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Soda Geyser

mohamed and salman, AZ | Soda Geyser
was really awsome

joseph, HI | Soda Geyser
it shoots good lava

mohamed, AZ | Soda Geyser
this was so cool my geyser want 8 inches

Sydney, AR | Soda Geyser
I put two different types of gum in mine. It splashed in my face and I wasn't even squatting down!

jaime, | Soda Geyser
wow i aqedetly put 2 boxis of mentos and it looked out 9 incis

ryan, NY | Soda Geyser

chandler, AL | Soda Geyser

Patrick, MI | Soda Geyser
I put two rolls of mentos and it went to about 30 feet

Bailey, AZ | Soda Geyser
It was just awesome!!:D

jordan, NY | Soda Geyser

holley, AZ | Soda Geyser
Hi my name is holley i love sienc.

Thomas, MD | Soda Geyser
A Geyser came up.

jake, NV | Soda Geyser
i got a big one

BOB, NE | Soda Geyser

john, TX | Soda Geyser
i put a whole role of mentos and soda pop candies and it went ten ft in the air.

joanna, | Soda Geyser
it was amasing

Zoe, MO | Soda Geyser
Wow! My geyser got a good 65 inches!

deedee, TX | Soda Geyser
that was relly cool but how does the mentos affect the soda

shashwot, | Soda Geyser

nathan, NC | Soda Geyser
it cep gowing

tammi, CA | Soda Geyser
I put whole roll ofmentos into 6literbottle of a soda and it is cool

ryan, | Soda Geyser
the soda had exsploded every were

Jasmin, MI | Soda Geyser
After I made my results I did it myself and it worked great!

hoang, | Soda Geyser

David, FL | Soda Geyser

arthur, TX | Soda Geyser
it explod good

Jonathan, TX | Soda Geyser
mine went about a foot in the air.

Aldo, BC | Soda Geyser
I tryed it out and got a great geyser!

emily, NC | Soda Geyser
i did not think it rise 10 inchis

mallory, MN | Soda Geyser
thats cool

Lisa, AB | Soda Geyser

Lynn, ID | Soda Geyser
I got 2 2-liter bottles of soda and mixed them and it went 10 inches!

brad, VA | Soda Geyser
you are good

iva, MN | Soda Geyser
I put 2 rolls in a 2 liter bottle it was a awesome geyser

janvi, FL | Soda Geyser
mine looked very simmiler like the pictur does bye bye have a googd day......

dyshirah, NJ | Soda Geyser
thats a little cool

Breia, TN | Soda Geyser
Water Boil oil Do it Be soda

Abraham, NY | Soda Geyser
I put 14 Mentos in a 2-liter bottle and it went 9 feet!My teacher gave me an A+!

riveria, AL | Soda Geyser
that is so short mine was thirteen feet tall

caleb, IN | Soda Geyser
I used a 3-liter in on my table and it went every were

stephanie, FL | Soda Geyser

brittany, NC | Soda Geyser
it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabrina, MA | Soda Geyser
I put 6 Mentos and the root beer flew at least 2 feet

Tharusha, ON | Soda Geyser
It went crazy outside more tham 6 inches !

peter, IA | Soda Geyser
i love science experiments,and this is my favorite!

elizabeth, TX | Soda Geyser
one time i did that before with my brother out side

Nora, NJ | Soda Geyser
My results was 20.in tall!!!! becaus I used 4 botles of soda in a big bautle then I put 4 rolls of Mentos in.It was ausum!!!P.S. I LOVE YOUR SHOW!!!

binky, TX | Soda Geyser
it was coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool !!!!!!!!!

JORDAN, OH | Soda Geyser
I put sticks in holes so it was bigger.

Michael, DE | Soda Geyser
the higher it goes the amazing goes the more angel it is

Michael, DE | Soda Geyser
the higher it goes the amazing goes the more angel it is

angela, TX | Soda Geyser
i like it

sydnie, | Soda Geyser
good work

dario, CA | Soda Geyser
i put a lot of mint and wow it was 12 inch gyser.

Krrish, TX | Soda Geyser
I put 2 Mentos into a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke and got a 6-foot-high geyser!!

Trevor, TN | Soda Geyser
I put in 1 SOUR peice of SMARTIES...It if you made it MORE fizzy and I bet if you put about 20... I bet it will EXPLODE!!TRY IT......GO ON!

ayden, | Soda Geyser
i put in mentos and it went way high

Brayden, UT | Soda Geyser
It went more than 6 inches all right.It went about 4 yards high!

jacara, IN | Soda Geyser
my results were very diffrent it went olny a copule cms.

jr, | Soda Geyser

waldo, | Soda Geyser
omg!(oh my gosh) this expiriment actully worked and it got me and my partner first place in the science fair it was like WOW!

Alex, NC | Soda Geyser
my geyser went 10 inshes

corajane, IL | Soda Geyser
my results was 12 inches

kelyn, FL | Soda Geyser
people are smart with the geyser

Nolee, NC | Soda Geyser
hey it looked really fun when I was trying it but when it was fizzed up it looked boring.

Connor, CA | Soda Geyser
i put 5 Roles in at same time and put the cap on and the bottle exploded

tamarious, | Soda Geyser
i think the mentos had so much sugur and the soda rise

marco, IL | Soda Geyser
it went 2 in a half feet in the air

zack, CA | Soda Geyser
my geyser went more than 6 inches high! i put a whole roll of sugur and candie and got a great geyser.

eniyt, | Soda Geyser

nick, PA | Soda Geyser
it went high as ma and I am 4 feet 5

marf, GA | Soda Geyser
mine was 100 feet high.

yeshahyah, CA | Soda Geyser
it was fun

mario, | Soda Geyser
we have one at school to

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