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Grow a Crystal

Laura, WA | Grow a Crystal
my results turned out to be pyramid-shaped.

macey, VA | Grow a Crystal
i like what hapind

ally, HI | Grow a Crystal
i am lucky and i just got more lucky cause whan i saw all the votes and i voted for the pyramid shape and it had the most votes

Vanessa, CA | Grow a Crystal
It is awsome!!

lou, MT | Grow a Crystal
it was a delicious experiment but do you have one for growing rock candy

Isabella, NY | Grow a Crystal
Mine grew very quick for some reason. It turned out better than I expected! The activity was really fun. I will tell other people to do it, too.

Maliyah, TN | Grow a Crystal
this is soo cool i caint wait to do it for my science project this year

samantha, FL | Grow a Crystal
my results where that they whee over 3 feet tall and like a circle shape!

summer, CA | Grow a Crystal
not much takes aweek color isblack

ruby, GA | Grow a Crystal
IT'S COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eunice, CA | Grow a Crystal
it may turn to a crystal plant

Briana, TX | Grow a Crystal
I did your idea and it turned out great.

Alphonse, NJ | Grow a Crystal
It does not work

Alphonse, NJ | Grow a Crystal
It is jagged

KASSY, FL | Grow a Crystal
my crystil is blue and it is mostly my brothers

Emma, WA | Grow a Crystal

yoge, NY | Grow a Crystal
Will the crystal be flat like a piece of paper, or will it be 3-d? Please answer, I need this project done in 4 days.

shelby, CA | Grow a Crystal

mariane, TN | Grow a Crystal
my result turned to be a pyramid shape.

michal, IL | Grow a Crystal
its so coooolll!!!!

naija, NY | Grow a Crystal
it was a pyramid

Amy & Kara, MO | Grow a Crystal
We are going to try to grow a crystal.It sounds like fun.We will try to mix food coloring to the crystal, like someone else did.

Mercedes, PA | Grow a Crystal
um... my crystals grew but they took like a week for me. and they r so awsome. im going to take them to school and sell them. im serious! they are actully shaped like dimonds.

Leo, IL | Grow a Crystal
It was cool way it foms

Victoria, IL | Grow a Crystal
We added purple food coloring to our crystals and they ended up in the shape of our square. Our class did this and we all had to put a post-it on the bottom. The coolest part was that the post-it had crystals growing all over. Within a week it was covered in crystals entirely.

mykel, NY | Grow a Crystal
i looked and said wow!

vishal, CA | Grow a Crystal
it turned out to be good

Naim, TX | Grow a Crystal
I didn't do it yet!!But I will.Don't worry!!!!!!!!!!

ramiro, TX | Grow a Crystal
my friends thought it was magic and thought i was rich!!!!!1

amani, TX | Grow a Crystal
when i did this it looked square plus it was really fun

savanna, NC | Grow a Crystal
it was blue.

Ernie, TX | Grow a Crystal
How did you do that.That Imaizing im vry impress of that,but im your frend

yo yo, OH | Grow a Crystal
it was all spiky and clear

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