Other Pets
Lauren, FL | Other Pets
All of you guys are lucky! All I have are some silly fish and there my Dads! Someday when I'm 16 I'll get a dog I'm sure of it!
Reiley, ID | Other Pets
I LOVE rats!! they are so cute and adorable! Does anyone else like rats on this page? REILEY
Simmy, MA | Other Pets
Hi, i know that porcupines aren't egg-zacaly pets but i like them. I adopted a porcupine named Spike! He's pretty cute!
Aubrey, OH | Other Pets
I have a hermitcrab.His name is buddy.He is so cute!I LOVE him so much!He is my best bud thats why I named him buddy.Do you guys like hermitcrabs?If you do tell me.
Aubrey, OH | Other Pets
Does anyone LOVE treefrogs?I do and they are so cute!I think they are the best animal ever!Do any of you guys like treefrogs?If you do tell me.And if you don`t tell me your favorite animal.I LOVE TREEFROGS!*****, AUBREY
Zoey, OK | Other Pets
I love animals! I used to have a hamster and her name was aurora, she was sooooooooo sweet!
1of4, BC | Other Pets
I like hamsters alot I even have one. Shirley
anonymous#2, MN | Other Pets
Cats from KY- why do you think that rats are gross? they are really not that bad, they ust get a bad rap because they are often protryaed as disguisting creatures. we raised two rats in school, and i liked them even more than my hampster because they are more playful. so i think that you should at least give the rats a chance.
brianna, CA | Other Pets
I think rabbits are cool because they are cuddley, cute, sweet too. Do you love rabbits??????????????? Because I do.
sadre, CA | Other Pets
ihav a eastern painted turtle but i cant tel if it iz a male ore female!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie, WA | Other Pets
I have 14 chinchillas there so cute!! look them up on the web you'll be glad you did. :-D
Gracie Reginald, NH | Other Pets
Subject: Rabbits Hi! I'm gracie, I just love rabbits!!!! And I wish to have one. well good by!!!
cristina, NY | Other Pets
ferrets i hate them
Caoline, CA | Other Pets
Pets rule!
moo may, WA | Other Pets
I LOVE EVERY ANIMAL TO WALK THE EARTH! i also really love and apperciate endangered animals and i do my best to make a differance and make people think the way i do about them. ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! ANIMALS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Caroline, CA | Other Pets
I didn't mean for my last comment to end up sounding like that! I didn't mean for it to sound mean! Sorry!
Allie, RI | Other Pets
I love a lot of animals! In fact, I have 8 pets!
Sandra, MI | Other Pets
My parakeets have been so nice to each other. I had a boy and just recently got a female for him to have when i am at school. But lately he has been pecking her everytime i come close to them. Then two days ago he started pulling out her feathers when i walk past. Can you please help me figure out what to do? I am worried that he will get to agressive. Is it something i am doing because when i am not around they love each other. or is he jealous making me need to get seperate cages? Thanks in advance
Georgie, GA | Other Pets
I have 10 birds two horses 3 cats (timmy,lona and angie) 4 dogs (Lily,Angel,Hannah Montana,and frisckie) 1 ferett,1 guinea pig,8 rats,3 chinchillas,5 cows,19 chickens and 1 pig, We own a farm.We also have alot of money so we have enough money to buy food toys and litter for all them pets!!!LOL
zach, PA | Other Pets
rats are the best pets ever they are better than chinchillas hamsters rabbits and gunia pigs
lizardz, AZ | Other Pets
cats are awsome! theyare sweet and kind! and very beautiful! they listen to you very well! cats can also do anything a rat, snake,dog, or ferret can do! no should judge ANY animal because of what they've HEARD!
Caroline, CA | Other Pets
Wow,Brittany from New York! You have a ton of pets! Are you a rat breeder or something? I wish I could have that many pets!
Caroline, CA | Other Pets
I have two rats. Their names are Bullwinkle and Sweetie. They are so cute! They are both a little over a year old.I built them a huge playplace made out of boxes and they love it! I totally agree with anyone who loves pet rats that they are the best small pet available!
Caroline, CA | Other Pets
Why criticize a pet you know next to nothing about? If you've never had a ferret, a mouse, a rat,or a cat you should not prejudge them. It's like racism. I do not care if you can't change your opinion, but I am just stating the facts.
Remy, AZ | Other Pets
I have two pet ground squirrels, I got them when they were babies from the wild. They're so kayoot!
Caroline, GA | Other Pets
Just to let y'all know...hermit crabs can't become pregnat in captivity and if your crab is buried, it is probably just molting!
zkjfuilrs, AK | Other Pets
I lov rats because they don't bite if they're domesticated. most hamsters would bite even if their raised with people exept for dwarfs.GO RATS
Cody, CT | Other Pets
In my opinion, chinchilla's are one of the best pets you can ever own, the one I have is about 5 months old, its a male and I named it Willow! He is smart, active, inquisitive, fun, good natured, and frankly quite adorable! The best part is they can live up to 10 - 20 years on average so Ill have him for a long time!
Brittany, NY | Other Pets
Rats are the best, I love my rats so much. They are just wonderful all around. We have: 4 dogs, 6 cats, 2 ferrets, 18 rats, 2 guinea pigs, 1 snake, and 2 birds. I recently lost one of my favorite rats, it's like losing a beloved family member. She was so much more than a rat, she was more human than most people I've met.
Many-animals, | Other Pets
I like Hedgehogs and Chinchillas theyre the best! i love animals. i also have a leopard gecko and a mouse!
100-animals, | Other Pets
Jon, NF I love rats! theyre really cool! i have a muose right know, its named Daniel, but he's pretty old!
Kate, PQ | Other Pets
Personally, I hate hamsters :[ They bite too much. And if you wake them up in the daytime, they're grumpy and mean-spirited. Rats are much better pets; they're naturally social animals, so they actually bond with you (unlike hamsters, who fight eachother to the death and are naturally solitary...)
caroline, CA | Other Pets
rats r super cute!!!
Caroline, CA | Other Pets
i like ferrets but they are illegal in california... But rats are also great pets and i have 2.they are the cleanest and smartest caged pet but they only live 3 years.
Lisa, NY | Other Pets
Seriously guys, I agree with Jon. Some of you really do need to do some more research on rats. Domestic (pet) rats, in many ways, are no different from dogs or any other animal that has been domesticated. Comparing a pet rat to a wild rat is like comparing a dog to a wolf. There is no comparison. If properly cared for rats are VERY clean animals, and extremely gentle. They almost never bite unless they are provoked.
Jon, NF | Other Pets
why don't you guys do some more reaserch on rats. rats are actually much smarter then chinchilla's any kind of breeded rat does not have rabbies. all that chinchillas can do is remember stuff for a long time. dog are good pets except that they are really expensive. there's nothing wrong with cats i don't see what ur problem is. and the guy that wants to know if his hermit crab is pregnant look for eggs in ur tank.
Mat, ON | Other Pets
My hermit crab has buried itself and the othr crab is guarding where it has been buried how can i tell if it is molting dead or pregnant
Ham, CO | Other Pets
what does a girl hermit crab look like if she's pregnat?
zach,, PA | Other Pets
rats are better than hamsters , ferrets and guinea pigs. I do like rabbits and chinchillas
Amanda, OH | Other Pets
I have pet firebelly toads,but one has1 vary long toe on one foot,and thats the only toe she has! The other frog has no toes at all!!! what is hapaning?
Amanda, OH | Other Pets
Most people say oh gross! when they hear I have a pet rat, But rats make grate pets.
Hayley, MN | Other Pets
I love animals... i have a bunch of them... i have a dog, a cat, 5 guinea pigs, a hamster, 7 goldfish, a turtle, and a couple pike and northerns...
arlene, | Other Pets
Land hermit crabs can't breed in captivity. They breed in the ocean
drake, ID | Other Pets
parakeets are the best thing u could get
Becca, NC | Other Pets
shelby(ky) CATS are SOOOOOO MUCH more BETTER than DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chelsea, IA | Other Pets
how can i tell when my hermit crabs are pregnant?
Katie, TX | Other Pets
Can anyone tell me if they know when a hermit crab is pregnant?
stacey, CA | Other Pets
I want to know what the gender of my 2 hermit crabs are. I really want to get another one to see if they have babys. Also, how many hermit crabs fit in a 2 gallon fish tank with no water exept for drinking water.(they are land hermit crabs)
fggf, MA | Other Pets
i have 3 cats 3 birds nd a fish..ps RATS RULE!
sajk, MA | Other Pets
i love rats they are adorable!