Rolling Jar Race
rachel, NJ | Rolling Jar Race
the water filled jar rolled faster because it was heavyer the other jar was filled with air and sorronded with air so it did not move as much
Victoria, | Rolling Jar Race
Well i tried it with water and air filled and i egg with air filled and rock with air fillend and nothing with nothing and then air with no cap and air with cap. The fastest one was with the cap off =]
dre, OK | Rolling Jar Race
water was faster
Alexis, NJ | Rolling Jar Race
My results are 50%.
Jacob, NC | Rolling Jar Race
Water filed went faster
Gemima, | Rolling Jar Race
The water filled jar won.
calvin, WA | Rolling Jar Race
the water filled jar went down the tabletop first
calvin, WA | Rolling Jar Race
the one with water rolled faster
tori, | Rolling Jar Race
water filled jar was faster
brittany , OH | Rolling Jar Race
the water filled jar moves faster because the water is going on each side to help weigh it down to move
Ryan, NY | Rolling Jar Race
The water filled jar rolled faster and continued to roll further. Sometimes the water filled jar would roll backwards almost to starting position.
Ahni, WI | Rolling Jar Race
the Coconut milk jar went faster, then the beans went farther than any other