courtney, MO | Dogs
well i have two dogs of my own and ya i think thay can i mean i tought them to do lots of tricks when i give them treats
javier, TX | Dogs
how old is a crab
promise, SC | Dogs
I have a dog named smokey he is my favorite he is a labador he is black with brown eyes very large had him for seven years it is a boy he is my baby we found him in the woods
promise, SC | Dogs
do you have any dog games?
Vixenfur, IL | Dogs
I feel bad for Shelby. She obviously doesn't know that cats and dogs are BOTH AWESOME. Can you please stop, Shelby? Cats and Dogs are both great pets.
Sydddddd, GA | Dogs
I have a dog he is very smart and knows a few tricks!!!!! I want to know if he can understand what I am saying?????
Uckiela, PQ | Dogs
i have dog, his name is Alec he is mostly a stray, i call him my dog, because he follow me to school, but after school i do not know were he go, i think he follow me because i give him food, but i do not know he might just like me, (I hope he like me) I like dog a lot!!
kayla, FL | Dogs
i lovve dogs very much.
Courtney, IL | Dogs
First off, I am nuts about dogs! They make the best pets! I have a white toy poodle named Cotton and he is the best, sweetest,cutest dog ever. We adopted him from the Yorkville, IL animal control. He was very sick with pneumonia the first couple weeks we had him but he came out of it and is now very active. He weighs about 10 pounds. Cotton is the sweetest dog ever. He loves to play and he not yappy or mean like you may think toy poodles are. He loves other dogs- even big ones and plays with them wonderfully. He only barks when nessesary and loves the outdoors. I take him for walks daily and take him to the dog park about twice a week. I think he would go crazy if he didn't get outside. He has the cutest big black eyes and a little black button nose. Cotton absoulutely loves people! He is so friendly! He is not skittish at all! I love him so much! If you are thinking about getting a dog of any breed please do not get from a breeder or pet store! Pet store puppies come from horrible places called puppy mills where their parents are bred constantley and none of the dogs are given even the basic needs the an animal needs to survive like food, clean water, and adequate shelter, not to mention love. Please adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue. All of the dogs in rescue are just looking for a loving family and a second chance. If you need more info about adopting a dog please go to these great websites- www.aspca.org, www.hsus.org, www.petfinder.com. I promise you will have nothing but joy and happiness with your rescue dog.
Michelle, LA | Dogs
I have a dog . His name is Roo
smart, AL | Dogs
What do you think about last game? That was great but simple...
DimondGirl22, CA | Dogs
I love dogs and i want to be with the all day everyday i havee one that i love, and care about to. my puppyadult is named Samaya my brother adn sister made it up it is sam and then maya so it makes samaya.
Simmy, MA | Dogs
Hi, I like dogs!! I'm not crazy about them like horses but they are pretty cute I like Tiger beat because they have cute pictures of celeberties with their dogs.
JaYLA, CO | Dogs
i love dogs i have one of my own .Its a girl she has been thown do the stairs before,but not by my family.The family before us.Her name is Cloe has lived the longest out of the four dogs the other dogs were all boys.
Nicole, CT | Dogs
How are wild dogs different and the same as a wolf?
Vixenfur, IL | Dogs
To Jennah: Dogs are awesome (so are cats!) Pugs are awesome pets! My mom has one THEY ARE SOO FUNNY AND CUTE!!! I hope you get one!
kayla, BC | Dogs
I love dogs! there are so many different breeds. My favourite breed is Australian shepard.
Vixenfur, | Dogs
I have two dogs a pug and a terrier mix I really love cats too cats and dogs are both REALLY good pets
Anna, NC | Dogs
Hi I have a dog named Jezibel.She is so cute.I am 8 years old.she is 7 years old. I LOVE DOGS.
mia, PA | Dogs
if you WANNA PUPPY ask your mom and dad too find a fried to see if they are sale a puppy pick the one you wont.
Hannah, IL | Dogs
My dog is 6 yearts old and very moody, how do i make her not so moody. please help me.
Tanya, FL | Dogs
I love doggies. I have a farm so I have like 20 something dogs and a lot of horses.. @ gerbels and a couple of cats. POne turtle(big one). and all thosemother little farm animals.
abigail, TN | Dogs
summer, HI | Dogs
I have three dogs their names are P.J, rosco and duchies duchies and p.j are girls and rosco is a boy. I love my dogs and i will never get rid of them.
Blake, LA | Dogs
i have a dog named Max. sometimes he gets a little bit too hyper but i love him. hes a Miniature Dachshund
Jennah, NC | Dogs
Dogs rule! I heard my mom and dad talking and said something about me Christmas and PUGS!!!
josh, NH | Dogs
my dog's breed has a funny name, it's a labradoodle(part labrador, part poodle) and it's name is shiloh. its
abigail, NC, NC | Dogs
hey i think that my dog is so cool she has been on the show pet star and i think sharing things are cool. Im 13 and i love animals thats why i am helping the vets to train and pamper dogs i do it 4 free.
stephanie, WV | Dogs
well madison you call a trainer or get a dog book for his age and breed because some dogs are more intelligent than others.
stephanie, WV | Dogs
I have papillon she is very beautiful and her name is tinkerbell she has an attitude like tinkerbell nice sometimes and sassy another times.
samantha, ON | Dogs
I love dogs a lot
samantha, | Dogs
I have 2 dogs and I love them.
caitlyn, NY | Dogs
i have a puppy only less than 1 inch! i love puppys oya my puppys name is oliva my fav. animal is a puppy!
greatdog, CO | Dogs
I don't have a dog because I don't have time to take care of it but sometimes I help friend by taking care of her dog. he's a great pet
nancy, AL | Dogs
Hello, Good Stuff. I have came across this site several times and never actually made a post. This site has provided me with alot of good information so I think I will contribute by making my first introduction post today.
grace, MT | Dogs
i have 38 sled dogs
apple, CA | Dogs
to:erin i would like to be your friend.my real name is amy.
apple, CA | Dogs
i think the mixture of the wenneir and the poddle is(c)werid
Mira, CA | Dogs
I have a dog. His name is Cocoa. He is cute.
Summer, HI | Dogs
well i'm getting a golden retriever puppy!!!
Katherine, PA | Dogs
I like to watch dragonfly tv.Sometimes I go to the dragonflytv website!Cool stuff!My Dad said he will buy me 4 or 5 fish!Cool!Rock on!
Olivia, NC | Dogs
My family has one dog. His name is Morty. He is an old dog.
Megan, MI | Dogs
I love dogs!!! I have 2 really cute dogs one is a boxer, Jake and he is my baby and the other one is a really nosey German Shorthair, Dane! I LOVE both of them.
Vanessa, WA | Dogs
I have a dog named lady and she is 3 and a half years old. I have a sister named Stella.
Capri, IL | Dogs
Oh Hey everyone! I've changed my mind...I'm 10 now not 7 so I now totally love ALL animals! Now I have to say cats don't drool, CATS RULE DOGS RULE! They're =! Cats may be a pinch smarter, but you gotta admit..dogs win in playfulness and loyalness. I say cats win in smartness and cleaness and cats and dogs are tied in cutness. My sister got a dog and now I love dogs and cats! GO CATS! GO DOGS! Dogs do drool on me a little, but WHO CARES!!!
cade, CA | Dogs
My dogs name is marble.Second,My dads dogs name is pepe andb zeno.My grandpas dogs name is jenni.ALinAL,hadens dogs name is gunner.
Amanda, MA | Dogs
I love Dogs! They are my favorite animals. I have a dog and her name is Erin. She's a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. My friend knows her. My friend says she's my dog's buddie because she loves her.
Madison, WV | Dogs
I have a dog who dosent know any tricks how do you train a dog?
elizabeth, MO | Dogs
I have 2 dogs' and there names' are jelly and skipper. they both have brown eyes'.
Maria, CA | Dogs
i have a dog named freddy and his a husky his just sooooo cute,also dogs rule
arniniika, AL | Dogs
Good site! ... I am forever finding myself coming back to the site for pin data, ... thanks to the people running this show! it is indeed a good site .
10 L, MS | Dogs
I have a catahoula named Dolly when she was a puppy she was so cute.
mADISON, | Dogs
miranda, KY | Dogs
Hey i dont know if any of you all remember me i have a german rot and lately she has been acting strange she wont listen to when i call her if any of you all think you know why a dog might act like this please post a message please.
hoop, IN | Dogs
Annie, CA | Dogs
I like dogs because they are loyal and loving and good companions. And also they can be very smart, except for my dog Rudy. He's not very smart, but he's kind and gentle. Except when he's afraid and then he runs and knocks everything down. He's very fat.
cade, CA | Dogs
I like my dog becaus her name marbale.
mariah, CT | Dogs
I have a dog and he is old aduot 8# and he love peple and is name is Hunter.
Adam, MA | Dogs
I used to have a dog.But my dad went intothe army.My mom couldn't take care of our dog .So we had to bring him back to the shelter.He was a black lab and his name was Buddy and I mss him,but he has a good newhome.
shelby, CA | Dogs
I have a small dog named Cloey she is cute and fun to play with.
phoebe, NY | Dogs
I love dogs I have a golden retreiver and it's very cute!
Saad, WV | Dogs
Nice to see you
cade, CA | Dogs
My dads dogs are zeno and pepa and I can not choose.
baeli, MN | Dogs
how can you train a really hyper puppy?
Marissa, IL | Dogs
Hi it me again with the rare dog that comes from Germany. We are traing our dog to be a therable dog for reading programs, and nurseing homes. I feel so happy when i see the face on people face when they are smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3h Big Dog, MO | Dogs
Dogs are cute when they're puppies
13H MARTHA, MO | Dogs
I like what you said about your puppies.
Freddy, MO | Dogs
Do Dogs eat a lot I do not know maybe you know?
Chewy, MO | Dogs
The dog is cute.
10 H Man Dog, MO | Dogs
I like Dags!
cooldog, ON | Dogs
i love dogs i have 2 big ones newf and a gold lab.their names r soyer and daisy.i used 2 have a cat but it died last year from diobeates.i miss him his name was shadow.
I love my new dog .She is very cute and funny.
sydney, CA | Dogs
I had a dog befor . And I tied Archey up to the house when I went to school.I came back and he was gone.And I never found him agian.
Keoni, NS | Dogs
I own 4 horses 5they are really cool!! Its really cold and wet where I live so I can't ride them yet... My favorite is my copper chestnut mare named Brandy (sierras cee bar) who is 11 years old and really great!! The only problem is that she has arthritis in her back legs so I haven't been able to show her and probably never will but I love her all the same. All my other horses are geldings and i ride them all!! There is one pony pinto max, a big liver colored thoroughbred Q.H. mix and a big grey old appaloosa!! the appaloosa is named oka and the other one is Newman. I love horses!!!!!!!
raven, MI | Dogs
hi i'm raven i just love dogs i have 2 dogs and there names are chip and bluze and love them so much and i have 5 cats too
Harry, IA | Dogs
Hi, my names Harry and im visiting my grandma in Iowa. I brought my dog with me. He is a newfoundland mix and I love him!!!!!
Emily, NC | Dogs
I have a dog . he is very cute
Gerwsdfs, AL | Dogs
Hi. I love this forum and I think I will see a lot around here. I am doing a test in my first post. Regards,
Megan, MI | Dogs
I have a Boxer named Jack, he loves to run around. He is also very affectionate and loves people. I got him last year in November. Oh, he also loves Christmas because he gets yummy presents!!
Jasmine, TN | Dogs
I have a dog, his name is S haka. He is 4 years old and he is geting bigger by the minute.
Brittany, IL | Dogs
Do any of you know the difference between a boy and a girl dog?! My friends dog is going to have puppies around tomarrow night!!! Someone PLEASE help me!!!!!!!!!
alexis, FL | Dogs
hi my name is alexis i have three dogs my first dog's name is sammy my 2et dog's name is lelo we got her from georgia the last dog i had is charlie and that is how i got three dogs
ashlyn , TN | Dogs
i want to do sominging
ruth and jordawna, CA | Dogs
ruth--- i raise guide dogs and her name is charity i also own a black lab named garnet and she was a carrer change i have have a beagle named molly and i have a shelter dog named jouno she is a mutt jordawna---- i have three sheep their names are ... thumper sue lue i have cat named scooter hes the dream cat i have a basset hound lab cross her name is sophie i love her dearly i also have a horse named big belle she is a percheron
marissa, OH | Dogs
my grandma had a dog named snoopy a beagle he was 3 years in dog years he was so cute but somebody left the gate open and he ran away but her other dog didnt follow witch is a pug and germen shepard his name is biggen or sisko he loves him but he must have been sleeping ather whise he would have followed we never found snoopy and nobody turned him in and he didn't have a tag on his collor
Jason, AL | Dogs
Hello! I`m new here. Just wanna say hi to all members. I am Jason.
anna, MA | Dogs
What can you do on this web. is there any pet that you can buy laura Anna
melanie, VA | Dogs
jamie from taxas i don't thimk that you have 15 dogs i have 2 dogs aand they are so cute probaly cutier tahn yours.
Robyn, CA | Dogs
jamie, TX | Dogs
dogs are great! i have 15!
becca, OH | Dogs
HI name is becca brewer i have a dog his name is copper
peter, AL | Dogs
What is everyones hobbies outside of this forum ? I like to play football every weekend myself
Liliantha, MD | Dogs
I love puppies. one time a got to play with puppies that were still drinking their mom's milk!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
Alyssa, AB | Dogs
My favorite dog is a havanese
Eliza, AB | Dogs
dogs rule cats drool
AnimalCrazy, CA | Dogs
Nicole NJ i want to say U R wrong!
sonia, NM | Dogs
hi i'm sonia i'm new here whats your name ?
kayla, FL | Dogs
I love dogs I have a dog his name is kilo we got him at a dog pound and he was going to be put to sleep cause he got into lots of fights befor we got him so we got him for $500 he is so cute and helpful loves most people to just don't be mean to my family and my dogs nice to you...he is very protective...
I love dog
Rachel, NY | Dogs
I love dogs to, there so cute and way more intelligent then cats, Cats are so stupid, they just sleep and purr all the time. I have a dog his name is Lochie and he's a jack russel terrior and he is the cutest dog ever. xoxo
kiara, SC | Dogs
i just love dogs i now a poddle name max and i love cats i have two cats and they where shray cats but now there house cats. bey bey.
amberll, AL | Dogs
Hey I am Amber, just wanted to say hello to all fellow members :) Looking forward to a good time here. Lots of interesting topics I have seen so far.
Sally, LA | Dogs
My dog is bad. She eats anything,by the way,she is a chocolate lab.
Maria, NJ | Dogs
I luv dogs we have two but one of my dog died Dogs Rule!!!!!!
Animal Crazy, CA | Dogs
When i grow up i want 2 be a vet! And im very serious about this!!! Ive wanted to be one since i was 4 or 5 and im 12!! I want to open up a preserve and help wild animals!! I want to be an herbal vet too!
Test, AL | Dogs
Hello G'night
SteveMullo, AL | Dogs
I love this site! I was going to type something more profound but I just got a call and have to go. But I'll be back. :)
luke, IN | Dogs
jj is my dog!
Cheyenne, NC | Dogs
I LUV DOGS!I have since I was 2 and been stuyding them since I was 3!
caroline, CA | Dogs
Dogs Rule! :)
anna, NC | Dogs
i love puppys/dogs so much to bad i cant desing my own puppt/dog i was hoping that this website would help me with that problem. OH BUY THE WAY LOVE THE WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!
Cassidy, ON | Dogs
I love dogs!!!!!Their my favourite kind of animals.I even used to have one.His name was Bailey.He was a labrador retreiver.But I don't have him any more.But it's OK.I might get one when i'm 16 because i'm 8 right now.OK then. BYE BYE!!!!!!
mikey, WI | Dogs
I love my two Boxers!
Nicole, NJ | Dogs
curious about dogs um if u want to find out how long your dog lives find out how long a poodle lives and how long a Cocker spaniel live is your dog mixed with a toy poodle? A miniature or a standard poodle?
Nina, OH | Dogs
Can a dog be righty or a lefty?
Galinasa, AL | Dogs
hello world!
Kirsten, TX | Dogs
I Luv Dogs. I had a dog named Baby but he got sick and died=/
NIcole, NJ | Dogs
DOGS RULE!!!!! CATS DRULE and it is true. dogs are much more intelligent and are really loyal and very protective u don't see people saying scardy-dog now do u??? I have a long haired chihuahua and its name is prince he is soooooooooo cute!! i love him so much and he is very smart and obedient.
deavonna, AK | Dogs
what's up are you nic. I want to be your frnd i'm new on pbs kids.com. so canyou be nic tome.
Test, AL | Dogs
Hi Bye
moonmoon, RI | Dogs
I absoulutly love dogs. Their my favor animal.
Ann, IL | Dogs
Puppies are the best.
Emily, NV | Dogs
I have a mut. We think he is a black lab mixed with a australian shepard. His name is Chewbacca.
Marissa, IL | Dogs
My dog is rare and if I said it you wil think What? I love him. It has it own Town in Germany. THat awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
christy, OH | Dogs
we have 5 dogs. german shepherd/rottwieller, rottwieller, bluetick coon hound/ rottweiller, beagle, mutt
ernest, KY | Dogs
did you know wire fox terer are foxs hunting dogs
Josie, OH | Dogs
I absoulutly love dogs. I want to be a vet i know a lot of people want to be vets but i am serios about being one. I've always wanted to be one ever sense I was 4 thats a long time since Im 12. So post and tell me want u want to be when u are an adult. I want to be a herbal wet. and go organic on all my treatments
kayla, CT | Dogs
I have a Shih Tzu. Her name is Kiki.
Loghikeels, AL | Dogs
Hi! My name is Tomas!
cindy, AZ | Dogs
Shelby, KY sorry but your wrong! saint bernards dont reach 490lbs!!! They rarely reach over 200lb..the biggest dog breed is the english mastiff..the tallest is the irish wolfhound..but the tallest dog in the world currently is a great dane named gibsion he stands over 7 ft tall on i hind legs! I have a great dane. His name is max when he stands up hes taller than my dad! I love great danes!! I also have an american pit bul terrier named ace. They are great dogs, they arnt mean! Its all on how you raise them! Ace goes to dog sows and he visits kids in hospitals. hes a really good dog but its sad that people are so afraid of him!
Kiah, PA | Dogs
Why are there 7 dog years in 1 human year?
angie, WA | Dogs
i have a mini dachshund and her name is mandy. she is 10 weeks old and she is the most adorable puppy you will ever see! i love her so much and she is all mine. i got her as a birthday presant. she is black and tan and i dress her up sometimes!
Marissa, IL | Dogs
Have have a dog its name is Denver. My dog is rare. It came from Germany. I love him. He sooooo cute. He kind hard to take care of him but I still Love him.
Shania, AZ | Dogs
I have a Dachsund and when i kick a soccer ball to him he will play soccer with me!
Shelby, KY | Dogs
Haley aka #1 animal lover We will not stop with the dogs rule cats drool! Cats drool! What did you expect when you came on dogs? CATS ARE PATHETIC! CATS DROOL! DOGS RULE CATS DROOL!
katie, NE | Dogs
i love dogs they are so cute
Carly, CA | Dogs
what is a puppy for?if people dont love em and throw em away?i dont get it....people waste money and perfect dogs who hasnt done anything to you inless bit you but they just need some training.....plz awnser me!