Balloon Hovercraft
nick nick, MD | Balloon Hovercraft
it want all the way to the sun and when it came down it was on fire
bridgette, OH | Balloon Hovercraft
i try the balloonhovercraft it was cool.
Braden, PA | Balloon Hovercraft
it was awsome! I'm going to make little alien people to put on it
Chevy, NY | Balloon Hovercraft
it went like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
caleb, MO | Balloon Hovercraft
2 feet
lui, UT | Balloon Hovercraft
it went 4ft.jhigh can you belive that now that something to be proud of
skyla and morgan, MA | Balloon Hovercraft
we are going to use this as our science fair experiment
daniel, VA | Balloon Hovercraft
I think 1foot.
lavanyah, | Balloon Hovercraft
more than 2 feet
sarah, NC | Balloon Hovercraft
Jordan, FL | Balloon Hovercraft
jason, | Balloon Hovercraft
It worked I thought It wouldn't work. thanks so much for that ad I hope this submit gets picked. Try to make ahover craft out of a disk a ballon,glue and a water bottle cap. you guys rock.I got a blue ribbon with that experiment. THANKS SO MUCH PBS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erin, FL | Balloon Hovercraft
Gary(my brother) and I built a hovercraft, and it lifted ... 1/2 inch!!!! But at least it lifted!
JOnathoan, MO | Balloon Hovercraft
I know how to make a better hovercraft........
joey, LA | Balloon Hovercraft
i tried it and it flew 'bout five feet in the air then landed on a small table and started gliding on it
alex, | Balloon Hovercraft
I measured it and it went 4 feet 11 inches.I thought it would go up and flip but I was wrong!
poompa, OK | Balloon Hovercraft
80 feet
leonardo, NY | Balloon Hovercraft
24 feet
Alysha, TX | Balloon Hovercraft
wath made you do this expirment