Cartesian Diver
KENADY, IA | Cartesian Diver
Amanda, NJ | Cartesian Diver
I think that when the diver sank thewater weighed less.
Sage, MO | Cartesian Diver
I noticed that the water inside is parted if you squeeze down where it is. The diver went under 'cause of the force in your hands.The water shoots upward going over the diver and when the water set back down, the diver came out of the water because the water dropped.
Bailey, MI | Cartesian Diver
it gets heaver because the air is trapped inside.
Eli, MA | Cartesian Diver
Hi my name is Eli. We did two rounds of the diver do it. in the first round it just did not work but in the second round one floated then sunk but didn't come back up I wonder why?
Ji , HI | Cartesian Diver
My results were the when I squeezed the bottle, the diver sank all the way to the bottom. But when I didn't squeeze the bottle, it would float!It was AWESOME!
Lizzy, GA | Cartesian Diver
When I squeezed the bottle, the straw floated up. When I squeezed it again, it came down.
nahum14, FL | Cartesian Diver
19% the diver gets heavier 62% the air bubble inside the diver shrinks 18% the diver weighs less
chloe, | Cartesian Diver
it exploded
yin, MA | Cartesian Diver
when i squeeze the bottle it exploded.
Grace, WA | Cartesian Diver
I think the waterhas more effectto the clay. sothe air bubbleinside the divershrinks!!
satvika, DE | Cartesian Diver
Vincent, MD | Cartesian Diver
Because when you sqeeze the water pushes the diver up.
Kaleigh, CA | Cartesian Diver
i tried this and it didnt work!!!!=( ..
carson, SC | Cartesian Diver
the air bubble inside the diver shrinks
warren, OK | Cartesian Diver
my thing went stoopid hi - fill the bottle with gas KA-BOOM!