Cloud in a Bottle
jill, LA | Cloud in a Bottle
loved it
enigiah, DC | Cloud in a Bottle
this science projects are cool
Caleb and Emily, OR | Cloud in a Bottle
Wow!! We did it three times and the longer we squeezed the bottle, the bigger the cloud! That was cool. We liked shaking it!
proma, | Cloud in a Bottle
while sqeezeing
Lola, NY | Cloud in a Bottle
i see the cloud after releasing the the squeeze from the bottle.
cheyeanna, CA | Cloud in a Bottle
after releasing the bottle a cloud formed.
aaron, MO | Cloud in a Bottle
When you squeeze it all is clear, but when you release there is a cloud!
ENIGIAH , FL | Cloud in a Bottle
angel, NY | Cloud in a Bottle
cloud appeared after i opened the bottle
bob, | Cloud in a Bottle
I messed up :{
joselle, IL | Cloud in a Bottle
after realeasing the bottle
nelson, WI | Cloud in a Bottle
it worked
alexander, FL | Cloud in a Bottle
opening the cap
lynn, CA | Cloud in a Bottle
it did not work
erica, ND | Cloud in a Bottle
I loved it.
jonathan, CA | Cloud in a Bottle
my interesting result was when I released the bottle a fogy image appeared in the bottle
vincent, MD | Cloud in a Bottle
because the water gets stuff did to it and when i opened the bottle and a cloud come out.
XZAVYON, KS | Cloud in a Bottle
it was when i saw it.and i hope my results is on DragonFly tv this sunday!
Max, WA | Cloud in a Bottle
We didn't see any cloud in the bottle. So, we put in he water first and shook the bottle, the we put in the smoke. The cloud went away when we squezed the bottle
christina, TN | Cloud in a Bottle
dejon, | Cloud in a Bottle
wooooooooooow it worked