Foam Tower
Annika, WA | Foam Tower
My tower was 9 inches! I used my mom's hand mixer, but the results were watery. So I tried my mom's Kitchen Aid mixer, and turned it on for 40 seconds. It was so so fluffy! I shaped it for about 20 min. My tower was very successful!!!!
lindsey, SD | Foam Tower
I had to mix it more than a ten minutes,but it fun!!
grayson, GA | Foam Tower
i made a 20ft tower
nissrine (niss-reen), NC | Foam Tower
When I left my tower and came back it felt light,it felt like snow!
lydia, | Foam Tower
ihad to use a egg beeter.
Kristina, NC | Foam Tower
My foam tower was less than 6 inches - maybe 4 inches. I got foam all over my hands. I had fun.
heather, GA | Foam Tower
it wus cool and fun.
danielle, | Foam Tower
my tower was about 25 inches
khalid, | Foam Tower
you are grat.
paul, OH | Foam Tower
i made it 7 inches. i followed the recipe.5 minutes is how i stir,d it
Allecia, WA | Foam Tower
My friend and I had to use the mixer for about 15 minutes and then, We were able to get enought suds for ten inches! It Was wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katelyn, WA | Foam Tower
My friend and I had to use the mixer for 15 minutes and then, We were finally able to get enough suds for 10inches!
madison, WA | Foam Tower
I did the foam tower in a school thing called techreach. My tower was 4in tall!!! i mixed a whole bunch and i had to use a whole bunch of soap but my tower wouldn't stay standing!!!! Im going to try at my house in my backyard with bubble bath!!!!!
Sarah, WA | Foam Tower
my tower was COMPLETE mushee-mushee
Miranda, WA | Foam Tower
Our tower wasn't very tall.It was only 4 inches tall.
Mari, FL | Foam Tower
Yes! I made a 4 foot tower after building up suds for 1 hour.
Jacob, NC | Foam Tower
At first I struggled to make the tower tall. But as I kept at it and did'nt give up it worked just great.
nicholas, NC | Foam Tower
I had to mix for a long time at high
Susan, OH | Foam Tower
It was cool I had to mix for an hour but I got 3 feet- thanks!
shaden, AZ | Foam Tower
i got it up to 13 inches!
Graham, NY | Foam Tower
We tried and tried, then we finally got it to 11 inches
blake, TX | Foam Tower
take one cup of water and poar it in a soda botel and poar soda in the botel and clos the lid titlea sono mess hapins.