Chew that Gum
LINDA, FL | Chew that Gum
Iuyo, AL | Chew that Gum
When did it i used no suger gum... it seemed to weigh hevier after five minutes but then i came to ten and i weight it again... it weight almost nothing...
BRIANNA, OH | Chew that Gum
kylie, OH | Chew that Gum
it is hevier because when you don't swallow the suger it will weigh more and all the suger comes back to the gum
grace, HI | Chew that Gum
my results went well like what you said in the pharagraph.
amanda, TN | Chew that Gum
there the same 2 me
Amy, OR | Chew that Gum
When I chewed my gum, it got lighter. It was an interesting outcome. I enjoyed the experiment because I like to chew gum!
alexis, FL | Chew that Gum
i weighed the sugarless gum and it weighed a whole lot more than the regular gum that i weighed
taite, FL | Chew that Gum
i chewed my gum and it felt a little hevier but not much hevier.
Marcus, MN | Chew that Gum
I had no change in the weghit exepct for 1/12 of an ounce!!
trevor, SD | Chew that Gum
his face goes in the cake.
kailyn, FL | Chew that Gum
i gopt it right
raneccia, MS | Chew that Gum
i thank your doing a great job
Chantal, ON | Chew that Gum
I tried full sugar bubble gum. I thought that the gum would be lighter because I would swallow the sugar. Before chewing, ti weighed 1/2 ounce. After chewing, it weighed 1/4 ounce.
ella, CT | Chew that Gum
I chewed gum it was heavy at first.Then I took it out of my mouth it was lighter!
Angelica, CO | Chew that Gum
I knew that it would weigh more than before it got chewed because it has saliva in it. Do you think i'am smart?! tell me!
milli, CA | Chew that Gum
this seems really cool to try. I might do this for my science fair project. it should get an A
Megan, | Chew that Gum
omg the results were amazing , like never before .. it went right before my eyes, like honostely i couldnt handle it !
wilcox, AZ | Chew that Gum
it was varey big
lana, | Chew that Gum
my results were amazing it turned ou so different than i thought it would!!!! koolio
lashaunda glover, SC | Chew that Gum
i don't et what i was think it would be
Daxter, CT | Chew that Gum
First, I tried sugar bubble gum. I thought that the gum would be heavier, because it has something regular doesn't....sugar,but it will get lighter when I consume the sugar. Before I chewed the gum it weighed 1/5 oz. After I chewed the gum it weighed 1/10!
BABA, | Chew that Gum
Dasha, WI | Chew that Gum
It did not work!!!!!!!
Sigi, NH | Chew that Gum
I thought the regular sugar gum would weigh more after chewing. Before chewing the 3 gum were 23 gram. After chewing, it weighed 15gm. I guess there were 8gm of sugar in the gum. That's a lot of sugar!!!
zachary, SD | Chew that Gum
Myesha, NC | Chew that Gum
I am going to try it for the science fair
Lakendra, | Chew that Gum
The gum gets heavier because of the salavia.
katelin, AL | Chew that Gum
the boy might of ate it
jazmine, AK | Chew that Gum
weigh more
Owenda, GA | Chew that Gum
the same I thought it would weigh more because ur saliva makes it heavier but it actully weighs less
Ashley, MS | Chew that Gum
My results for the full sugar before chewing it were 0.4 onces.My hypothesis was that the gum would be less since I would swollow the sugar.After I wieghed it the second time it wieghed less.
Ashley, MS | Chew that Gum
My results for the sugarless gum before I chewed it were 0.2 ozs.The results after I chewed it were 0.o ozs.
Taryn, OK | Chew that Gum
I looged on to dragonfly tv and judt picked one.
Andy, GA | Chew that Gum
I got the same weight.
juhad, NC | Chew that Gum
it wil grow more
casandra, IL | Chew that Gum
the gum weigh more becuase the saliva got all over it and after chewing it for a long timeit got hard and made it hard and heavy.
Myesha, IL | Chew that Gum
The gum got heavier when I kept on chewing. Then when I started to blow it, the gum was hard to blow because my jaws hurt!!!
JANIQUA, OK | Chew that Gum
fill, RI | Chew that Gum
I dropped mine on the ground out side and it became full of sand so it wayed more
Bob, CA | Chew that Gum
mine became gross and wet so my mom wouldn't let me put it on the scale.
Beverly, MA | Chew that Gum
when I chewed it it got a little bit heavier.
Marvin, GA | Chew that Gum
The gum was spitty so it weighed more.
emotionla, NY | Chew that Gum
thats koo dud
kiera, AL | Chew that Gum
it gets bigger!!!!so it needs to be hevyer
sean, | Chew that Gum
how to make sut fly. I love dftv so i whach every weeked. . . [-]
esmne, FL | Chew that Gum
an investigative question is a question that you can research and prove
Cynterria, GA | Chew that Gum
hi I see how you did it these is a fun thing to do.
jen, OH | Chew that Gum
Weigh less
jason, OH | Chew that Gum
i had the same weight
Me, FL | Chew that Gum
mariah, MN | Chew that Gum
adrianna, NY | Chew that Gum
I only chewed sugar free gum I thought that would way the same but after i chewed it for 5minutes it wayed less
vivica, VA | Chew that Gum
thats coooool
zayra, | Chew that Gum
when i was chewing gumiwight the same thing .sinserlyzayra
Kathryn, WI | Chew that Gum
At, first i chewed sugarless bubble gum and i thought it would weigh more, because i thought my siliva would put more weight onto the gum, but it accualy stayed the same. It weighed in at 1/4 ounce.
Cathy, UT | Chew that Gum
Ben you put the sugar it weighed about 1/2 ounce right and then you chewed it then it would get more hevier because when you chew it your spit gets in it and then you said it was 1/4 ounce so it will get more hevier.
BEN, MN | Chew that Gum
elizabeth, NC | Chew that Gum
My gum got heavyer as chewed it. that is what happend when i chewed my gum
Sequoia, PA | Chew that Gum
IDid it on my brother and he swollowed it.
azariah, IL | Chew that Gum
can you help me on a science project
rara, PA | Chew that Gum
when you chew the gum you add spit to it so it should get heiver
kendall, 5th grade, IL | Chew that Gum
the gum weighed heaver because it had all of my spit in it! And before i put it in my mouth it was well a dry piece of bubble gum!
HAILEY, IL | Chew that Gum
lily, GA | Chew that Gum
it got hever becaus the sliva got it it and made it hever but my dad thout it heve too!!!
victoria, NV | Chew that Gum
it felt hevey.
anicia, FL | Chew that Gum
it was heavyer
Sainty, NC | Chew that Gum
Sugar is a major ingredient n gum,and the chewing process allows the gum to dissolve in your saliva. When you swallow, the sugar goes down your throat.This makes the gum weigh less than what you started with. The little bit of saliva that mixes in with the chewed up gum adds only part of the weight back. So therefore and in conclusion, it weighed less
gabriel, AL | Chew that Gum
it was cool
Kate, WA | Chew that Gum
I thouht the gum would be lighter because I swallowed the sugar. But it was not!
emily, PA | Chew that Gum
wow it is cool hi hi hi hi hi
abra, | Chew that Gum
i gess it would weigh less. but at the end it weighed more .
vanessa, CA | Chew that Gum
When I chewed the gum it whas heaveir, because it was in a ball and when I blew it up it weighed less. I think because when you blow it up it weighs less like a baloon, and it has air so it weighs less.
jill, OH | Chew that Gum
it wieghs more because theres spit and slobber on it
jacqueline, UT | Chew that Gum
how to make a fossil.get some clay roll the clay stick your hand in the clay take out your hand and this is a one minite fossil.if you want you could dig a hole and put the one minite old fossil in the hole then years go by then your one minite old fossil hardens.it will become into a fossil.then scintists could find your fossil or you could find your harden fossil may be.dont forget to let your fossil dry.
nisha, GA | Chew that Gum
it is ways more because when you put it in your mouth it is thin as paper.but when you chew it for a couple of minutes it would put on more wieght .
denee, | Chew that Gum
how did it work. please tell
RYAN, TX | Chew that Gum
june, TX | Chew that Gum
myn way 1/5ounce it was cool I love pbs kids.
kaitlin, MS | Chew that Gum
it got smaller
Ckalah, HI | Chew that Gum
It was heavier because of the spit in it from my mouth
tyler, NY | Chew that Gum
well i thout that it was koll
Lucy, NY | Chew that Gum
I thought the sugarless gum would weigh heavy but it came
CANDIE, HI | Chew that Gum
joshua, CA | Chew that Gum
First when I weighed it was 1/3 ounces. Then after I chewed, and weighed it again it was 2/0 ounces.
benjamin, MN | Chew that Gum
i tried sugar gum and i thought that 1/3 pound and it was reality four of the gum were 100/oo gallons
makaila, MN | Chew that Gum
i blew it up and it popped all over my face it was hard to get it off
veldo, | Chew that Gum
i weighed more
ALEX, | Chew that Gum
brittany, FL | Chew that Gum
kool i might do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
raven, MI | Chew that Gum
that is cool
abhinav, TX | Chew that Gum
first,i tried dubble bubbl,and it weighed more.
Yaritza, CA | Chew that Gum
Is Cool Because Its Heavier Because Of The Saliva.
Kristopher, CA | Chew that Gum
Before chewing, my gum weighed 15.0 grams. After 10 minutes it weighed 4.4 grams. It lost 10.6 grams. I then weighed 10.6 grams of sugar to see how much sugar was in the gum. YIKES! Maybe sugar free gum is a good option from now on.
diquan, IL | Chew that Gum
first the bubble pop
tanner, SD | Chew that Gum
it way less becaues of the air
cierra, FL | Chew that Gum
i chewed and chewed wayed it walla a less pounded piece of gum
pita, CA | Chew that Gum
when i tested the gum first it weighed 1/3then onces it was chewed it weight 1/4
Fields School, 4th-8th gr, OR | Chew that Gum
3/5 of our class hypothesized that the gum would weigh less, because it would lose it's sugar content. The other 2/5 predicted that it would wiegh more, due to the additon of the saliva. However, when we gathered our data, the results proved that the gum weighed less, after being chewed. Now we wonder if their would be a diffence, had we used sugar free gum?
Sophie, NY | Chew that Gum
The surgar free gum wieghed the least because there was no surgar in it. The gum with sugar in it still had sugar so it wieghed more. Thank you for listening to me! I love you all and have a good day!
alyssa, TX | Chew that Gum
My Gum weighted the same
natalie, FL | Chew that Gum
that when i didnt chew the gum,it weighed less,and when i chewed it it weighed more.