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Super Spinner

oyin, TX | Super Spinner
i did more than 10 seconds

leissa, NY | Super Spinner
the mask makes itseven times easy I MEAN THE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

nicholas, PA | Super Spinner
we had 7 spins

savannah, MD | Super Spinner
i tried it and when i went to sleep it was still spinning and it did that for fifteen days. it was realy cool!!!!!

Abbigail, GA | Super Spinner
Mine only spun for 6 seconds. It would have done more butt I had too leave.

de quan, SC | Super Spinner
10 minutes is unbelievable

justus, NJ | Super Spinner
10 or more seconds

Renee, NY | Super Spinner
I had a great time

Ayman, | Super Spinner
I love cats the most because they lick people. I watch cartoon is the aristocats.

Vincent, MD | Super Spinner
the results was eleven seconds.

raven, MI | Super Spinner
i like that

aisha, NC | Super Spinner

Abby, ID | Super Spinner
It was so cool! I never did iny thing like that before. I made mine go for 15 seconds!

juanita, WI | Super Spinner
20 seconds

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