Fish Mummy
samira, OH | Fish Mummy
i loved making mummy fish.it smelled just like rotting eggs.it felt just like a worm covered in ice cubes. at first i was scared to touch the fish, after a while i got used to holding the egyptian fish. thank you guys for reading my results of the day i made a mummy fish. see you next time and please try your best to make a mummy fish.
nick, CA | Fish Mummy
nick hi fish like fish aways
John, IL | Fish Mummy
I do not win
christian, IL | Fish Mummy
I hope I win
laila, BC | Fish Mummy
man many parts of the fish was soft and the eye was soft too
hannah, AZ | Fish Mummy
dry and flaky.
kian, MN | Fish Mummy
i'm eating a fillt-o-fish!
ASIA, FL | Fish Mummy
erika or erb, CA | Fish Mummy
my sister cept licking the powder off! EWWW!
brianna, FL | Fish Mummy
the first week it smelled like my dads sock the next week it felt wet and the next dry and flaky i wanted to do nit becuase it sounditeresting i think when ever theres and experiment like this ill do it for sure...
lucy, MD | Fish Mummy
it sounded interesting to me.
Jordan, FL | Fish Mummy
It smelled horrible the first week, then the next week, even more horrible!
Alex, MN | Fish Mummy
my flacky fish turned yellow
Amari, IL | Fish Mummy
my results came out cool i saw the way it came out flaky and wierd it smelled foul
Abigail, TN | Fish Mummy
Our fish actually gained weight. It went from 243 grams to 245 grams after 2 weeks.
Emily, CA | Fish Mummy
It was very dry and flaky. It was so cool when I did it. Even though I don't like the smell of fish. Yuck!
Colin, NH | Fish Mummy
I tried theexperiment fishmummy. It feltpale and dry.It was interesting.
cool, | Fish Mummy
i hated the smell.THE END
imani, TX | Fish Mummy
they were dry flaky and (peeuu) were they stinky
myel, OH | Fish Mummy
i wode like my fishdry a fish.
brelee, OH | Fish Mummy
what to know about fish
ifkin, | Fish Mummy
Vincent, MD | Fish Mummy
Because it was below the sun and it dried.
ian, | Fish Mummy
it smeld bad dut it was soft for some im in 4th gred so dont laughit was cool!!!!! thoe
sadrianna, IL | Fish Mummy
your fish is scary
Kiara, FL | Fish Mummy
it was nasty and groose . i thought i was about to faint from the stentch .
liz, CA | Fish Mummy
the fish was flakey
ALIA (oleeu), AK | Fish Mummy
I used a salmon. It had a different texture,and feeling than the Trout I used for comparison. I also used a smaller fish,stickleback.
abigail, GA | Fish Mummy
it was groes but i geas cool