ISMAIL, OH | Whirligig
it was a disaster!
felicia, TX | Whirligig
it fly rily fast i was winnig
Jae, TX | Whirligig
To test which would come down the slowest my mom and I made helicopters out of the same size paper but with wider or skinnier blades. The once with the widest blades came down the slowest.
ginna, KY | Whirligig
they were so nice today do it right now but we have a big game today but we don't have so we have so see yyou later so we to get it now so boy.
Tamerian, TX | Whirligig
Dear ,you guys can you send me one i do not have one please send me one.Thank You
Natalie, FL | Whirligig
When you drop it, it acts like a helicopter and if you've seen one you know the blades are wide, so the wider the blades- the slower it falls. P.S. Imagine how slow it would be if they made the world's biggest whirligig.