Look for it on NOGGIN!
Jack climbs the beanstalk. The big, bad wolf fails to blow down the
three little pigs' house of bricks. But have you ever asked yourself:
And then what happened?
What would preschool be without stories? And what would our lives be
without storytelling? In addition to NOGGIN's slate of half-hour program
series, the network offers children inter-programming specials aimed at
inspiring curiosity and firing their imaginations. Story Time offers a
series of shorts that feature stories -- and storytelling -- in a fresh
Story Time shorts give your child familiar fairy tales told with the
original characters and plots in an engaging animated style. But this
time, at the conclusion of the original stories, audiences are treated
to additional chapters in the tales from the inventive minds of
preschoolers. These new expanded sequels are narrated by the children
that created them while the viewer witnesses a fanciful new conclusion
unfurl within the animation.

Story Time uses storytelling formats to help young children develop language and critical thinking skills. The series offers preschoolers the opportunity to practice these skills while supporting their understanding of narrative formats. StoryTime encourages curiosity, interest, language acquisition and facility at storytelling.