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Invisible Ink

dd, IL | Invisible Ink
it is hard

Jondell Saxon, GA | Invisible Ink
Grape Juice

jordan, SC | Invisible Ink
this experment is awsome

Arpi, CA | Invisible Ink
I tried to make a message show up by putting apple juice but it didnt show.

zoe, NC | Invisible Ink
first i let the paper dry it ended up that maybe the acids of coloring ing the juice revealedd an esily invisible image AWSOME !!!!!!!!

libby, FL | Invisible Ink
uit was bad. but io'll try afgain

madi, OH | Invisible Ink
it made grape juice

madelyn, IN | Invisible Ink
It was okay it was fun.It was awsome1

taylor, ND | Invisible Ink
it worked but i made a mess with the apple juice so i had to clean it up with a tiny paint brush

omar, TX | Invisible Ink
it was grape juice

mikala, KY | Invisible Ink
it fizzed it said science rocks i love science i hope you do to.

nalyejah, NY | Invisible Ink
what will you eat.

michele, WA | Invisible Ink
my words barely showed until i tried again

deonte, LA | Invisible Ink
apple juice

erin, TX | Invisible Ink
the first time Itrid it it did'twork the second time it did.

Nicole, PA | Invisible Ink
Well, I watched a live TV show and they grape-juiced it. It worked!

jocelyn, CA | Invisible Ink
I wrote that my sis rocks and it turned up in seconds with the grape juice

Rose, | Invisible Ink

carolina, NJ | Invisible Ink
i wrote go scince fair ! i tried to use it with lemon juice but it didn't work as good as with grape juice! i recomended to many people if you want for a science fair project. i would keep it to me! shhhhhh

herren, RI | Invisible Ink
the grape juice worked but so did cherry juice

Leahna, TX | Invisible Ink
it worked better than the apple juice and orange juice, they just looked weird

Cedar, AK | Invisible Ink
I made a mix apple juice whith grape juice and and it showed nice and clear.

Robert, CA | Invisible Ink
grape was a perfect condiment for the project!!!

Taylor, IL | Invisible Ink
I like inviseable ink!

Temani, NC | Invisible Ink
i got the message to show up with grape juice

giggles, NY | Invisible Ink
it worked with apple not grape or orange

Lindsay, NC | Invisible Ink
I tried Orange juice and I could see it perfectly.My mom told me that lemonade would work.It did!

Cathy, UT | Invisible Ink
I can still see it!

Sean, NC | Invisible Ink
well i tryed grape juice it dident work i couldent use apple or orange becouse i did not hav it!!! non worked.

rocket, | Invisible Ink
its kind of cool

Katrina, NV | Invisible Ink
IT was wierd. Ya know why? It worked,but it was different words.It was probably thestress of moving,but it was wierd

Sara, NY | Invisible Ink
I used white croyon and it showed up

All, | Invisible Ink
Well when I did it it did not work so i tried sprite instead.

fiona, SD | Invisible Ink
i like your thing and science is great

kyle, UT | Invisible Ink
i tryed all those other juices and they dont work grape juice did it was fun to try thanks

Vincent, MD | Invisible Ink
cause you said it.

Sukhpreet, | Invisible Ink
the same thing happned as Camille.

savannah, AL | Invisible Ink
i thought it was apple because its clear.

arlind, PA | Invisible Ink
grape juice

Ladan, WA | Invisible Ink

Juliette, CA | Invisible Ink
Now, me and my friend do this all the time!!!! Except, we waste all the grape jucie!!!

jennifer, NY | Invisible Ink
i did it and it turn green

Rocio, NY | Invisible Ink
grape JUCIE

Melany, FL | Invisible Ink

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