Penny Drop
Inam ur Rehman, AB | Penny Drop
The water drop didn't
fall over because the water formed a miniscus ( I did not spell it correctly)
raf, | Penny Drop
my dad flipeed the peeny
maddie, AZ | Penny Drop
i love pbs kids bany bany is cool
ASIA, FL | Penny Drop
enrique, TX | Penny Drop
i went you to more cool stuff
Tara, MO | Penny Drop
I tried water, juice, and soy milk. I got 5 drops of water, 4 drops of juice, and 3 drops of soy milk.
teonickia, TN | Penny Drop
it was the nickel!!!!!
Shaili, NC | Penny Drop
I got 41 drops on the Nickel! even if it took 2 day to do it.
destinie, TX | Penny Drop
i got a lot of good sci stuff i like this the most
celena, WA | Penny Drop
The results I got were that if you use water, it stays the best because of the adhesion and cohesion of a penny
Laura, UT | Penny Drop
I tried all three of them and a penny sure could hold a lot of water but the nickle held the most
Shayndn, WI | Penny Drop
I got 14 drops. It was actually pretty cool!
RJ, MO | Penny Drop
This penny wasn't very good at holding water. It only held 17 drops. But the nickel was better. This nickel was better than any other nickel.
sarah, MN | Penny Drop
i was useing water and go 50 drops with the nickle 42 with dime 43 with penny and for a quater i got90
bronwyn, AL | Penny Drop
I got everything from my kitchen like vinegar,milk and LOTS more but a nickel held the most water , water is cool!!!!
Susan, OH | Penny Drop
I got 52 Drops on a nickel
cj, MO | Penny Drop
I tried everthing I got 12 drops with water 18 drops with soda and win I mickst them together I got 13 drops!
Sean, NY | Penny Drop
I tried water and canola oil. The coins always held more water than oil. The bigger the coin, the more water drops it held. The silver dollar held 85 drops of water!
micheal, TX | Penny Drop
it did not work
danny, NC | Penny Drop
i say the dime takes the most water .
matthew shaw, NJ | Penny Drop
i put 39 drops on it
Kute, | Penny Drop
it was hard but as you all maybe guess that the water could stay on the penny longer then others. So there you got it! if you could think of any other way then great fine! It...this was a great experement! =) :) :)!!!!!!!!!!
colter, BC | Penny Drop
because the nickles are bigger
Jillian, OR | Penny Drop
I tried tea tree oil and water. when I did the tea tree oil on the dime I found out tee tree oil is not very adhesive.
Hezekiah, MN | Penny Drop
I got 8 drops on a dime
zach, IA | Penny Drop
it can sink in water?
alison, TX | Penny Drop
my resulst wer rigth because the nickle is the biger and holds more.