Conduction Countdown
jessica, NM | Conduction Countdown
the butter on the metal knife came off first which means metal is warmer than plastic
hannah, AZ | Conduction Countdown
the melted nife
Aike, SC | Conduction Countdown
the metal knife will conduct
Angelica, CO | Conduction Countdown
i expiremented the project and got th e metal knife because i did.(Thank you very much)
annamarie, ND | Conduction Countdown
daer dftv this is the forst tim that i wet on dftv web- site
frank jimenez, TX | Conduction Countdown
the metal khnif
alyssa, FL | Conduction Countdown
my results i got was the metal knife
fike, CA | Conduction Countdown
i orange pink knife
maribel, TX | Conduction Countdown
the metal knife
Megan, | Conduction Countdown
I found out that the butter fell off the metal knife first
rosa, WA | Conduction Countdown
i was right
shorty, TX | Conduction Countdown
meatl works better
Leana, GA | Conduction Countdown
The metal knife
Vincent, MD | Conduction Countdown
Because when metal is heated anything that touches the knife gets heated too.
Miley, OH | Conduction Countdown
My results were that when I put them in hot water that you could snap and it fell off!
tally, MO | Conduction Countdown
the metal knife melted first because metal gets realy hot.one time my friend was stirring mac,n chese with a metal spoon it got realy hot