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GO, DIEGO, DIEGO! stars Dora the Explorer’s eight-year-old cousin Diego, an action-adventure hero who loves nature and animals. In this interactive play-along show, viewers are directly invited to help Diego with his mission: to rescue animals in trouble. Using observation skills and scientists’ tools such as a computer, a field journal, and a camera, Diego succeeds in his goal while introducing kids to facts about animals.

Cognitive Skills Science
- introduces facts about real animals and habitats
- encourages focus on specific details
- models careful observation and accurate naming and description of things observed
- encourages exploration of the relationship between animal characteristics and environment
- develops awareness of the diversity of living things
- models using technology such as computers and cameras for scientific observation and research
Language and Early Literacy Skills
- develops listening skills
- promotes familiarity with some Spanish words
Social and Emotional Development
- models cooperation
- models asking for help when needed
- models an attitude of helping others
- models respect for the environment

Meet the Creator of Go, Diegeo, Go!