Soup Can Derby
Kayla, MI | Soup Can Derby
My results were Brothi got broth because brothe is more smoother and easy to move with compared to others
tiffany, CA | Soup Can Derby
i did a good job.
katie, PA | Soup Can Derby
I tried it and themeat and veggiesoup can won!Didn't think thatwould happen!
patience, SK | Soup Can Derby
it was fun my broth rolled faster than my other one was chunky and I WON!!!!!!!!! it was not amazing
Maria, MA | Soup Can Derby
I found that the diameter and weight of the can don't make much of a difference, like I had suspected. I think this was because they did not differ very drastically. However, I found that the contents of the can did matter a lot. The more watery the contents were, the faster the can rolled. I think this was because there was less friction being put on the can from the inside contents.
Katrina, NV | Soup Can Derby
What happened was: I found out that, at least for me, that bigger cans with watery contents rolled faster.
ZACK, CA | Soup Can Derby
I got a chicken broth can and a wider soup can.I made a ramp in my dining room.When I let go I saw that that the thinner one went faster
Brian, | Soup Can Derby
pretty cool Results Guys
dale, MD | Soup Can Derby
my results were negetive
An, TX | Soup Can Derby
My class and I did it as a project.First, we jotted down notes from the can.Then, we were ready to test it out.We tried it out many times.The results were that the heavier cans rolled faster and steadier.We then realized that if you try it on a smooth surface,the results will be more accurate.
PNIRAVEE, | Soup Can Derby
Molly, AK | Soup Can Derby
The cans that were heaviest rolled down the fastest!