grayson, CA | Dolphins
i bet that there are some dolphans out there
rebecca, OK | Dolphins
did you know that dolphins are the niceest mammals in the world and that they are really smart too and that is why they are my favrite animal in the world and that they are so nice and i love dolphines and that is the end of my messag by
Emily, AB | Dolphins
i lov dolphins are they realy fridly
Brenda, NY | Dolphins
What kind of fish do dolphins eat?
teresa, CA | Dolphins
do you know all about dolphins.
Katie, PA | Dolphins
What does it take for a dolphin to love you??!
lani, IA | Dolphins
im doing a report on dolphins and there so interesting! i cant wait to look up some more!
dalia, IL | Dolphins
Jocelyn, IL | Dolphins
What do dolphin's eat
mattie, NC | Dolphins
i love dolphins because i think there cute. i would love to go swim with one. Both my aunts live in florida.
sarah, WV | Dolphins
Dolphins are loveing I love dolphins.
Nicole, MS | Dolphins
Can a dolphin be smater than a human???
kiana, AK | Dolphins
how much do dolphins weigh
orca girl, FL | Dolphins
orca is dolphin too so they are the greates of them all or course because of shamu
Cristina, CA | Dolphins
A pod of dolphins can kill a shark
Dolphins, ID | Dolphins
i love dolphns cause they are cute. I love you dolphins your the best . from mariah
vanessa, NJ | Dolphins
Look I luv dolphins and its sad the way there dieng because of careless people they wouldnt like it if we killed something they luv Parents say its okay 1 day youre here the next you arent but y cant we do something about this If pepole keep polluting and killing the species of 150 dolpfins will extinxct because of careless people us kids can make a diffrence so lets try and save the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROCK ON KIDS SAVE THE EARTH BY OUR SELVES
LIELLE, FL | Dolphins
TALLIE, NJ | Dolphins
Dolphins are so adorable. I would love to live near a beach and always visit them.
Evelyn, MO | Dolphins
O My gosh! ILOVEDOLPINS!!!!!!!!!!!! They need to be saved. Adults need to get their heads out of the clouds AND DO SOMETHING! I mean, they say ''Yeah honey, I know its sad but thats how life is.'' Life dosent have 2 be that way!!!!!! So, what im gettin @ her is, Do somthing. PLEASE!!
kacy, GA | Dolphins
i luv dolphins they are so cute , are they stronger than sharks
Rabia, NY | Dolphins
I LOVE DOLPHINSso much there my favourite animal there the best ever
Courtnie, LA | Dolphins
I love dolphins and if i ever had a chance to live with them i would be so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plox, YT | Dolphins
i like to feel dolphins real nice cos they are cool and they have big flippers and go neigh
Travis, MI | Dolphins
What does dolphins hate alot?
moo may, WA | Dolphins
dolphins are amazing creatures. i love the way they do flips and do tricks in zoos and places. but i also think it is a bit cruell because the dolphins might not like it. but i must say they are amazing and very talanted
angel, | Dolphins
I love Dolphins and dont want them to daai
morgann and micheala, SD | Dolphins
i want to see a dolphin but where are they?
cameron, | Dolphins
dolphins are my favorite animals they are so cute!
Caroline, MO | Dolphins
do you think that if all mail and femail were group
Robyn, CA | Dolphins
When I went to Sea World, I fed the dolphins and petted then. They felt like rubber.
betsy, AZ | Dolphins
We HAVE to save the dolphins. They get caught in fishing nets and drown! I love them. Please help!
AnimalCrazy, CA | Dolphins
sang/kelly NY why do u hate dolphins? i not trying to change how u feel about them just wondering why
Rina, GA | Dolphins
my question is what part of the world do they come from?
rose, NY | Dolphins
dolphins are cute and funny.i wish i could feed a dolphin.dolphins rocks.when i touch a dolphin in the bronx, it feels like my soft blanket.but sometimes i like other animals.
Freddie, FL | Dolphins
I see Dolphins all the time in Tampa Bay, but i wont go in the water with them, they are wild animals, i see sharks alot too. Later
momo, TX | Dolphins
People from Japan kill around20,000 dolphins a year and that is so terrible
Marissa, AL | Dolphins
Do sharks live in The Gulf of Mexico
Dolphins fan, CA | Dolphins
I love Dolphins because they are so silky, bright, protective and beautiful. I was shocked to hear they can kill sharks. I want a dolphin pet now. They are so playful. I am surprised that people are so into dolphins. If they become endangered I will be a very good helper. I want to be afriend to most creatures following Steve Irwin. I love Missy Higgins. I would do anything to see a beautiful and talented DOLPHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Niki, AL | Dolphins
I have a concert soon and i'm a DOLPHN !!!!!
Niki, AL | Dolphins
Dolphins rule! They should get more respect.
AnimalCrazy, CA | Dolphins
Shelby KY u probably didnt know this DOLPHINS R A TYPE OF WHALE!!!
savanah, VA | Dolphins
i want to know what we can do to save the dolphins.
isa, CA | Dolphins
dolphis are really cool thats my favorite animal
Melissa, TX | Dolphins
Dolphins are very smart!
cool girl, OR | Dolphins
dolphins are awsome because they are like so cool and shiny.
luke, | Dolphins
I wish i could have a dolphin in my swimming pool and it would be my best friend i love dolphins so much
ceira, ON | Dolphins
do you know that dolphin's eat up to 4%to 5% of their body weight per day,but a nursing mother may eat up to 8% per day,their hearing is GREAT!!!! they can hear 1 to 150 KHZ per second.
sandy, ON | Dolphins
dolphins are so cute and shiny! i have a question,how does dolphin milk taste like? Hope you write back!
aliyah, CA | Dolphins
dolphins are cute and funny when they splash water at u.when u are at sea world u can feed them and they eat raw fish and when u tuch them they feel like a nown cooked hot dog weenie hahahahahaha:] if u go to see world u would have a grate time. dolphins rule::::::::::::::::::::::}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
CHELSIE, | Dolphins
Dolphins are cute and I love Dolphins I wold like dolphins in my smmwing pool I relly Loves Dolphins and I relly like Dolphins a lots
dayna,nz, | Dolphins
dolphines dont derserve to be treated like thay are now.they derserve to be treated like other animals
layel, AZ | Dolphins
dolphins are so cool and shiny. one time i got to touch a dolphin and they are very SLIMY.
turtlefreak, TX | Dolphins
I don't like dolphins. Turtles rule!
DeAndra, CA | Dolphins
I love Pink dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins they are the best and they are so cute
chelsea, NY | Dolphins
i relly like dolphins they are so cute i relly want one in my back garden they are so butiful i relly love them
Capri, IL | Dolphins
The smartest animal to the least: Dolphins, Chimps, Cats, dogs, horses and all the rest
Shelby, KY | Dolphins
I have found out that Great white sharks can kill a pod of dolphins. Great whites can also kill orcas. Size dosn't matter! Great whites are equipped enough to take down a animal bigger than it! SHARKS AND DOLPHINS RULE! WHALES DROOL! Just like DOGS RULE CATS DROOL!
katie, NE | Dolphins
hi I love dolphins and I would do anything to see one