Gabby, OH | Bugs
Is it ok if a red and black caterpillar get's wet and what do they eat?
tori, NE | Bugs
what wold bugs do
Bug-thats what my friends, TX | Bugs
BETH,what color is the baby catapillar?? __________________ Brooke, it will probably take ~atleast~ 4-6 weeks. __________________ Julia,again ~atleast~ 4-6 weeks __________________ Tayla-they eat other small insects-flys,gnats etc... __________________ Keyanna,give the frog small insects,catch them with a container w/a lid then place the frog in a wet,grassy/leafy container,then add the insect container in the frog container,and add a lid for about 4 min. then take the lid off. ps please-anybody if you catch an animal or bug or insect(there is a difference) please let it free... Thank You
Macy, TX | Bugs
I saw a fuzzy white bug but when you touch it a tinny bit all the hair falls off and it (the bug) is very tiny. Do you know what it is?
Nelly, ND | Bugs
what happends if you put a prymantise and a wasp together? Do they fight? Or What ?
Shannon, AR | Bugs
catipillars need grass,leaves.and water.
Anna, MN | Bugs
Hi Amanda,The bug you saw was probably a Box Elder. They are orange and black but could look Red and black.
Simmy, MA | Bugs
Some bugs are o.k. but believe me, watch out for ticks!
rachel, ID | Bugs
my puppy threw up a brown and black caterpillar...it made her sick....what kind is it. nits not furry..it about 1 inch..kinda looks like a round worm...help me..lol
Bell, MO | Bugs
Amanda from IL we think your bug is a lady bug.
Ashley, UT | Bugs
do black and orange catpillers grow to be a butterfly
Carley, MN | Bugs
Amanda, IL: that red and black bug you found could be any number of things. It could be an asian beetle (looks like a ladybug) or a Bomabier beetle, or anything else. could you describe it a bit more?
Brooke, MS | Bugs
My children found a big green worm, It made its cacoon about 2 days ago. Our question is how long will it stay in the cacoon?
Sophia, AK | Bugs
i hate spiders to Katie and they DO freak ME out and i am sooooo glad i don't have to study insects any more and tayla praying manteses eat other bugs (i just read!)see!!!i am getting soooo crazy!!!lol and i REALLY DO like that i am not studying them we had mealworms and hissing cockroaches in our science room!!!!!and 1 died:(
Amanda, IL | Bugs
i found this bug and it is red and black!!! but what is it?
Yvette, CA | Bugs
I saw a bug about 5inches in length. it was a beige color and it had a big round or oval shaped stomach and then the rest of it was long, about 2-3 in width, with approx. 4-6 legs. I have never seen anything like it, ever! Does anyone know what it might be?
Ashlee, BC | Bugs
one i found a catterpillar and i let it crawl on my hand it was soo cool
Gargi, NY | Bugs
Do u know bugs have more protein than steak!
lizzie, MN | Bugs
what kind food dragonfly eat
Gabby, IA | Bugs
I found a caterpillar it is fusy and brown and I need to know what dose it eat?
averi, ND | Bugs
what do red and black eat
sarah, NY | Bugs
i found a orange,yellowy-white and black moth like thing on the side of my house in mastic beach suffolk county. what is it????? what does it eat???
Rylie, TX | Bugs
What do small yellow catapillars eat?
Katie, WA | Bugs
I hate spiders. I mean I won't run away and scream they just freak me out. (I will run away and scream if there BIG!!!!)
karina, AB | Bugs
once i saw the cutest fuzzy caterpillar and he was so cute!!!!! a bee landed on my nose and i said that was NO BIG DEAL!!!!!!! just so you know bees are fuzzy and wasps are shiny.
shelby, MD | Bugs
i found this little brown and black frog i have no clue what they eat and im going out of town and bringing him please write back some how
Kailey, FL | Bugs
what kind of cattapiller is this? Brown with black spots....hee hee I burned it...lol
Cristian , MD | Bugs
What do caterpillers eat?
Taylor, NE | Bugs
Im at a friends house we found at catapiller and we were wouncering what should we feed it and what should we keep it please aswner me!!!!!!!!!
Julia, TX | Bugs
How long does it take for a caoon to turn into a butterfly?
katie, IL | Bugs
what do inc warm eat ?
geo4, MX | Bugs
how do u get a catapila to have a baby?*********
Fern, | Bugs
I need to know what type of cattarpillar this is.
cain, | Bugs
What do lovebugs eat
ana, AS | Bugs
do baby moths need water.
Payton, OK | Bugs
how long does a caterpillar stay in a cacoon?
Will, | Bugs
Hi there i am doing a project and i just need some information i was just wondering how long does a stag beetle stay in its cocoon for while metamorphosising
Zappy, KS | Bugs
Where can you find caterpillars? And how can you make them survive love enough to be a butterfly? And what enviroment do grasshoppers need?
sabrina, CA | Bugs
do catapillares have hair when there little?
Katy, MO | Bugs
Does anyone know what kind of bug is a yellow and black flying bug
bETH, FL | Bugs
i got this baby cattarpillar and it is not eating. Do baby catterpillars eat?
BUGS NO.1, HI | Bugs
bugs are no.1!! i love ladybirds the most they are amazing, i love the noise their wings make. i also like grass hoppers i like the sounds their legs make. BUGS ROCK !!!! BUGS ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!! BUGS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUGS ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hannah, PA | Bugs
Praying Mantises eat other bugs, when their little you should feed them flightless fruit flies, which you can buy at the pet store. When they get older the eat bigger bugs, like crickets. Its a good idea that if you cant take care of it anymore you should let it go. All caterpillars dont eat leaves, and even the ones that do eat different types of leaves.
Kelly, ON | Bugs
How long does it take for a monarch caterpiller to become a monarch butterfly?
Caroline, CA | Bugs
Has anyone seen a bug that has a really long neck, long antennae,striped body, a pair of wings, and a weird tail type thing? I saw one in my pool a couple of years ago. It might be a type of mayfly and it was really funny looking.
tayla, | Bugs
what do praying manteses eat
Sophie, MO | Bugs
I think bugs are cool. I found a big moth in my pool. It is light brown and bigger than any butterfly I have ever seen. Does anyone have any idea what kind of moth it could be?
nandy, | Bugs
who likes bugs?
maan, AZ | Bugs
i got a preyingmantas bout 6mm long. what do i feed him?
EMI, IL | Bugs
How do you take care of baby praymantisis that I got at school.
Zac, TX | Bugs
I know what all caterpilars eat. They all eat the same thing:LEAVES!
savannah, GA | Bugs
i found this little yellow bug and fuzzy bug in my garden. what kind of bug is it?
Cole, AL | Bugs
what does lady bugs eat?
Maci Adib, AL | Bugs
how do you take care of bugs that are dieing?
alaina, FL | Bugs
Q. what do walking sticks eat????
Dominic, NJ | Bugs
We heard on the show today that a cockroach can live for 10 days without its head. How is that even possible?
gabriella, NE | Bugs
how do u take care of a ladybug?
zachary, MN | Bugs
hi do catarpillars eat planes
Madha, CA | Bugs
What do baby moths look like
Sarah, CO | Bugs
How do you take care of a praymantis.
Niki, AL | Bugs
My cousin loves bugs. In fact she caugh a moth on her finger at our home and set it free.
Hi, AL | Bugs
I'm actually from Australia. Sonia, you can start off by catching lady bugs and letting them free when you're finished. Build tehm a home in a chinese container and see whether they like it. You can usually find them in leafy bushes.
christy, OK | Bugs
i saw what i thought was a very large-the size of my hand, with a long stinger on the end of it, what is this thing ???
kiki557, UT | Bugs
I want to know how long praying mantises live,and How you keep them alive in the winter.
brianna, NC | Bugs
how do i take care of a little frog i found in the wild and i realy want to keep can u take a guess what it might eat i need a respond because i just found it today so i do not want it dieing on so please give me a respond as quik as possible thank u
Sonia, IA | Bugs
I'm SO AFRAID OF BUGS!!! Any tips on learning to like them?
k.e, | Bugs
how do preying mantis eat?
stevie, CA | Bugs
Daer Nerys, of ME, i don't know what type of bug it is but don't touch it! i once picked up a catterpillar with little spikes and i had to go to the doctor. if you ever see one don't touch it sorry to not be able to answer your Q. i hope this helps, stevie
Dillon, IN | Bugs
what do praying mantis eat
Sandy, FL | Bugs
I saw a black fuzzy catrpillar and I am wondering if it stings or not?
Alex, MN | Bugs
Do praying mantises live in minnesota?
kiana, AB | Bugs
i found a caterpillar type of bug that is bright green, hairless has 8 suckers as the back legs and 6 front legs i woundering if this a caterpillar, and if so what does it eat???
princess, | Bugs
i want to know what ants eat
ricky, MO | Bugs
i foune a flying bagworm but i do not know why it is flying it is weird it did look like a fairy but if you saw it close it is not if any on knows about it email me at ricasumm@aol.com plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i am ichin to find out
Nerys, ME | Bugs
i found a very hairy bright yellow cattapillar with big spikes down the center of its body.What is it?
Keyanna, TX | Bugs
I found frogs and a hairyworm, and i can't seem to find what they eat. the LITTLE frogs won't eat nothing, except for this flying bug i found, which i can't find any more. and if i put grass in the cage, it will die, and stink. So what do these animals eat?
Justin, TX | Bugs
What do catapala worms [a strange catapiler that is light green and black that turns into a moth] eat?
Victoria, IN | Bugs
Hi, I'm Victoria from Indiana. I love bugs. Kristine, your catapillar sounds like the Pipevine Swallowtail in my bugbook. Jacob, my dad showed me a Saltmarsh Catapillar Moth in my bugbook, scary!!!
joel, | Bugs
what do baby praymanits eat
Michelle, TX | Bugs
In the past week we have noticed tons of catipillars, their body is black and has long, spiky white hair. They are infesting our yard, trees, and all over the house. Can someone please tell me about them?!?!
taylor and gavin, PE | Bugs
my kids want to no if catapillars have babies
erin, IA | Bugs
how do you take care of inch worms because i have one in a pot in my house at the moment and do they turn into cocoons.
Ben, SC | Bugs
I haven't heard any update on the bees disappearing. Might you have an update?
kristine, ME | Bugs
i found a flourescent pink catterpiller and i dont know what kind it is. or what it will turn into.
Jacob, TX | Bugs
I found a Black fuzzy worm, 1/2 inch thick and 2-3 inches long. It has red horizontal stripes down it's body. Any ideas what this is?
hunter rae, FL | Bugs
catirpillars eat leaves.and do you actually think its good to keep a catirpillar as a pet?
chaz, CO | Bugs
how can i take the best love,food,water,and shelter and give it to my catipillar?
dusty, OK | Bugs
how do you tack care of a catirpillar.
Ethan, HI | Bugs
I found a lighting bug and I had to kill it.
Capri, IL | Bugs
Is it okay if i mention insects?? Well whatever I LOVE HONEYBEES not bumble bees HONEYBEES!!!
wayne, MA | Bugs
i found an inch worm what does it eat? do they become butterflies? why do the hang on strings from the trees?
Darby, NY | Bugs
How do I know what leaf to feed the caterpiller I found?
lauren, NJ | Bugs
I found a tiny light green inch worm, what does this bug eat?