, CA | Birds
hey vero, of CA i have an answer to your question. i have a bird , it's really hard to tell with mine mine's a cockatiel. and no it's not the same with all birds. let's just say you get a ....uh, cockatiel if you get a gray one when it's a baby and it's face turns yellow it's a girl, if you get a white cockatiel you can never tell! stevie
stevie, CA | Birds
hey i have a problem , my pet bird hank, has a really sharp beak, is there any way we can make it less sharp? please help, his beak hurts when he bites me! stevie
May, VA | Birds
well how would you tell some ome that
Mary, FL | Birds
I need hekp with my Nanday. The bird is puling out her fether. she looks like a puck chinken. she has father on her head @ wings. Is there any to stop her? or anything I can put on her to stop her?
Sabrina, CA | Birds
I think birds are the best! I got my bird the beginning of the year and it is great. It's neme is Sunny because of the colores of it's feathers. it is a paakeet.
zach, PA | Birds
budgies are cool birds
Vero, CA | Birds
How can you tell a boy bird froma girl bird? is it the same way to figure it out for all birds?
bre, OH | Birds
my birds tail is dirty i put ia small bowl of water in it's cage but it does not bath in it what do i do?
bre, OH | Birds
i have a pet bird i don't know the type of bird it is it's blue and white with a white and black tail how do i know if it's a boy or girl
Emily, ON | Birds
Birds are amazing, and I am considering being an ornithologist when I grow up, They are beautiful, and it's so amazing to watch them fly, they look like they could skim the clouds. I especially love hawks, red-winged blackbirds, chickadees, owls, and sparrows. It's sad how people keep them locked up in cages though, and won't let them fly.
dog lover, | Birds
cats are mean so are birds. dogs are soooooo awsome
priyanka, PA | Birds
I think we suold help save girds becase a lot of paple kill birds
Emily, NY | Birds
Is my parakeet a boy or girl?
Capri, IL | Birds
Birds are my favorite animal, and cats are my seconed, and dogs are my fortyth. I wanted a lovebird but I got Judy instead. At first I didn't know how to train a bird to not bite you (she was kissind too hard) and then every time i said no, after 5 thousand times she listened finally to not bite and not climb up my head and make 1 thousand knots!!! YAY SHE IS THE SWEETEST!! Oh and Alyssa If It is a malerd its a boy is it has a green head and a girl is all brown. If its not the spicies of a maled I have no clue.
bird lover, NE | Birds
i love birds they are sooooooo cute my sister has one named buddy and believe me they are fun to play with