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Soap Fish

sophia, WA | Soap Fish
the dish soap worked so did the liquid hand soap but when we tried olive oil nothing happened. Why?

Tina, NV | Soap Fish
I cut out 2 fish and race my mom.

iuoyo, AL | Soap Fish

Jessi, WA | Soap Fish
I tried whole milk, soap, and apple cider vinegar.The milk started to get clear. The Apple Cider Vinegar made the edges go up dry and came down wet. It also turned in circles. The soap I used was Dawn soap. It made the fish I cut out race across the pan. Instead of 1 fish I did 2 fish.The first fish I did went faster then the second fish.

joel, MN | Soap Fish
i cut 3 fish in the car

megan, TX | Soap Fish
i raced to fish in the bath tub with vinagar

annika, IL | Soap Fish
mine just sunk.

Elizabeth, NY | Soap Fish
i cut out ten fish and raced them in a bucket of water

Julia, IL | Soap Fish
I tested it with a another fish that didnt have soap. The one that did have soap went faster.

abbi, OH | Soap Fish

shiloe, CA | Soap Fish
It workd!The fish swam aroud and i raced the fish down the pan.

Svea, PA | Soap Fish
We used two types of dish washing soap and then bubble bath. We also tried orange juice, ketchup and syrup. Bubble bath was definitely the best!

Nicolas, WI | Soap Fish
When I put the soap drop on the fish, it zoomed forward. I also saw a rainbow on a bubble in the water!

Maura, KY | Soap Fish
my purple light fish went down the soap very fast!

savannah, MD | Soap Fish
they swam realy fast.

Katrina, OH | Soap Fish
I cut three fish, and they kept bumping into each other

dia, WI | Soap Fish
I tried you sing oil but it just sank to the bouttom

EMILY, MN | Soap Fish
I like fish

taeya, OK | Soap Fish
well it was hard but i got it down

violet, MN | Soap Fish
i cut out four fish and raced them in my indoor swimming pool.

Sydni, LA | Soap Fish
I followed all of the directions correctly and made the fish swim. I just don't know how to control them. Before I could figure out how, my brother ate one.

lois, NJ | Soap Fish
I cut out 6 fish , and I put them in the bathtub.

jericho, | Soap Fish
i made 389 spicies of sea creatures and i let them stand and float

VANIQUE, TN | Soap Fish

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