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Cuke Grower X1, FL | Plants
Along with the death of all our plants; I now have no plants. Sad, huh?

Jenny , LA | Plants
Hey! I am in 6th and I need help looking for a project. It has to be about plants. Can you help me find a project?

aaron, VA | Plants
can a plant grow better in a growing light or reagular?

josh, TX | Plants
do you know any thhing about plants

Cuke grower, FL | Plants
My cucumber plant is growing quick. I just grew lettuce, tomatoes,and spinach. The lettuce is being eaten and the tomatoes haven't bloomed.

Cuke grower X1, FL | Plants
dear hannah of PA, venus flytraps can be sold at petsmart and petco. i went there once, and i found a venus flytrap.

Cuke grower X1, FL | Plants
hey you! can you grow a cucumber plant? mine has 1,0000 tiny cucumbers. i also can grow herbs. if anybody doesnt know what cilantro is post it here now. and to you... nicky of MN, what is Melaleuca? is it cheese?

diana, NV | Plants
does anybody knows how to produce plants by their intelligance?

andrea, FL | Plants
sarah PA what plants did you use for your experiment? if u can tell me i will apreciate it thanx andrea FL!!:)

Andrea, FL | Plants
sarah PA thanx soo much for the idea!!!i was looking like crazy and thats such an awesome idea!!!what plants did you use for the expiriment and were the plants inside or outside?

Sony, CA | Plants
So who has a vegetable garden and is growing eggplant this summer?

Nicky, MN | Plants
I did a science experiment on what cleaners do to bean plants. The regular cleaners I used were Palmolive, 409, and I can't remember the others. The Melaleuca cleaners I used were Sol-U-Mel, Lemon Brite, and Tough and Tender. If anyone has questions on what Melaleuca is, post it here!

Accineetymn, AL | Plants
Hello. Let's get acquainted! My name is Jessika.

Caroline, CA | Plants
Does anyone know how to plant hydroponic plants? If you just put them in plain water, they'll float around and drown. Does anyone know a better way to plant them?

Hannah, PA | Plants
Where could you possibly buy a Venus Fly Trap? I really want one, but don't know where to get one at.

Sarah, PA | Plants
I decided that for my sciencefair experiment,I would see how drinks such as water,lemonade, gingerale,and milk affected the growth of plants.The results were shocking!The lemonade grew 1 foot while the water barely grew at all! I think others should try it.

chantale, CA | Plants
I love youre show

Leah, MI | Plants
What's the effect of sugar water on plants ?

stevie, CA | Plants
to something or other, you can take coffee i've heard it's suppoesd to help.

Karina, CA | Plants
I my favorite plants are sunflowers because they are pretty

catherine, OH | Plants
we learned about plants in 2nd grade. plants need water, sun,space,and soil.

Fernanda, TX | Plants
I love roses!!They are so pretty!!

Am!e, CA | Plants
When do i know when to transfer my venis flytrap

stevie, CA | Plants
Did you know that the Indians used the cattail fluff to put in the baby's diaper? Now that's what i call resourceful!

Emily, ON | Plants
My favourite kinds of plants are herbs. Rosemary, Thyme, Anise, dill ect, ect, ect. They smell so wonderful, and make savoury additions to lot's of dishes. They have also been used for many medicinal purposes. They are easy to grow inside on your window ledge, or in your backyard. I also love trees, amny kinds of flowers, and tea leaves.

Deania, FL | Plants
How many of you are planting tomatoes in the summer instead of buying them?

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